Chapter 239 One hundred and four Mage Charizard!
"I underestimated you."

Kona took out the poke ball with a smile on his face, took the armored shell back, and changed into a poke ball in his hand: "It's my second one, go and be a hippopotamus!"

The poke ball was thrown out lightly by Kona, the poke ball landed and opened, and a dazed hippopotamus appeared opposite the fire-breathing dragon.

Although the hippopotamus gave people a feeling of being in a daze, Xiao Luo didn't despise him at all.Not to mention that in the previous animation, this dumb hippo easily defeated Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon, just because it is the elf of the king of heaven, it is enough to make people look sideways.

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, and a thick jet of flame hit the dumb hippo.

"Illusion, bounce back."

Silly Hippo's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes glowed with a blue light.A layer of faint blue fluorescence appeared on the jet flame, and as the Hippo blew softly, the jet flame approached the front of the Hippo, then turned suddenly, and hit the fire-breathing dragon at a faster speed than when it came.

The fire-breathing dragon turned its head to evade its flame-breathing attack, and looked at the hippopotamus king with guarded eyes.

The strength of the super power seems to be stronger than that of the Hippo King!
Xiao Luo looked at the dumb hippo and frowned.

"Stay hippopotamus, the water fluctuates!"

The dumb hippo pulled his hands, and a blue water polo formed in his hands, and threw it towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Use Dragon Claw after dodging."

The fire-breathing dragon flew up to avoid the attack of the water wave.Just as it was about to swoop down and launch its dragon claw attack, Kona's voice sounded again.

"Stay hippo, pull it back."


The dull hippo's eyes glowed blue again, but this time, it was his own water fluctuations.

I saw that the water fluctuation was quickly controlled by the illusion technique, and then flew back in the opposite direction, hitting the fire-breathing dragon again.

Xiao Luo was shocked, and hurriedly opened his mouth to remind the fire-breathing dragon: "Fire-breathing dragon, stay behind, hurry up and avoid it."

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon turned its head without knowing it, the water wave hit the fire-breathing dragon, and waves of water gushed out of the blue water polo and slapped on the fire-breathing dragon.The fire-breathing dragon screamed in pain, and its body fell to the ground involuntarily.

"Hippo King, Phantom Light!"

The Hippo King's eyes shot a zigzag colorful light, and hit the falling fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard..." Xiao Luo roared anxiously.

Under Xiao Luo's call, the fire-breathing dragon finally opened its eyes that were closed due to pain, and when the phantom light hit, it flew upwards in a circle, narrowly dodging the attack.

"Good job Charizard."


The fire-breathing dragon roared with a slight panting, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and he was extremely frightened.

"Come on fire-breathing dragon, let go of your hands and feet and fight!" Xiao Luo raised his arms up, revealing the origin necklace on his wrist.

"Mage evolution..." Xiao Luo's voice was firm and powerful.


With the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, the Mage evolutionary stone on its neck emitted a dazzling light, and four bands of light gushed out of the evolutionary stone like ropes, winding towards Xiao Luo.At this moment, a certain original source bead on Xiao Luo's original bracelet emitted dazzling light at the same time, and also extended four white light bands, connecting with the light bands of the evolution stone one by one.


Another majestic roar came from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon exuded the light of crystal evolution, and its body shape was changing rapidly...


As another roar sounded, the light of evolution turned into bursts of gold powder and fell down, and the fire-breathing dragon underwent a huge change.

Mage's evolved charizard has special jagged wings, black as ink, and light blue belly. Coupled with its huge body, it gives people a very strong visual impact as a whole.Two long blue flames burned on both sides of the huge dragon's mouth, and a pair of dragon horns grew out of its head, and a powerful aura was revealed when the dragon's eyes turned.The most notable thing is the pinch of flames on the tail, which has also changed from the original red to a faint blue.

The surge in power made the fire-breathing dragon burst with self-confidence. Without any warning, it opened its mouth and spewed out a crimson flame, burning a dark ravine on the ground, sweeping towards the dazed Hippo King.

Kona was shocked by the mage evolution of the fire-breathing dragon and forgot to command. Hippo was hit by the jet of flames, screamed and retreated far away. After the flames dissipated, he lay limply on the ground.

The scream of Silly Hippo not only awakened Kona, but also fantasized about all the audience.Seeing the dumb hippo being knocked to the ground, the atmosphere at the scene boiled instantly.

"It's... so powerful! The fire-breathing dragon can still evolve."

"Handsome and domineering, is this the legendary evolution of Mage?"

"Oh my God, why do I feel like my goddess is about to lose..."

"Okay, hit the king of heaven and challenge the champion!"


"Mage evolution? You can actually mage evolution!" Kona looked at Xiao Luo in surprise and asked, "How did you do it?"

"If you want to do it, you will do it."

Kona was taken aback by Xiao Luo's answer, and then said with a coquettish smile, "That's really an interesting answer."

Afterwards, Ke Na restrained his smile and said: "It seems that I have to be serious. If I really lose to you in this kind of competition, I will have no face to be the Four Heavenly Kings anymore."

"Well, show your strength and let me see how far I am from you guys."

"As you wish, Silly Hippo uses Instant Amnesia!"

Dai Hippo stood up from the ground, looked at the sky with a blank expression, after a flash of red light, Dai Hippo calmed down, except for some obvious scars on its body, it was no different from when it first appeared.

Instant amnesia?

Hearing this trick, Xiao Luo's expression immediately became serious.This is the representative skill of Hippo, emptying his mind and forgetting everything that just happened.

This trick has the same effect as self-healing, one restores superficial damage, and the other can be said to restore mental damage.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use dragon claws!"


The fire-breathing dragon's hands glowed with green fluorescence, forming a pair of huge dragon claws. With a flap of its wings, it rushed down towards the dumb hippo with great momentum.

"Stay hippopotamus, illusion!"

The Silent Hippo illusion shot out instantly, and the diving fire-breathing dragon was controlled in mid-air.


The fire-breathing dragon let out an angry roar, its body trembling slightly in the light blue fluorescence, trying to break through the shackles of the illusion technique.


The fire-breathing dragon's struggle increased the pressure on the dumb hippo, large drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his body was slowly forced back under the fire-breathing dragon's struggle.

"La - all -"

Following the long cry of the dumb hippopotamus, the blue light of the illusion technique flourished, and a blue vortex was generated. The fire-breathing dragon seemed to be hit hard, and its body spun and flew out, hitting the wall of the venue, screaming in pain.

"Hmph, fire-breathing dragon, blasting electric shock!"


The fire-breathing dragon raised its head and roared, its body was burning with raging blue flames, and it rushed towards the panting hippopotamus like a blue meteorite.Along the way, wherever the explosive flames and electric shocks passed, the grounds were all shattered and rocks were flying.

"Stay hippo, hurry up and avoid it!"

Facing such an attack, Kona could only stare blankly, praying that the Hippo King could avoid the attack.But she also knew that with the speed of Silly Hippo, it was almost impossible to avoid such an attack.

The dumb hippo was hit head-on, and flew backwards with the impact of the explosive electric shock.

The Hippo King was hit on the wall of the venue, the explosive electric shock erupted, and the sound of the explosion shook the entire venue, the wall collapsed, and the dumb hippo was buried in it.

A series of electric sparks flashed across the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon screamed in pain and gasped violently.


Under the gaze of the fire-breathing dragon, King Hippo pushed aside the stones on his body and climbed out.However, this was only its subconscious behavior. After crawling out of the ruins, the dazed hippo tilted its head and waded on the ruins with its eyes spiraling.

"The dumb hippo loses its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!"


(End of this chapter)

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