Chapter 233 Appears one after another!

As soon as Xiao Luo left the venue, the battle kicked off.

The fiery-tempered Lightning Bird was the first to be unable to bear it, and covered the Three Divine Beasts and Phoenix King with a cloud of lightning.

Feng Wang was very angry when he saw this, and just about to show some color to the lightning bird who provoked its dignity, Lei Gong roared and jumped forward.Seeing Lei Gong like this, King Feng stopped his figure with a pleased expression.

I saw that Lei Gong was full of electric power, and he also shot a piece of lightning to meet him. The pieces of lightning were intertwined in midair, bursting out with dazzling light, and dissipated each other in the sound of explosions.

Seeing that the Lightning Bird hadn't done anything, the Flame Bird opened its mouth and a bloody red flame spewed out, aiming at Lei Gong.Although Emperor Yan had a rift with Lei Gong, it was about the dignity of the masters at this moment, so it temporarily put aside the unhappiness with Lei Gong, and jumped out when the flames hit.A thick pillar of flame spewed out from its mouth, resisting the flame bird's attack.The two flames are meeting to form a very spectacular wall of fire, the scorching breath permeates, the space dances, and the whole sky seems to be burning.

On the other hand, Suicune's IQ is quite high, seeing that this battle is unavoidable, he can't attack Frozen Bird, and a colored light hits it when he opens his mouth.Fortunately, Frozen Bird has been paying attention to Suicune's movements. When the colorful light hits, it flaps its wings and flies up. While dodging the attack, a powerful freezing light covers it.

After the three divine beasts jumped to avoid the attack, they ran around the field, staring at their opponents and attacking continuously.All of a sudden, red noises rang out throughout the venue, and the shaking ground made people panic.

"Hmph, I knew these two silly dogs would turn against me." After Shantian Liu glanced at the six beasts who were having fun beating, he looked at Feng Wang again and said, "But even with their help, you still escape today." not drop."


The Phoenix King let out a long cry and ignored him. Flames rose around his body, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, and charged towards Rogia with a strong aura of destruction.

Lugia was not afraid either, he flapped his wings, and a blue water polo appeared around his body, wrapped it up, and rushed towards King Feng.

The space oscillates, colliding with dazzling white light, and with a loud bang, strong winds rage, scorching white water vapor covers the entire site, and the site shakes violently, as if a certain elf released a strong earthquake, making everyone present The trainer fell to the ground.

"This is too scary. We can't intervene at all, boss, what should we do?"

The middle-aged man who was the leader of the alliance trainer got up from the ground in embarrassment, gritted his teeth, and said: "Retreat first, this is beyond our ability, I believe the upper echelon will find a way to solve it."

Under the leadership of the three leaders, the alliance trainer reluctantly withdrew from the venue.The venue that was originally extremely lively, now there are only a few people left.


After such a strong impact, the two peak beasts were still intact, facing each other far away.

Afterwards, Rogia let out a long cry, and a thick spiral water column hit Feng Wang on the opposite side with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

Feng Wang opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of multicolored flames to meet him.The two ultimate moves collided with each other, and there was another violent explosion...

Afterwards, the two elves hovered in the air continuously, either fighting close to each other or attacking from a long distance.

"Yameng, hurry up, time is running out!" Yamada Liu flew above Ajun and Tianmu in Kuailong at this moment, and shouted at Yameng.

After Yameng glanced at Yamada Liu, his body floated up, wanting to fly over to help Lugia fight against the Phoenix King.

As soon as Yameng moved, Mage Genggui moved with him, and his body flashed in front of Yameng. When he put his hands together, a shadow ball hit Yameng.

Yameng had no choice but to open his shield to resist Mage Genggui's attack. Then, Yameng condensed a pitch-black energy ball in his hand and hit it at Mage Genggui.

Darkley flew up and stood in front of Geng Gui. He stretched out his hands and was covered by a black shield. The energy ball hit the shield. Although Darkley flew back a certain distance, the shield did not was broken open.

At the same time, Celebi also flew to Mage Geng Gui, and an energy ball hit Ya Meng, forcing Ya Meng to retreat.

"Mage Genggui, Celebi, Darkley!?" Yamada Liu noticed these three elves.If you encounter these three elves in normal times, it may be very excited, and try all means to take it for yourself.But at this critical moment, these three elves faintly gave him a very bad feeling.

"What's going on?" Shan Tianliu asked A Jun and Tian Mu.

"These are Xiao Luo's elves!" Tian Mu's face turned bitter, with a lonely expression.

Since the appearance of these elves of Xiao Luo, it has completely understood one thing - it is far from Xiao Luo's opponent.It's ridiculous that I thought I could defeat him with a divine beast, but his fiery monkey made me lose confidence in winning, and the appearance of these divine beasts made the situation even worse.Tian Mu's originally proud heart was completely shattered by Xiao Luo's blow at this moment.

"Xiao Luo?" Shan Tianliu was a little puzzled, the name was very familiar to him.

"The boy trainer that Sakagi said!?" Yamada Liu finally remembered where he had heard this name.

"Hmph, no matter who it is, there must be no mistakes in this plan!" Yamada Liu snorted coldly, and said to Ah Jun: "You are responsible for pestering these three beasts, and let Yameng help you deal with King Feng .We must take Feng Wang away before the alliance support arrives."

"Got it, Master!"

After Ah Jun responded, he took out five elf balls and threw them out: "Go, Wei Li, Circle Bear, Water Arrow Turtle, Kuailong, Gentleman Crow!"

"Don't even think about it!" On the other side, Ake saw that the other party had such an idea, and thought of Xiao Luo's instructions before leaving, he threw out his five elf balls without any hesitation.

Dao Dao white light flashed, and Bangira, Kuailong, Geng Gui, Duck-billed Flame Dragon, and Gotha Duck appeared on the field at the same time, confronting the five elves of Ah Jun one by one.

"Hmph, come out, Hu Di, armor bird!" Seeing this, Yamada Liu also took out two poke balls and threw them out.

"Kuailong, you go too!" Tian Mu also had to send his last elf to fight.

"Hu Di, Armor Bird, Kuailong, you go and help Yameng!"

After the three elves heard Yamada Liu's command, they rushed towards Geng Gui and the other three elves.

But before they got close, the space in front of them trembled, and one person and one elf appeared in front of the three elves: "Master, I'm back, let's go Bi Diao, Gyarados, Fire-breathing Dragon, Fiery Monkey, Kuailong, Bangira! "

White light flashed, except for the fiery monkey and Benjila who appeared on the ground steadily, the other four elves appeared side by side in the midair, their huge bodies covered this small piece of sky, and the sulky Bi Diao took advantage of it. When Tianmu's Kuailong was in a daze, he swung his wings and knocked Kuailong to the ground.Seeing this, the Gyarados unceremoniously threw out its tail, knocking the armored bird closest to it to the ground.The fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon shot at Hu Di at the same time, but Hu Di, who was slowed down by God, avoided it with teleportation.

The two elves didn't chase after them, and just looked down at A Jun's five elves from the sky, which also made A Jun very nervous.Judging from the power just now, he already understood that none of Xiao Luo's elves was easy to deal with.Especially the mage evolution stone on the fire-breathing dragon's neck made him even more vigilant.

At the moment, Xiao Luo is controlled by Xanadu, hiding behind the four elves.While everyone's eyes were attracted by the four elves, he reached out and took out a bright white feather from the backpack brought by the elf center, shaking it quickly.

Xiao Luo's reappearance brought the scene to a stalemate for a moment.

After Xiao Luo felt that it was almost the same, he put away his feathers and said, "I don't want to make things difficult for you, why not just like this, we don't help Feng Wang, and you don't even want to help the replica Lugia. How about it?"

Yamada Liu sized Xiao Luo up and asked, "You are Xiao Luo? Sure enough, you are a hero. No wonder even Sakagi is afraid of you. If you really do what you say, then this plan will be a complete failure. gone."

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "If you fail this time, there will be a next time, and there will be a next time, as long as I don't touch it, you can do whatever you want."

Yamada Liu asked, "Why are you helping Feng Wang so much?"

"I have a grudge against the Rockets!"

Yamada Liu was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses instantly, and replied, "Don't worry, we are not Team Rocket, and this time it's just a cooperative relationship."

Apparently Yamada Liu already has the intention of giving in.

Xiao Luo shook his head and said with a smile: "Cooperation is not good either. Everything that is good for the Rockets is not good for me. I can't ignore it."

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about. But if you think that this can destroy my plan, then you are very wrong."

Xiao Luo looked at him, smiled and said nothing.He knew that Yamada Liu was about to show his last card.

Just when Xanadu moved instantly, he vaguely saw a hidden figure, which is why he was so eager to shake Rogia's feather.

"Although doing so will owe a lot of favors, but at this point, I don't care about so much." Yamada Liu looked up at the sky with a serious face, and shouted: "Come out, Reshiram!"


A deep, distant humming sound came out slowly, and a white figure swooped down from a high altitude...

(There is only one chapter today! It’s too late to come back!)

(End of this chapter)

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