Chapter 241 Genius Little Luo!

After a while, after the gunpowder smoke cleared from the field, Kuailong slowly got up from the ground, panting heavily.

Although it didn't suffer any substantial damage in this battle, the high-intensity confrontation still consumed a lot of its physical strength, which was something that had never happened before.

At this moment, the white sea lion was still lying on the ground motionless, because there were no obvious signs of incapacity, and the referee did not dare to declare that it was incapacitated, but just observed it closely.


The white sea lion's eyes that had been closed all this time finally opened, and it struggled to lift its upper body with the help of its arms-like fins on both sides of its body.


Looking at the white sea lion that still refused to fall, Kuailong roared dissatisfied.


The white sea lion's eyes were sharp, and he responded loudly not to be outdone.

"The game continues!"

Seeing this, the referee could only speak out, urging the two to continue the game.

"White sea lion, use the water column circle!"


The white sea lion let out a long cry, and a circle of blue liquid appeared on the surface of the body, wrapped it up, and then disappeared again.After the liquid circle disappeared, the spirit of the white sea lion was much better, and the scars on his body were less.

"Hmph, Kuailong, use super speed!"

call out!
Dots of blue light flashed, and Kuailong rushed towards the white sea lion at an extremely fast speed.

"White sea lion, use slam!"

The white sea lion's whole body glowed, and its tail slapped the ground and kicked up.

There was a toothache muffled sound, and the two elves collided violently. The interaction of forces made the two exhausted elves grunt at the same time, and flew out backwards.

A trace of electric sparks flashed across the white sea lion, and the white sea lion showed a painful expression.

A light buzzing sound followed, and the water column circle appeared again, and the white sea lion's physical strength recovered a little.

"White sea lion, spray water jet!"

The torrent surged, and the white sea lion controlled the water column, went forward bravely again, and rushed towards the fast dragon.

"Go! Kuailong, give me the next step."

Xiao Luo knew that going on like this was definitely not an option. The water column continuously provided the white sea lion with physical recovery. If the winner was not decided, even if it was delayed, the white sea lion could drag Kuailong to death.


Kuailong cheered up the elf, stretched his claws vigorously, and stretched out his hands when the jet of water from the white sea lion hit, blocking in front of him.

The sound of the jet of water was heard continuously, and Kuailong was pushed by the water column to slide all the way backwards, drawing a shallow gully on the field.

Finally, the water jet exhausted, the water flow dispersed, and the white sea lion showed its figure.

"It's now, Kuailong, Lightning Palm!"


Kuailong roared furiously, and thunder light lingered around his right paw, crackling.


Suddenly, Kuailong closed his eyes, half kneeling on the ground with an extremely painful expression.The Lightning Palm also faintly showed signs of laxity.

This scene surprised Kona, and immediately directed the white sea lion to say: "It's now, the freezing light!"

Has your physical strength reached its limit?

Seeing that the white sea lion's horn began to emit blue fluorescence, Xiao Luo felt a sense of loss.


Just when Xiao Luo was about to accept the fact of losing again, Kuailong seemed to be stimulated by the blue fluorescent light of the freezing light, and the scattered thunder light palms gathered again, emitting a dazzling golden light, and striking towards the white sea lion.At the same time, the white sea lion's unicorn also shot out several zigzagging light blue rays of light, hitting Kuailong.

The white sea lion rolled and flew out, and there was an explosion on Kuailong at the same time.

The two elves fell to the ground at the same time, and their eyes became swirls.

"The white sea lion and the fast dragon lost their fighting ability at the same time."


The audience at the scene suddenly boiled, cheers and whistles came and went one after another.

"Great! Great fight!"

"It's great, come on for the league champions, come on for Kona King!"

"Hurry up and start the next round, I can't wait, hurry up and play."

"League champions come on, beat the Four Heavenly Kings!"


"Xiao Luo...that's amazing!" Xiao Zhi, who was sitting in the front row, looked at Xiao Luo in a daze, and said dumbly.

Ake sighed and said, "This should be its true strength! He has already left us far behind."

Xia Yi looked at Xiao Luo slightly and a little excitedly, his eyes were full of pride.

Xiao Liu looked at Xiao Luo with a smile, and thought to himself: This time, my brother's affairs should be fine.


On the other side, on the rostrum at the top of the venue, Du turned his head to look at Xiba next to him and asked, "What do you think of Xiao Luo?"

Xiba smiled heartily: "Haha, this kid is good, has potential, I like it!"

Du surprised and laughed, "If I hadn't asked you to say this!"

"Hey?! Then what do you want me to say?"

"Didn't you find anything?"

Xiba stroked the beard stubble on his chin, and thought for a while: "I didn't find it!"

Du was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, and ignored him.

"What? What did you find?"

"He's a genius!"

"Oh?" Shiba became interested: "How do you say?"

Du sighed and explained: "Didn't you notice that he played more and more smoothly in this game? He has gradually played his style, and Qi faintly has the strength to compete with Kona."

"At the beginning of the game, Kona's hidden strength could suppress him. Up to now, Kona has shown his real strength, and he actually fought to a tie with Kona. Although he has some advantages of the essence of the elves, But that’s enough to make the case.”

Shiba was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Du pondered for a while, and said: "He has been improving! He should be the kind of trainer who is constantly improving in battle. As long as he is given a matching opponent and stimulates his potential fighting spirit, the speed of his improvement will let him Shame on any talented trainer. I have a hunch he's going to be the youngest champion ever."

Hurry up and grow up, I can't wait to fight with you.Du looked at Xiao Luo off the field with burning eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The youngest trainer in history!" Xiba rubbed his chin, turned his eyes to Xiao Luo off the court again, and said with a smile: "Haha, isn't this very good, he is from the Kanto area, and he gives us a long face. "

Du suddenly looked at Xiba with a dull face, not knowing what to say.


Xiao Luo and Kona took out the elf balls at the same time and took the two elves back.

"Next one, come out, Chenglong!"

Kona also seemed to be interested, and couldn't wait to take out the poke ball and throw it out, starting a new round of battle.

With a white light shining down, Chenglong appeared on the field with sharp eyes and a strong aura exuding from his whole body.

I don't know why, but when Xiao Luo looked at Cheng Long, he suddenly shuddered, which made him extremely uneasy.

"Hey, it's actually Chenglong." Xiba was also a little surprised when he saw Kuailong.

Du smiled slightly and said, "Kona is trying to curb Xiao Luo's rising momentum."

"But the battle is only halfway through, isn't this a little bit too much?"

Du shook his head and said, "If it were me, I would do the same."

Shiba looked at Du with some doubts, waiting for her explanation.

"You should also understand the importance of aura. If Xiao Luo's aura is allowed to rise all the way, in the end, with that special Bi Diao and those divine beasts added, Kona is likely to lose."

"No way!" Shiba said in shock.

Du sighed softly: "It doesn't matter whether it will or not. The important thing is that Kona has lost the confidence to win. Even me, in Kona's position, is the same."

After finishing speaking, Du glanced at Shiba again, and said with a smile: "It was a mistake to let Kona play. Maybe you are more suitable to be his opponent. Because only you have this confidence."

Hearing this, Shiba laughed heartily, quite proudly.


(End of this chapter)

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