Chapter 237 VS Kona!

When Xiao Luo and Ake returned to the elf center, it was inevitable to explain what happened to Xiao Zhi and others, which also made Xiao Zhi and others sigh.

After Xiao Luo and the others had dinner together, Xiao Luo went back to the room early to rest.There are too many things to do this day, and his small body is too much toss.

In the middle of the night, when Xiao Luo was soundly asleep, he suddenly felt his face was wet.Stretching out his hand to touch it, it was hurt and greasy. In shock, Xiao Luo sat up, only to find Geng Gui laughing beside him, with his long tongue still hanging out of his mouth.

"Ghost, where are you singing?" Xiao Luo didn't dare to get angry, and could only complain, "I'm growing up, can you stop torturing my young me like this."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo wiped the drool on her face with her pajamas, pulled the quilt and prepared to continue sleeping.

Geng Gui licked Xiao Luo's face again, and when he noticed that Xiao Luo was showing signs of running away, he said, "Don't sleep, Rogia is here."

"Lugia?" Little Luo was startled, without sleepiness at all, "Didn't it go away, why is it here again?"

Geng Gui shrugged, indicating that he didn't know: "He's just outside, let's go over and have a look!"

Xiao Luo asked, "Do you want to bring a poke ball?"

"Need not!"

As Geng Gui spoke, he controlled Xiao Luo, opened the window of the room, and flew out with Xiao Luo.

After flying for nearly 10 minutes, Geng Gui took Xiao Luo to the seaside outside Baiyin Town. Rogia was quietly floating by the seaside, waiting.


Three days passed quickly.In the past three days, under the vigorous publicity of the alliance, Xiao Luo has been well known by all the trainers who came to Baiyin Town.And many people are very interested in the gimmick of "the champion of the Silver Conference, fighting against the mysterious trainer" created by the alliance.

With the alliance's massive financial investment, the venue has been fully restored and has a brand new look.Even before the game started, the spectator seats were overcrowded, and the aisle was also full of trainers who came to watch the game.Such a grand occasion has quietly covered up the embarrassing scene of the alliance three days ago.

Xiao Luo quietly sat on the chair beside the player's passage to rest. Until now, he still didn't know who the opponent he was about to face was.

"Who could it be!"

There were two figures circling back and forth in Xiao Luo's mind, but he was still not sure which one was more likely.

"Dare to steal my money, no matter who you are, even if you lose, it will make you feel bad." Xiao Luo became angry, and simply didn't think about it, and waited for the game to start.

After the narrator gave a messy speech, the scene finally entered a climax reception, and cheers rang out one after another.

"Okay, audience friends, let our long-awaited match finally begin. Now, let's invite our Silver Tournament champion—Xiao Luo!"


The door at the end of the passage finally opened, Xiao Luo stood up, moved his hands and feet, and walked out.Following Xiao Luo's appearance, the venue erupted into cheers that shook the sky.The audience who came to watch the game were all people who were more enthusiastic about the league's events. Xiao Luo's previous performance was obvious to all. It was not difficult for them to accept that he could be recognized by the league as the title sponsor.

After Xiao Luo came to the competition field and stood still, the "last secret" was finally about to be unraveled.

"Okay, now let's invite Xiao Luo's opponent, the mysterious trainer to appear!"

As the commentator's voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent, and all the audience couldn't help but look towards the door of the passage on the other side, wanting to know immediately who could become the opponent of the league champion.

"Da da da!……"

With the sound of regular footsteps, a figure familiar to all the audience appeared on the field.Her long wine-red hair is tied into a ponytail and hangs long behind her back, and a pair of big myopia glasses are placed on her beautiful little nose. Attracted everyone's attention.

"Aww... Kona, Kona!"

"Four Heavenly King idol!"

"My God, how could it be her, my goddess..."






With the shouts, neat slogans gradually sounded on the scene, which shows the appeal and influence of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Kona smiled and waved to the audience, and slowly walked onto the field.

"Little Luo, did you expect it to be me?" Ke Na smiled, giving off a very gentle feeling.

Xiao Luo smiled back and said, "If you say you didn't expect it, you must be lying."

"Oh? So you're ready?"

Xiao Luo blinked mischievously, and said, "You will know when the time comes."

"Now there is a contest between Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town against one of the Four Heavenly Kings - Kona Heavenly King. There are six spirits that can be used in the match. When all the spirits on one side lose their fighting ability, the match ends. The match begins and Xiao Luo Players go first."

The competition venue was a regular venue, because the opponent was Kona, the top player of the day, so the initiative was "magnanimously" handed over to Xiao Luo by the league.

Xiao Luo didn't hold back, things didn't differ much from what he expected, so he was mentally prepared.After the referee announced the start of the game, Xiao Luo took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Lucario, the first round is up to you."

The poke ball opened in mid-air, a white light fell, and Lucario appeared on the field squatting.

"Lucario? It looks like he's been trained very well!" Kona smiled and took out an elf and threw it out: "This is my first elf, go to the armored shell!"

White light flashed, and an elf with a huge sharp shell appeared on the field.

The armored shellfish stood on the field with a shell, and the shell was opened, revealing a ghostly face inside, with a smile and peaceful eyes.

However, the calmer his expression, the more pressure Xiao Luo felt.The Four Heavenly Kings are definitely not so easy to get along with.

"Lucario, use the wave missile."

Xiao Luo directed Lucario to attack.

Lucario put his hands together, and a light blue energy ball formed in his hands, hitting the armored shell.

"Iron armor shell, freeze the light!"

Several zigzag blue rays formed a beam of light, meeting the wave missile.The two tricks exploded as soon as they touched.

Just when the audience felt that this round of confrontation was evenly matched, a zigzagging water-blue light actually broke through the smoke generated by the explosion and hit Lucario at high speed.

There is actually one more!
While Xiao Luo was surprised, he hurriedly commanded: "Lucario, hurry up and avoid it."

Lucario did a chic backflip, avoiding the attack of the small beam of freezing light.

He fell into a disadvantage in the first round, Lucario's face was very ugly, he grinned, and looked at the armored shell on the opposite side with an angry face.

"Well done, Xiao Luo!"

Xiao Luo smiled and did not answer, but commanded again: "Lucario, use the bone strike!"

Lucario pulled his hands together, and a light blue long bone stick appeared in his hand.After Lucario danced a stick flower handsomely, he rushed towards the armored shell.

"Iron armor shell, shrink the shell!"

The huge shell of the iron armor shell closed, and fell to the ground with a "bang", and at the same time a black light flashed from the shell.The current appearance of Tiejiabei is a shrunken shell bastard, the meaning is obvious: Come on, come on, fight as you like.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

Lucario hit the shell of the armored shell with one stick after another. The huge shock force made Lucario feel a little sore, but the damage to the shelled shell was obviously minimal.

"Lucario, aim at one place and attack!"

This scene reminded Xiao Luo of the scene in the animation where Xiao Zhi's giant claw crab dealt with the armored shellfish, and Xiao Luo simply followed suit.

After hearing Xiao Luo's command, Lucario took a long breath, pointed at a place, and kept hitting the bone stick in his hand.

"Hmph, Iron Armor Shell, spin!"

The armored shell, which was calmly bearing the damage, suddenly turned. Lucario was caught off guard by the long spikes on the shell of the armored shell, screamed, and flew upside down.

"It's now, Iron Armor Shell, use the freezing light."

The shell of the armored shell opened, and several light blue rays of light zigzag towards Lucario.

"Lucario, wave missile!"

Lucario quickly stabilized his figure, and a blue energy ball quickly formed in his hand, and pushed it out against the freezing light.

There was another explosion, and this time, there was no extra light overflowing.The two tricks disappeared on the field at the same time.

(At eight or nine o'clock, the mobile phone login website can't be accessed at all, there is no way, I can only update the two chapters at the same time! Please bear with me!)
(End of this chapter)

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