Chapter 234 A Familiar Breath!
The figure was not tall, not even as majestic as the bald bird, but it was extremely majestic.When it rushed to the field, all the elves and trainers couldn't help but cast their eyes on it, but it remained calm and calm.

Yamada Liu was obviously very excited to see Reshiram, with naked greed in his eyes.

Reshiram seemed to feel his gaze, and glanced at him indifferently, and just one glance made Yamada Yanagi's whole body tense, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Reshiram, I know I can't command you." Yamada Liu wiped off the cold sweat and said to Leishi Ram, "But I have an agreement with N, this time I don't expect you to help me deal with Feng Wang, I just hope you can help me stop that trainer and his elves."

Yamada Liu pointed to Xiao Luo.

Reshiram looked at Xiao Luo, then at Xiao Luo's elves, but didn't make a sound.

"Reshiram, you need to know the purpose of N asking you to come." Yamada Yanagi saw that Reshiram seemed to be hesitating, so he increased his voice.

Reshiram ignored him, but looked at Xiao Luo, and said, "I can feel an extraordinary aura about you."


Xiao Luo snorted coldly and didn't speak. Although she vaguely felt it was it when she teleported just now, when she really saw the real body, her heart was still full of turmoil.

N? The leader of the plasma group.Only he can command Reshiram, and it can be seen from this that this Reshiram is not a replica.The appearance of Reshiram made things suddenly complicated.

N, Yamada Yanagi, the Rockets, what is the connection between these three?
Seeing Xiao Luo's attitude, Reshiram didn't care, but looked up into the distance: "I can feel another extremely powerful being approaching at a high speed."

Hearing what it said, Xiao Luo looked much better. If nothing else happened, Lugia should be on his way.Although it is not on the ocean at the moment, since Rogia met the Creator God last time, Xiao Luo believes that Rogia will still take his call seriously.

"Your elves are very powerful. Although I don't want to engage in unnecessary battles, I was entrusted by N and had to do something for that person..." Reshiram paused, and then said again: " If you can, I hope you don't interfere in the affairs here, which is good for both of you and me."

Xiao Luo said angrily: "As a high-ranking beast, do you have the heart to see Feng Wang reduced to a human research object? Aren't you afraid of Arceus' condemnation and punishment?"

Reshiram was silent for a while, and said lightly: "Some things, even if they go against the heart, have to be done."

"Ma Dan, if the young master didn't lose his face, he would have called the boss of the creation world to beat you all over the face." Xiao Luo was filled with resentment in her heart, but she had no choice but to face this situation.

Reshiram is definitely one of the top beasts. It wants to stop itself, but Geng Gui and the three of them really have nothing to do.

"Yameng, hurry up and help Rogia deal with King Feng."

After Yamada Yanagi saw that Reshiram agreed to make a move, he immediately commanded Yameng to deal with Howang with joy.

After Yameng took a look at Reshiram, he flew up and flew towards the battlefield between Phoenix King and Rogia.

Mage Geng Gui subconsciously wanted to rush up to stop Yameng, a scorching flame came across in an instant, passed in front of Mage Geng Gui, and stopped him, the scorching breath made Mage Geng Gui startled.

"Brat, do you really want to help that man deal with us?"

Ghost Lord was furious, he yelled at Reshiram regardless of the identity of the opponent's beast.

Reshiram glanced at it lightly and said, "Don't move, I won't make a move."

"Brat, you are courting death!"

For being in frequent contact with Arceus, and thinking that he is one of the elves appointed by Arceus to protect Xiao Luo, coupled with his own strength, Geng Gui really lacks the respect he should have for divine beasts.Except for Arceus, of course.

"You can try!"

"Ghost, don't move around, we'll just watch here." Seeing Geng Gui's eagerness to try, Xiao Luo hastily stopped him.


The addition of Yameng made the battle between Fengwang and Rogia suddenly appear one-sided.After all, both elves have the capital to fight Feng Wang alone, and now they are two against one, and Feng Wang is naturally no match.

As time passed, King Feng's mournful cries became more and more frequent, and the scars on his body became more and more.Yamada Liu couldn't help but fly over in Kuailong, ready to subdue King Feng at any time.

Just after Yameng blocked a sacred flame from King Feng, Rogia took the opportunity to make a move, and an extremely thick spiral jet of water sprayed out, knocking King Feng to the ground.Seeing this, Yamada Liu immediately threw out a special fiery red elf ball.The elf ball collided with Feng Wang, and then opened, a piece of red light gushed out, and Feng Wang was taken in.

However, after shaking the poke ball twice, it opened again and flew back to Dao Yamada Liu's hand.

"Human, you are courting death!"

King Feng was furious, and opened his mouth, and a colorful flame shot towards Yamada Liu and Kuailong.

Rogia rushed over, protected by a huge blue water curtain, resisting the attack of flames.On the other side, Yameng took the opportunity to hit Feng Wang with a pitch-black energy ball, and with a bang, Feng Wang uttered another cry of pain.

The Phoenix King wailed, and the Three God Beasts became anxious immediately, and began to attack the Three God Birds recklessly, trying to solve their opponents and help Phoenix King.

Although the three divine birds are replicas, their strength is unquestionable. Facing the ferocious attacks of the three divine beasts, they still kept their faces intact and resisted them one by one without making provocative chirps.

Lugia once again sprayed out a strong water column and hit Feng Wang, Feng Wang fluttered his wings and flew away to dodge.

call out!
A pitch-black energy ball opened, and Phoenix King avoided it again in embarrassment. The originally gorgeous and bright feathers became dirty at this moment, which was extremely inconsistent with its nobility and holiness.

Rogia shook his fleshy wings and attacked powerfully.

King Feng roared angrily, and went up to him not to be outdone.

Although Feng Wang was injured, the collision was still evenly matched, and the two elves stuck together like this, competing vigorously.

On the other side, a dark purple protective cover appeared on Yameng's body. He bent over and rushed towards King Feng.


A very special voice sounded suddenly, and a ray of red gold seemed to appear out of thin air, blocking Yameng in front of him, but Yameng couldn't hold back his momentum, and slammed into it.The powerful impact made Yameng fly out in an instant, and an extremely strong boom burst out in the distance.

Afterwards, a pure white figure slashed obliquely like a battlefield, and knocked Rogia who was fighting with Phoenix King into the air.

"finally come!"

Xiao Luo's hanging heart finally let go, and the hand that was clinging to the original bracelet also let go naturally.


For Rogia's appearance, Feng Wang was extremely surprised.


Rogia nodded friendly and asked aloud, "How are you?"

Feng Wang took a few breaths, then let out a long cry, and a burst of milky white fluorescence appeared on his body.With the appearance of fluorescence, the scars on Phoenix King's body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, Feng Wang moved, shattering the fluorescent light, and regained his noble and gorgeous appearance.

"never mind!"

Lugia nodded, stood side by side with Phoenix King, looked at Lugia and Yameng opposite, and said: "These two elves are not simple, I feel very familiar with them."

King Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked aloud: "Do you know what's going on? At first I was still wondering how humans could easily copy so many and powerful beasts."

Rogia carefully looked at the two elves on the opposite side, and sighed: "I hope my guess is wrong, otherwise the matter will be serious, and it is far beyond what you can fight against."

Feng Wang was shocked and said: "How is this possible! Could it be Lord Arceus?"

Rogia shook his head and said, "It's not Lord Arceus."

After hearing that it was not Lord Arceus, the Phoenix King relaxed.However, Rogia's next sentence made it startled again.

"It's an elf that Lord Arceus can't do anything about!"


(You probably know which one it is -0-, if you don't know, just guess!!! Please leave a thousand comments!! Let me have a meal and continue to code Chapter 2!!)

(End of this chapter)

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