Chapter 240 Intense duel!
"Come back and stay with Hippo!" Kona's expression finally became serious.

This time, after taking back the dumb hippo, she didn't say much, but solemnly changed a poke ball and threw it out: "White sea lion, it's time for you to come out."

The white light is shining, the body is round and slender, and the beautiful white sea lion appears on the field.His eyes were piercing, his two small canine teeth were exposed, and he looked at the opposite fire-breathing dragon with a half-smile.

"Water can dragon, strike first, use dragon claws."

Although the white sea lion is beautiful in size, it is not a duel in the water field at this moment. Instead, its beautiful body has become its hindrance, and its speed is destined not to be too fast.It was precisely this point that Xiao Luo took a fancy to, so he commanded the fire-breathing dragon to launch a dragon claw attack, hoping to gain an advantage in close combat.

"Hmph, white sea lion, spray water jets."


The white sea lion let out a long cry, its body was wrapped by the torrent, and it rose into the air in the channel of water, facing the charging fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and the dragon's claws formed by the emerald green energy stretched out, clanging and hitting the white sea lion that rushed up beyond its capabilities.


Just as the fire-breathing dragon's claws struck out, the white sea lion suddenly rushed down and disappeared in front of the dragon's claws.The dragon claws accumulated the strength of the fire-breathing dragon's whole body, and hit the air for a while, making the fire-breathing dragon extremely uncomfortable.

Before the fire-breathing dragon recovered, the white sea lion hit the fire-breathing dragon's soft abdomen from bottom to top. With the scream of the fire-breathing dragon, the jet of water stared at the fire-breathing dragon and flew upwards.

"Well done, White Sea Lion, use slam next."

After receiving the command, the white sea lion suddenly stopped its charge, the water flow dispersed, and the fire-breathing dragon flew up inertially. Just after the fire-breathing dragon tried its best to stabilize its figure, a bright white figure exuded a shining white light, still approaching ...

The fire-breathing dragon screamed again, and the huge power made the fire-breathing dragon roar again, and at the same time it lost the power to fly.After flying upside down for a certain distance, it fell straight to the ground.

"Now, White Sea Lion, let's spray water again."

The falling white sea lion once again launched a trick of spraying water jets. Under the action of the jet of water, the white sea lion hit the fire-breathing dragon again and hit the ground against it.

A muffled sound resounded in the field, and the ground was slightly yellow.The white sea lion half-lyed beside the fire-breathing dragon with its expression unchanged, but the fire-breathing dragon had already released its Mage state, and its eyes spiraled and lay on its back on the ground.

"The fire-breathing dragon lost the ability to fight, and the white sea lion won!"

"Come back, fire-breathing dragon!" Xiao Luo withdrew the fire-breathing dragon with an ugly expression.

At this moment, it couldn't be more impressed with Kona's strength.Use the water jet trick to make up for the lack of movement speed of the white sea lion, especially when in the air, after the water jet is exhausted, use the ramming trick immediately.Slamming is a certain mandatory trick. The connection of the two tricks allows the white sea lion to have a short-term air combat ability and cause fatal damage to the fire-breathing dragon.

What's even more exciting is that when the white sea lion had to fall to the ground, he used the water jet trick to borrow the fire-breathing dragon as a springboard to make himself land safely and at the same time increase the damage of the jet water jet.This is definitely a perfect battle command, and it is also a manifestation of Kona's true strength.

Are you finally serious?

Xiao Luo put the fire-breathing dragon's poke ball back to its original place, and at the same time took out a poke ball next to it, made it bigger in his hand, and threw it out forcefully: "Come out, Kuailong!"

The elf ball was opened, white light fell, and the figure of Kuailong appeared on the field.


Kuailong yelled aggressively, and his big eyes stared at Master Bai Hai with a fierce look on his face.

"Quick Dragon, use the speed!"

A burst of blue light flashed, and Kuailong disappeared in place in an instant.

"From behind, Master Bai Hai, spray water jets."


Master Bai Hai responded in time, but just as the torrent appeared on his body, Kuailong had already rushed up.

The torrent spread, Bai Haishi let out a cry of pain, and flew upside down.

"As expected of Kuailong, it is the only one that can display its supernatural speed." Kona praised and commanded again: "Master Bai Hai, Frozen Light!"

After Master Bai Haiwen's assistant landed on the ground, the unicorn on his head released streams of water-blue light, covering a huge area towards Kuailong.

"Quick Dragon, hurry up and avoid it!"

The fast dragon flapped its wings, and when the freezing light hit, it fanned the smoke and dust, soaring into the sky, avoiding the attack of the freezing light.

Looking at the extremely sacred Kuailong blocking the scorching sun above, Xiao Luo commanded excitedly: "It's now, Kuailong, Dragon's Charge."


With the roar of Kuailong, the energy of the dragon system surged out, forming a huge energy dragon, which only wrapped Kuailong in it.

call out!
As the fast dragon flapped its wings and swooped down, the energy dragon's eyes were extremely bright, and a dragon's roar shook the sky, and the huge dragon shadow swallowed down towards the white sea lion.

"White sea lion, freeze the light!" Seeing the mighty Dragon Charge, Kona hastily commanded.

The white sea lion released the blue freezing light again.It's just that its goal is not Kui Aaron, who is rushing down, but to freeze himself, and a thick layer of ice appears around the white sea lion.

Seeing the behavior of the white sea lion, Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily: "Go, Kuailong, crush it."


With Kuailong's roar, the energy dragon's eyes brightened up.Bite down on the thick layer of ice.


After a burst of dazzling light flashed, there was a violent explosion, strong winds raged, ice cubes splashed, smoke and dust danced with the wind, forming a whirlwind of smiles on the field.

Facing the strong fluctuations, Xiao Luo and Kona had to raise their hands to cover their faces, and squinted their eyes to look in the field.


As the smoke dissipated, the two elves reappeared in front of everyone. Both elves had some scars on their bodies, and they were panting slightly.Obviously, the violent collision made both elves uncomfortable.

"White sea lion, spray the water jet!" Kona took the lead in attacking with a serious face.

The torrent appeared on the surface of the white sea lion again, receiving the push of the water column, the white sea lion quickly charged towards the fast dragon.

"Come on, Kuailong, use the Lightning Palm!"


Kuailong clenched his fist with his right paw, and thunder and lightning densely wrapped around his arm, and swung out towards the charging white sea lion.

"White sea lion!"

Kona yelled meaningfully.

"Hmph, fast dragon!"

Xiao Luo seemed to have expected her move a long time ago, and also called out meaningfully.

I saw the water column suddenly soared, and the white sea lion's speed increased sharply, turning upwards sharply, avoiding Kuailong's thunderous palm, and impacting down.The Kuailong twisted its body accordingly, and its thick tail swept out, hitting the jet of water.

In this way, the two elves stalemate for a while.As the two elves charged up, their power finally exploded, and the strong shock force caused the two elves to fly upside down for a certain distance at the same time.

Seeing that Kuailong had the physical advantage and was the first to stabilize, Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded: "Kuailong, destroy the dead light."


Kuailong opened his mouth, and a little bit of golden light condensed in his mouth.

"This kid is really wild." Ke Na clenched his silver teeth and commanded firmly: "White sea lion, fully powered, freezing the light."

After the white sea lion stabilized its body, a blue light cluster formed at the sharp corners of its head. As the power was charged, the light cluster expanded, and then turned into a series of blue zigzag rays, forming a dense beam of light towards the fast dragon .

At the same time, Kuailong let out a long howl, and a red-gold light shot out through the air with a strong aura of destruction.

The two tricks collided together, and after some fighting, the freezing light retreated steadily. The white sea lion endured the force from the trick with an embarrassed expression, and its body was slowly forced back.


Seemingly unable to bear the feeling of such a retreat, the white sea lion screamed like a sinking boat, and the freezing light was strengthened again, detonating the destructive death light.

There was another violent explosion, and the white sea lion was the closest to the center of the explosion. It was blown away by the strong shock wave and hit the wall of the venue.Kuailong was also overturned to the ground, but suffered much less damage than the white sea lion.


(Is it mage or mega?? I really didn’t pay much attention to this, so I wrote it as a matter of course!! Correct it if you know it, Luoyi is willing to accept criticism. Although the previous mistakes are not rare π_π)

(End of this chapter)

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