Chapter 238 Failed in the first battle!

The armored shell, strong and confident, just like its trainer, confronted Lucario with a smile on his face.On the other hand, Xiao Luo and Lucario both looked angry and unwilling.

This is blatant disregard.

Xiao Luo also understood that Kona did not show his real strength to fight against him. Since the start of the game, Kona has only used the simplest way to defuse Xiao Luo's attack.At first, Xiao Luo didn't think about the strength of the real king, but he always felt that even if he was not as good as the king, the difference would not be too far.However, after a simple fight, Xiao Luo finally understood the true weight of the Four Heavenly Kings.This is a kind of crushing in strength, which frustrates Xiao Luo, who has been going smoothly.


Just when Xiao Luo was a little discouraged, Lucario uttered a provocative cry, squatting slightly, as if rushing forward at any time, and the battle was surging.

Little Luo stared blankly at Lucario's handsome back. At this moment, it seemed that Lucario was on fire...

Will anger and unwillingness be turned into the strength to dare to challenge and give it a go? !

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and put aside the messy thoughts in her head.It seems that my elves are more transparent than what I see, and unconsciously, I actually care so much about the outcome.

Since the opponent is the king of heaven, then try your best to give it a go and see how far you are from the king of heaven.

"Come on, Lucario!"


Lucario yelled aggressively, his body was at a 45-degree angle to the ground, and he rushed up extremely fast.

Kona glanced at Luo and Lucario, nodded with a smile, and seemed satisfied with their performance.

"Iron armor shell, shrink the shell!"

The iron shell clam closed its shell again and lay horizontally on the ground.

"Bone hit!"

Lucario, who was running, had a long blue bone stick in his hand.

When Lucario rushed in front of the armored shell, Xiao Luo commanded again: "Lucario, lift the armored shell up!"

Lucario sent the bone stick in his hand to the ground and placed it under the iron armor shell. With a roar, he held the stick with both hands and raised it vigorously.The armored shell suddenly soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.

"Right now, use Fa Jin!"

The bone stick in Lucario's hand disappeared, his body bent, jumped up high, and appeared above the armored shell, his palm directly attached to the thick shell of the armored shell.

A burst of dazzling white light was released at the place where Lucario and the armored shell were in contact, and a strong force burst out, and the armored shell was shot down to the ground, smashing the field into cracks.

"Next, use the wave missile!"

Lucario didn't wait for the landing, and when he put his hands together, a blue energy ball appeared, and hit the armored shell below again.

A violent explosion sounded, and smoke and dust filled the entire venue.

"It's beautifully done!" Kona said with a smile: "But if you think that you can defeat my armored shellfish, then you are very wrong. Iron armored shellfish, spike cannon!"


Several one-foot-long spikes lingered in misty white light, whizzing towards Lucario who had just landed.

"Lucario, hurry up and avoid it."

Lucario flew to dodge.However, the spike seemed to be under control, and it turned immediately, and under the surprised eyes of Luo and Lucario, it knocked Lucario to the ground.

"Next, use the freezing light!"

The smoke and dust on the field dissipated, and the armored shell was revealed. There were obvious scars on the shell, and the breath was a little short. It was obvious that the attack just now had caused a lot of damage to it.

With the sound of Kona's command, the armored shell spewed out several tortuous blue rays of light, hitting Lucario who fell to the ground.

"Lucario, hurry up and avoid it!" Xiao Luo tried his best to command.

Lucario struggled and rolled over on the ground, avoiding the attacks of a large number of freezing rays, but in the end he was still wiped by the edge of the freezing rays, and one leg was frozen on the ground.


Seeing this way, Xiao Luo knew that he was going to lose this round.

"OK, fix it, Blizzard!"

A gust of wind mixed with a large amount of snow, roaring and sweeping Lucario.Lucario couldn't avoid it, he was wrapped in the blizzard and hit the wall of the venue, hitting the ground heavily.

"Lucario loses his ability to fight, and Iron Shell wins!"


"As expected of the Four Heavenly Kings, it's too powerful."

"Xiao Luo's champion is not bad, the series of attacks just now made people's blood boil!"

"Come on, Little Luo, come on, King Kona!"

There were bursts of cheers on the field, and they were not stingy with their praise and applause for such a wonderful game.

"Come back Lucario!"

After taking back Lucario, Xiao Luo immediately took out a poke ball and threw it out: "The fire-breathing dragon, it's up to you."


White light fell, and a huge fire-breathing dragon with scars on its eyes appeared domineeringly on the field.

"Is the second one just a fire-breathing dragon?" Kona smiled slightly, and immediately directed the armored shell to say: "Frozen light!"

The armored shell quickly shot several zigzagging cold rays of light towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Hmph! Jet flames!" Little Luo was a little dissatisfied with such a probing attack.

The fire-breathing dragon spewed out a thick crimson flame without any energy accumulation, and met it.

The jet of flame domineeringly repelled the freezing light all the way until it got close to the armored shell, and then detonated the jet of flame in front of the armored shell with full power.However, under the impact of the explosion at close range, the armored shell is still extremely uncomfortable.

"Now, the fire-breathing dragon uses its claws!"

Covered by the smoke screen produced by the explosion, the fire-breathing dragon rushed to the armored shell.

"Iron armor shell, quickly use the shrink shell!"

Although startled by the sudden appearance of the fire-breathing dragon, the armored shell retracted into the shell in time under Kona's command.

The huge dragon claws formed by the energy were slammed by the fire-breathing dragon on the armored shell, and the heavy armored shell was sent flying by the blow.

"Spray flames."

Before the armored shell fell to the ground, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, and a red flame followed closely behind.The powerful unique move of this department showed its powerful power at this moment, hitting the armored shell and flying back all the way, until it hit the wall of the venue, it still didn't stop.Continue to burn the hard shell of the iron clam.

It wasn't until the shell turned red and smoke came out that the fire-breathing dragon slowly closed its wide open mouth.The flame dissipated, and the armored shell fell to the ground with a "boom", the shell opened naturally, and its eyes spiraled continuously.

"The armored shell loses its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!"



Xiao Luo's clean victory once again pushed the atmosphere of the venue to a climax, with applause one after another...

(End of this chapter)

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