Chapter 236 The bald bird has changed drastically!

After dripping blood, King Feng looked extremely tired, but seeing Bi Diao who was gradually changing in the ashes, he still nodded contentedly, with a look of relief on his face.

At this moment, the most surprised one was Rogia next to Feng Wang.It couldn't be more clear about the weight of that drop of blood, it was the condensed crystallization of Feng Wang's divine power, and it can be said bluntly, if this drop of blood is used to recreate a three-sacred beast-like elf, there will be no problem at all.

It can be seen how heavy this gift from King Feng is.

Lugia looked up at Xiao Luo who was very excited, and thought to himself: Xiao Luo has taken advantage of this time, this drop of blood, King Feng probably won't be able to make up for it without spending a hundred years.

"We should go too!" Rogia looked up at the distant sky, and said to Feng Wang beside him: "The champion of Kanto is indeed coming!"

Feng Wang nodded, and looked at the elf balls in Xiao Luo and Ake's hands.

The two understood and handed over the elf ball.Under Feng Wang's control, the elf ball rose slowly, then ignited a small flame, turned into a black ash, and drifted away with the wind.

Afterwards, King Feng glanced at Ake with deep meaning, and seeing Ake struggling, he sighed softly, turned his head and said to Emperor Yan behind him, "Follow him for the time being!"

"Goodbye, boy!"

After Feng Wang finished speaking, he and Rogia took off into the sky and flew into the distance. Suicune and Raiko also quickly left the venue, leaving only Yandi standing there alone.

As soon as King Feng left, several black spots appeared in the sky on the other side. As the black spots approached, Xiao Luo realized that they were a group of trainers riding various flying elves, led by a fast dragon. Xia rushed over and landed on the ruins.

A red-haired boy stepped off Kuailong's back.The boy was not tall, but he was imposing. Wearing a black cloak, he led a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman towards Xiao Luo and Ake in a hurry.

"You are……"

The red-haired boy and the middle-aged men and women looked at Xiao Luo and his elves, and were somewhat surprised when they saw Geng Gui, Darkley, and Celebi who had not yet unlocked the mage evolution.

While they were sizing up Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo was also sizing up the three of them, so naturally the leader in front didn't need to say much.There is only one person in the entire elf history who wears a cloak so coquettishly and possesses such power——Du.

And the middle-aged man in the back, with a very tall and strong figure, wearing a practice uniform, with a dissolute expression on his face, should be the King of Fighters Xiba; Glasses, good looking, looks extremely gentle.Especially the pair of nipples on the chest, shaking with his every frown and smile like precariously.To have such a scale, there is only one Kona in the entire elf history.

"We are trainers participating in the Silver Conference. My name is Xiao Luo, and he is Ake." Xiao Luo introduced.

"Hello, I'm Du!" Du first introduced himself, then introduced Xiba and Kona, and said, "We rushed here after receiving the alliance's request for help. Didn't the alliance say that there are divine beasts here? Raging?"

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "They've already left!"

"Gone? What's going on?" Shiba asked.

Xiao Luo pointed at Emperor Yan, and explained: "The Rockets used the gathering of the three gods and beasts to lure Phoenix King to appear, and wanted to capture Phoenix King. But in the end, Rogia, the God of the Sea, arrived and stopped them. Then , After they sensed that you were coming, they quickly evacuated here. Fengwang and Rogia have also left."

"So that's the case!" Du nodded, then turned his gaze to Bi Diao who was bathing in the flames, and asked, " should be Bi Diao, right?"

"Well, it's my elf."

"What's the matter with it?"

"This one……"


Just when Xiao Luo didn't know how to explain, Bi Diao uttered a sharp long cry.The burning flames slowly sank into Bi Diao's body, and then, Bi Diao's body shone red, illuminating the entire venue, and Bi Diao's body began to shrink...

Afterwards, the red light dissipated, a burst of golden powder fell, and a brand new elf appeared in everyone's eyes...

At this moment, Bi Diao's feathers are red all over, his abdomen is light yellow, his standing claws are more than doubled in size, and the originally short eagle's beak has also become much longer.The most peculiar thing is that the originally bald forehead rose to a height of one meter with raging flames, and the tail feathers were replaced by raging flames.

As Bi Diao's eyes opened, a sharp and powerful breath rushed towards his face, making it difficult to breathe.

Bi Diao raised his wings, looked left and right, and then used his wings to touch his forehead, which he cared about very much. After hearing the whirring flames swept by his wings, Bi Diao seemed extremely satisfied, with a smile on his face He let out a long cry soaring into the sky.

"Is this Bi Diao?"

The three of Du were a little dumbfounded, and they did look like Bi Diao, but if they were said to be Bi Diao, they probably wouldn't admit it if they were killed.

Xiao Luo was naturally excited about the changes in Bi Diao.At this time, Bi Diao, although smaller in size, was definitely much stronger.And it seems that there is one more fire element, which makes Xiao Luo feel like he has found a treasure.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, come back." Xiao Luo happily took out the elf ball and put away Bi Diao, planning to study it carefully when he has time.

"You all come back too!" Xiao Luo took out the elf ball and put away all the elves.

Geng Gui also lifted the mage state, and Darkley and Celebi hid Qi Ali.

"Hey, what to do, the Silver Conference has been held for so many years, and this situation has never happened before."

At this time, another group of people came over, and it was a short old man who was leading the conversation.This little old man, Xiao Luo, is no stranger to him, the president of the Elf Alliance—Dama Lanqi!

The three of them greeted each other respectfully.

Damaranqi nodded, and said to Du and the others: "Thank you for your hard work."

Afterwards, Damaranch turned to Xiao Luo and said, "You are Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town, I remember you."

Xiao Luo looked at Damaran Qi with some doubts, not knowing why, so Xiao Luo didn't speak, and waited for Damaran Qi's next words.

"This year's Silver Conference was interrupted just after reaching the semi-finals. If this Silver Conference ends in such a hasty way, it will definitely dissatisfy many people who love elf battles. This will have a very bad impact on the alliance."

Xiao Luo seemed to understand a little bit, but she was not sure: "Then President, what do you mean..."

Damaran Qi looked at Xiao Luo with a smile on his face and said: "You are the most powerful contender for the championship in this Silver Conference, and the other contestant who advanced voluntarily abstained. So the champion of this Silver Conference is none other than you .”

Xiao Luo immediately became happy, flatteringly said: "President is wise, thank you, President!"


When Nima came, Xiao Luo's face turned bitter, and he said to himself: "I know there is no such a good thing, there is no way to give away trophies and bonuses for nothing."

"You still have to fight with someone in the end!" Damaranqi laughed, "Whether you win or lose, the title of champion will be yours."

When Xiao Luo heard this, she always felt that there was something wrong with this sentence. After pondering for a while, she realized what was wrong, and said anxiously: "I don't want the title, just give me the bonus and the trophy."

"Haha, what a clever boy!" Damaran Qi laughed happily: "This is not allowed! Of course, if you can win, the bonus, trophy, and title are all yours."

Xiao Luo curled her lips in dissatisfaction, cursed the old man secretly, and asked, "Then who is my opponent?"

"Well, you will know when the time comes." Damaran Qi said: "Anyway, you just do your best. Just to remind you, the prize money from the Silver Conference is not easy to get."

"Okay, when does the game start?"

Damaran Qi looked at the messed-up venue with a bitter expression on his face. He shook his head and said, "Let's wait for the venue to be repaired. I think three days should be enough. The match should be in the afternoon after three days!"

Xiao Luo nodded in agreement.

After talking with Xiao Luo, Damaran Qi took a group of people to observe the extent of damage to the site, and prepared to start repairing it.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Luo, Ake and Du left here and went to the elf center.After all, Xiaozhi and the others are still waiting for them there, so it's not good for them to worry for too long.

On the way, Ake said to Xiao Luo: "Congratulations Xiao Luo, you won another league championship this time."

Xiao Luo shook his head and sighed, "It's not that easy!"

Ake smiled and said, "Why, are you still afraid of losing?"

Xiao Luo smiled, and asked back: "If I really lose, do you think I still have the face to claim the title of the league champion?"

"Don't worry, the alliance is just putting on a show, and you will definitely not lose."

"Heh, you are wrong. In order to prove that I have the strength to win the championship, the league will definitely find a very strong person to be my opponent."

"Probably... no..." Ake slightly thought about it, and was a little unsure.

"definitely will!"

Xiao Luo sighed and said, "I'm not afraid of losing, it just depends on who loses."

Ake heard the words, and realized a little: "You mean, Damaran Qi will let those people play?"

"pretty close!"

"If it's them, they won't be wronged if they lose!"

"Well, it's just that I feel bad about money."

Ake: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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