Chapter 232 Complete defeat, super strong Hudi!
The second half of the game started soon, and Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu walked on the field again.

Although the three elves were lost, Tian Mu still seemed to be full of confidence. He took out the elf ball with a smile and threw it out: "Come out, Hu Di!"

A white light flashed, and a bony Hu Di appeared on the field. His eyes were half-closed, but his eyes were like knives. Just looking at Xiao Luo made Xiao Luo sweat all over his body.In addition, the two strands of beard in front of this Hu Di's mouth are very long, hanging straight on the ground.The spoon in his hand was also worn out, as if it was about to break at any moment.

"He actually has such an elf!" Xiao Luo was secretly startled.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Luo took out a poke ball and threw it out: "King Hippo, it's up to you!"

A white light flashed, and the Hippo King appeared on the field panting. This was the first time that he did not appear in front of everyone in a leisurely manner.

Hu Di felt very dangerous as Xiaoluo, and the Hippo King didn't have much physical strength left, so it was impossible to beat Hu Di.Xiao Luo just wanted to use King Hippo to test Hu Di's strength. Although this approach was unfair to King Hippo, Xiao Luo didn't care too much.

"Hippo King, use illusion!" Xiao Luo took the lead in commanding.

King Hippo's eyes turned pure white, and he looked at Hu Di.

"Hu Di, we also use illusion!"

Hu Di held two spoons, his eyes also turned pure white, and he looked at the Hippo King.

The super power rippled, and the whole field seemed to be distorted, and many tiny ice cubes on the field floated independently and swayed slightly.

"Come on, Hippo King, full power!"

"La - all -"

There was a bright blue light all over the Hippo King's body, and a circle of blue ripples spread out and spread towards Hu Diji.

"Hmph, Hu Di, solve it!"


Hu Di slapped lightly, and the super power surged and was spherical, centered on himself, and spread to the surroundings.The ripples of the Hippo King hit it without causing any ripples.

Hippo King's superpowers were retreating steadily, and his face became extremely ugly.Afterwards, the light curtain finally spread in front of King Hippo, and King Hippo was inevitably bound in mid-air, like a dead object, unable to move.


Hu Di swung his spoons, and the hippopotamus flew upside down as if he had been hit hard, hitting the wall of the meeting place hard, rebounding two or three meters before falling unconsciously to the ground...

"King Hippo loses his ability to fight, Hu Di wins!"

Xiao Luo took back the Hippo King with an ugly face. This is the first time Xiao Luo has encountered an elf whose super power is stronger than the Hippo King.

After some thought, Xiao Luo carefully took out the fourth elf: "It's time for you to play, Fossil Pterosaur!"


A white light flashed, and a huge fossil pterosaur roared up to the sky, glanced aggressively at Hudi, and then flapped its wings and flew up.

"Hu Di, use illusion!"

Hu Di's eyes were white, looking at the fossil pterosaur high in the sky.

"Fossil pterosaur, move at high speed!"

The moving figure of the fossil flashed continuously, moving up and down, left and right in the air, becoming difficult to capture.

"Hmph, Hu Di, explode!"


Hu Di let out a long cry, his super power surged, and a faint light curtain spread around.

Xiao Luo was startled, and hurriedly commanded: "Fossil pterosaur, hurry up!"

The fossil pterosaur looked at the rapidly spreading light curtain and also sensed the danger. Its wings fluttered and rushed to the sky.

"You can't run away, Hu Di, use teleportation!"

Hu Di's figure disappeared directly from the field, and suddenly appeared above the fossil pterosaur.

The sudden appearance of Hu Di startled the fossil pterosaur that was taking off, and at this moment, Tian Mu said again: "It's now, phantom light!"

Hu Di crossed his spoons, and a beam of colored light shot out instantly, and the fossil pterosaur was hit by the phantom light before it had time to react.An explosion sounded in the air, and the fossil pterosaur roared in pain and fell towards the ground.

How can it be!

Xiao Luo looked at the fallen fossil pterosaur with a face full of disbelief.

"Fossil pterosaur, fly up!" Seeing that the fossil pterosaur was about to fall to the ground, Xiao Luo roared loudly.

At the last moment, the fossil pterosaur finally found a balance point, spread its wings, circled against the ground, and flew up again.

"Hu Di, teleport!"

"Fossil pterosaur, highly mobile!"

Hu Di appeared next to the fossil pterosaur.

call out!
The fossil pterosaur also dodged far away as if teleporting.

Hu Di teleported again.

call out!
The Fossil Pterosaur moves away again.


After a while, Tian Mu gave up such an attack and commanded again: "Hu Di, predict the future!"

Hu Di was covered in blue fluorescent light, floating in mid-air, with his two spoons crossed, a beam of colored light rushed into the clouds and disappeared.

"Damn it, Fossil Pterosaur, use Crush!"

After the addition of two high-speed movements, the fossil pterosaur was so fast that it was almost invisible, and rushed towards Hudi.

"Hu Di, illusion, we must catch it this time."


Hu Di's eyes were white, and the blue light curtain burst out again.The fossil pterosaur that plunged into the light curtain stopped instantly, and was controlled in midair with a look of horror!

"Well done, that's it, beat it down!"


Hu Di pressed both hands, and the fossilized pterosaur quickly fell towards the field as if struck by lightning.

The ice field was smashed by the fossil pterosaur, a large splash of water was splashed, and the huge body of the fossil pterosaur fell into the pool.This also let Xiao Luo breathe a little bit, with the effect of water buoyancy, the damage may be less.


The ice field was once again broken through a big hole by the fossil pterosaur from below, and an angry roar resounded throughout the field.

The fossil pterosaur flew up again, looking at Hu Di from a distance with an angry expression on his face.

"Fossil pterosaur, use the rock blade!"


The fossil pterosaur roared, and two white bands of light appeared around its body, which turned into sharp stones and hit Hudi with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

"Illusion bounces back!"

Hu Di stretched out the spoon with both hands, and the illusion was issued. The rock blade that hit was slowly controlled, and then turned around and hit the fossil pterosaur.

The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings, dodging the returning sharp blade.However, at this moment, there was a thunder in the clear sky, and a thick colored light fell from the sky, engulfing the fossilized pterosaur.A miserable cry came from the mouth of the fossil pterosaur, and the huge dragon body fell to the field again.

"The fossilized pterosaur loses its ability to fight, Hu Di wins!"

"What a fool!" Tian Mu praised Hu Di with a smile.

Xiao Luo was both ashamed and angry. The shame was that the mighty fossil pterosaur was defeated without even touching the Hudi; the anger was that Tian Mu's smile seemed to have won the game.

Damn Xipi, if you don't show off your power, you treat me like a HELLOKITTY!

With a gloomy face, Xiao Luo took the fossil pterosaur back, took out an elf ball and threw it out without any hesitation: "Master is very angry, and the consequences will be serious! Tianmu, you'd better admit defeat!"

Tian Mu was slightly taken aback, looked at Xiao Luo's elf, smiled and said: "You are joking, Xiao Luo!"

Xiao Luo shook his head helplessly, and said to himself: "If you listen to people's persuasion, you will have enough to eat; if you don't listen to people's persuasion, you will break your face. Don't blame me..."

(End of this chapter)

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