Chapter 235 A Drop of Phoenix King's Blood!

"Why! Why did Rogia appear, how could Rogia appear..."

Yamada Liu screamed in his heart, in order to capture Feng Wang, he made full preparations.Not only did he borrow Yameng from his own research 8 from Sakagi, but he also paid a huge price to the plasma group in exchange for Reshiram's shot just in case.Unexpectedly, in the end, Yameng was stopped by a little-known young trainer, and another Rogia was killed, which made everything he did go to waste.

"Reshiram, if you deal with Rogia, I can agree to all the conditions of N." Rogia's appearance made Yamada Yanagi red-eyed.

Hearing Yamada Liu's shout, Xiao Luo suddenly felt his eyelids straighten, and nodded slightly to the three elves including Mage Geng Gui.After receiving Xiao Luo's signal, the three elves surrounded Reshiram.In case Reshiram went to support Yameng.

Reshiram turned a blind eye to the movements of the three elves, but said to Yamada Yanagi: "I can't promise you your conditions!"

"Why?" Yamada Liu asked angrily.

"There's no reason, even if I make a move, you still won't be able to capture Phoenix King today." Reshiram said indifferently: "The champion and king of the Kanto region are already on their way, I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"If I give up today, where do you want me to look for Feng Wang in the future? Don't you know how hard it is to track?" Shantian Liu sullenly.

Reshiram said indifferently: "That is your business, I have done what N promised you."

Seeing that Reshiram was unmoved, Yamada Liu said sharply: "Reshiram, you will regret it, you will definitely regret it."

Reshiram was silent and ignored him.


"Which one are you going to deal with?" Rogia stared at the two elves on the opposite side, and asked Feng Wang aloud.

The reason why I asked this question was not to doubt the strength of King Feng, but because in the previous battle, King Feng was seriously injured. Although after self-healing treatment, the superficial damage was gone, but King Feng was already a little weak mentally. , not at its peak.

"I'll give you both!"

Rogia was taken aback by Feng Wang's answer, and secretly said: "You can see me too."

Rogia turned his head to look at Phoenix King suspiciously, and found that its eyes were falling on Kuailong in the sky above, and its face was full of killing intent.

"You deal with it. I will kill that human first. If you dare to challenge my dignity, you will never forgive me."

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Rogia didn't say much, and nodded in agreement.

Some human beings really deserve to die, just like Yamada Liu now.It would be really weird if Feng Wang didn't hate him.

Phoenix King fluttered his wings and rushed towards Shan Tianliu.

Ya dreamed of going to intercept, but was stopped by Rogia's destructive death light.After that, it collided with the replica that rushed up, fighting fiercely.While fighting hand-to-hand, he did not forget to use long-range attacks to contain Yameng.For a while, both mythical beasts were left behind by the new force Rogia.

"Kuailong... run!" Shan Tianliu was frightened when he saw Feng Wang rushing, and hurriedly commanded Kuailong to escape.

The speed of the fast dragon is fast, only compared to ordinary elves.For Phoenix King, a mythical beast that never stops flying, Kuailong's speed is really nothing.

After a while, Kuailong fell within the attack range of King Feng.Feng Wang opened his mouth mercilessly, and a sacred flame shrouded Yamada Liu and Kuailong.


Ah Jun and Tian Mu exclaimed with pale faces.

Reshiram had a serious expression, his tail was burning like a rocket, and his figure moved, breaking through the defense circle of mage Gengar and the other three elves.Just when Kuailong and Yamada Liu looked at the rushing colorful flames with despairing eyes, Reshiram Yamada Liu created a light blue shield in front of him to resist the attack of the Phoenix King.

"This bastard is so fast."

Geng Gui sounded annoyed, and rushed to Phoenix King with Darkley and Celebi to confront Reshiram.

"Reshiram?!" Feng Wang looked at the elf who suddenly appeared and said sharply: "I didn't trouble you, but you still dare to jump out to stop me?"

"I'm doing it for your own good!" Reshiram said lightly, "You can't kill him."

Geng Gui snorted and said, "If you say you can't kill him, then you can't. Who do you think you are!"

Reshiram also seemed to have lost his patience, shaking his head and said: "It's useless to talk too much, if you want to fight, you can fight. In short, you can't kill him."

Saying that, Reshiram assumed a fighting posture.

Ghost Master looked indifferent, and as soon as he moved his body, he was about to rush up to do a big fight, but Feng Wang stopped him: "Go and help Lugia, leave this place to me."

Geng Gui is naturally 120 rest assured about Feng Wang. Seeing Feng Wang say this, he doesn't refute. After saying "be careful", he led Da Kelai and Celebi towards the slightly declining Rogia. Help stop Yameng's attack.

And Phoenix King also fought with Reshiram. The battle between the two fire elves was more intense than the previous battle. Hot flames streaked across the sky, making the entire sky seem to be on fire.

The chaotic battle lasted for quite a while. Reshiram returned to the side of Yamada Yanagi after knocking Ho-o back in a collision, and said, "Hurry up, the champion of the Kanto region is coming!"

Yamada Liu was startled, he almost forgot about it.The champion Du of the Kanto area is an absolutely powerful master.In such an anxious scene, if there are more champions involved, it is really impossible for him to escape.

Yamada Liu shook his teeth, took out the elf ball and put away the replicas Lugia and Sanniao who were fighting, and at the same time said to A Jun and Tian Mu below: "A Jun, Tian Mu, let's go!"

Ah Jun took out the elf ball and took back Yameng.Just when Ah Jun and Tian Mu wanted to take back Suicune and Lei Gong who were fighting, Feng Wang became angry, and a flame swept across the ground in front of their toes, burning a deep ravine on the ground.

"Leave Raiko and Suicune's Poké Balls."

After some fighting, King Ho also understood that it was impossible to kill Yamada Liu under the protection of Reshiram.At this moment, he had no choice but to take the next best thing and rescue his two envoys from the hands of these people.

As the Phoenix King's voice fell, the liberated Rogia, the three god beasts, and the three elves of Gengar surrounded Reshiram and Yamada Liu.


The two of you looked at me and I looked at you. After they couldn't make up their minds, they turned their eyes to their master.

Yamada Liu looked gloomy, wanted to attack but didn't dare, so he turned his eyes to Reshiram as if asking for help.Reshiram, however, ignored his gaze.

"Stay, let's go!" Yamada Liu could only grit his teeth and make a choice after asking for help to no avail.

Ah Jun and Tian Mu were also decisive, throwing Lei Gong and Shui Jun's elf balls to Ake and Xiao Luo who were facing each other, boarded their respective fast dragons, and prepared to leave here.

"Just let them go like this?" Geng Gui said reluctantly.

"Let them go!"

After Yamada Liu took back the copy of himself, Rogia understood something, and said to Feng Wang earnestly: "This human being cannot be killed, at least we cannot, otherwise there will be big trouble."

Feng Wang pondered for a while, then snorted heavily, and flew in the direction of Xiao Luo with the three beasts, and Rogia followed calmly.Geng Gui had no choice but to give Reshiram and Yamada Liu a hard look, then turned around and left with Da Kelai and Celebi.

"let's go!"

Regarding today's incident, Yamada Liu wanted to cry but had no tears. Not only was the foolproof plan completely destroyed, but he also lost two divine beasts.Thinking that Lei Gong still belonged to Sakagi, Yamada Yanagi's heart was filled with death.

How can I deal with Sakagi's precious son now!
"Young man, goodbye by fate!"

After Reshiram greeted Little Luo, he soared into the sky and disappeared into the vast sky.

"You are……"

King Feng came to Xiao Luo with the three divine beasts, a little surprised and uncertain.

For Xiao Luo, it is very grateful. Without Xiao Luo and Rogia, today it may become the first top-level beast captured by humans in history.

Originally, he wanted to thank Xiao Luo, but he didn't expect to feel an extraordinary aura from Xiao Luo.

"He is Little Luo, the human messenger of Lord Arceus!" Lugia flew over and explained, "If it wasn't for his call, I wouldn't have appeared here."

Xiao Luo smiled and took out the feather that Lugia had left for him, and shook it in front of Feng Wang.

When he first heard about Arceus' human messenger, Feng Wang's heart bulged.Seeing the feather in Xiao Luo's hand again, King Feng finally understood why Lugia appeared here, and why Xiao Luo helped him so selflessly.

After pondering for a while, King Feng said to Xiao Luo: "Originally, I should also leave my feathers and wait for your call at any time. It's just that I am different from Rogia's job, and I can't appear anywhere at any time..."

It was rare for Xiao Luo to be generous, and said with a smile: "No, with Geng Gui and Darkley here, I generally don't need your gang leaders. Besides, it is enough to have Lugia's feathers."

Feng Wang smiled and nodded, he was very satisfied with Xiao Luo's attitude.

Afterwards, Feng Wang looked at the elves behind Xiao Luo and asked, "Are these all your elves?"

"Well, they are all my best partners!" Xiao Luo said and stroked the wings of the bald bird beside him, causing the bald bird to stare blankly.

Feng Wang sized up the extremely special bidiao, and said, "You, come here! Let me take a good look at you."

The bald bird was taken aback for a moment, put away his anger, and walked slowly in front of King Feng.Faced with a beast like Phoenix King, Baldy Bird still has some respect.

At this moment, King Feng is floating about three meters above the ground. If King Feng falls to the ground, it can be easily compared that Bi Diao is taller than King Feng.

King Feng observed Bi Diao again, and nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Feng Wang let out a long cry, opened his mouth slightly, and a drop of burning bright red blood slowly dripped out, which just happened to land on Bi Diao's bald gourd.


The crimson flame rose instantly, enveloping Bi Diao's huge body, forming a huge fireball...

(End of this chapter)

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