Chapter 242 From Chenglong's Spike!

Chenglong and Tyrannosaurus are somewhat similar. Although the word "dragon" is included in the name, they do not belong to the dragon family, but to the dual family of water and ice.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Luo took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Flame Chicken, I'll leave this round to you."

The poke ball was opened, and the flame chicken's tall body appeared on the field, with corny eyes and majestic majesty.


With the long roar of the flame chicken, he clenched his fists with his claws, and the flames of fighting spirit on his wrists blazed, making chi chi noises, and he assumed a very handsome fighting posture.

"Hmph, Chenglong, surfing!" Kona snorted softly, commanding Chenglong to launch an attack.


A distant and beautiful long cry came from Chenglong's mouth, and a huge wave surged on the field, holding Chenglong high, and under the control of Chenglong, it roared towards the flame chicken.

Xiao Luo smiled confidently and commanded: "Flame chicken, jump!"

The flame chicken squats slightly, and its excellent jumping ability makes it fly high, far exceeding the height of surfing tricks.

As soon as the surfer jumped under the flame chicken, Xiao Luo commanded again: "Now, use the flame kick."

The Flaming Chicken half-bent one leg, and straightened the other leg downwards. At the same time, it was surrounded by raging flames. It kicked Chenglong on the waves below with sharp eyes.

However, Kuailong seemed very calm about the attack that was about to hit. Just when Xiao Luo felt something was wrong, Ke Na smiled and commanded: "Take the dragon, Mount Tai is over the top!"

I saw Chenglong leaping lightly on the wave, then dodged the flame kick of the flame chicken, and appeared directly above the flame chicken.Under the horrified eyes of the flame chicken, Kuailong's huge and smooth lower body was pressed down with a lot of force.

Fortunately for Xiaoluo, the surfing stunt collapsed after the dragon jump away, otherwise a Mount Tai mountain would be crushed into the surfing trick, and the consequences would be unimaginable.However, even so, at such a height, if it is hit by this Mount Tai, the flame chicken will not feel good.

Looking at the flame chicken that was being suppressed by Chenglong and falling at an extremely fast speed, Xiao Luo turned his mind and hurriedly directed: "Flame chicken, quickly use the flame jet to the wall of the venue!"


A thick flame spewed out towards the wall of the venue.With the help of such a reaction force, the flame chicken finally escaped from under Chenglong just before falling to the ground.

Chenglong weighed heavily on the ground, and the field shook slightly.

"Now, Kuailong uses the freezing light!" Seeing that the flame chicken hadn't stabilized his figure, Kona quickly gave instructions.

Chenglong opened his mouth, and several zigzag blue lights formed a beam of light, hitting the flame chicken.

"Flame chicken, hurry up and avoid it."

When the freezing light hit, the flame chicken had time to touch the ground with one foot, rolling to the side to avoid the attack.

"Don't let it escape, the freezing light is strafing."

Under Kona's command, Chenglong manipulated the freezing light, followed by the flame chicken.

At this moment, the flame chicken has already touched the ground, and its body is extremely flexible, or rolls or moves sideways, easily avoiding the attack of the freezing light.

Judging from the scene, it is absolutely impossible for Chenglong's freezing light to hit the flame chicken at this moment.However, Kona didn't intend to let Chenglong stop attacking, which somewhat puzzled Xiao Luo.

Soon, Chenglong made a round of attacks, and the flame chicken also circled the field for a full circle.With the freezing light that can last for such a long time, Kuailong's strength has been fully demonstrated.

After the attack for a week, Xiao Luo obviously noticed a smile on the corner of Kona's mouth, which also made Xiao Luo's uneasiness even stronger.

In desperation, Xiao Luo had no choice but to risk being hit by the freezing light, and commanded a counterattack: "Flame Chicken, use the Heaven Fist!"

However, Kona's conspiracy also surfaced at this moment...

Just when the flame chicken heard Xiao Luo's command and was about to launch an impact on Chenglong, he slipped and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

This fall caused Xiao Luo to shift his attention to the field. After seeing the change in the field, Xiao Luo couldn't help but gasped, his face was extremely ugly.

At the beginning, the venue was covered with water traces under the surfing trick. Under the influence of Chenglong's circle of freezing light, the water traces froze, and a thin layer of ice appeared on the venue.It was this thin layer of ice that made the flame chicken slide to the ground.

Chenglong's freezing light swept across, and the flame chicken could no longer avoid it, and was finally hit by the exciting light.Affected by the cold air on the ground, the freezing light did not explode, but extended and contacted the ice layer on the field, freezing the flame chicken into a large lump of ice.

"Well done Chenglong! Give him the final blow, absolute zero!"


Chenglong let out a long cry, and his body glowed with blue fluorescence. Then, a blue energy ball spewed out from Kuailong's mouth, and flew towards the frozen flame chicken.

After the blue energy ball hit the ice layer on the surface of the flame chicken, it turned into a thicker ice layer, suppressing the flame chicken like an iceberg.

This situation didn't last long, the iceberg shattered and disappeared into the midair as dots of bright fluorescent light.One hit kills, the flame chicken's tall and straight body lay limply on the ground, its eyes spiraled, and it lost its fighting ability.

"The flame chicken loses the ability to fight, and rides the dragon to win!"

"Come back, flame chicken!"

Xiao Luo gritted her teeth angrily, and took the flame chicken back.Then, without any consideration, he took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Come out, Gyarados!"


The elf ball was opened, and a burst of bright gold powder fell, and the huge red-gold body of the Tyrannosaurus appeared in midair, roaring loudly at Chenglong.


Passive intimidation failed, but it aroused Chenglong's fighting spirit, and he challenged the Gyarados, not to be outdone.

Only then did the Tyrannosaurus look at Chenglong, and after feeling its powerful aura, it showed a solemn expression, and let out low growls from its throat.

"Hey! This Gyarados is so beautiful, Du!" Seeing Xiao Luo's golden Gyarados again, Xiba still couldn't recognize him and exclaimed.

"Well, I heard from the old man at the beach that there is a golden carp king in the sea. Presumably this Gyarados should have evolved from that golden carp king."

Xiba stroked his chin and said, "Not only does it look good, but it also seems to be very powerful. I don't know if it can defeat Kona's Chenglong."

"This..." Du hesitated for a moment, and said, "The strength of the two elves should be almost the same. Let's see how Xiao Luo and Kona perform."


"Gyarados, use Crunch!"

Xiao Luo's command is quite in line with his current heart, he can't wait to jump up and kill Chenglong at this moment, the flame chicken's defeat is really unjust.


The Tyrannosaurus roared, the fangs in its mouth glowed white, and with a flick of its tail, it swooped towards Chenglong.

"Chenglong, surf!"

Chenglong made a long cry, and a huge wave of water suddenly floated on the field. Under the control of Chenglong, it rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus.

"Go, Gyarados!"


Encouraged by Xiao Luo, Gyarados plunged headlong into the ultimate surfing trick, with a slightly pained expression on his face, but he persisted.The huge dragon body swam to break through the obstruction of the waves, and with a roar, it bit Chenglong's body.

Chenglong screamed in pain, and fell down from the waves with a painful expression.

"It's now, use the wave of the dragon!"

The tyrannosaurus opened its mouth and sprayed out a blue light, turning into a long dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed towards Chenglong who landed on the ground.

"Chenglong, freeze the light!"

After Chenglong heard Kona's command, he quickly adjusted his body shape, landed steadily, opened his mouth and sprayed out several zigzag blue rays of light to meet the attack of the dragon's wave.

The two tricks collided and exploded, producing thick smoke.

"The tyrannical carp dragon, dragon tail!"


A roar came from the mouth of the Gyarados.Afterwards, the Gyarados broke through the smoke screen produced by the explosion, and a layer of green fluorescence appeared on the surface of the tail, forming a huge and beautiful energy dragon tail, and smashed towards Chenglong's head and face.

"Ride the dragon, skate!"

At this moment, the initial layer of ice on the field has not yet melted, riding the dragon on the ice, dodging the attack of the dragon's tail extremely fast.

The dragon's tail hit the field, the field shook, ice chips splashed, and the thick dragon armor of the Gyarados opened, making a ping-pong sound.

"Ride the dragon, use Mount Tai to suppress the top!"

After dodging the attack, Chenglong turned around and leaped high with the help of the sliding ice, pressing down on the huge body of the Gyarados with a firm expression.

"Hmph, Gyarados, come on Dragon Tail again!"


The Tyrannosaurus roared violently, and the disappearing tail of the dragon reappeared, and it lashed towards the pressing dragon.

The sound of physical collisions stimulated the eardrums, and long electric sparks sizzled between the two elves.

The power was surging and evenly matched, and the two elves were helplessly pushed away by the force of the countershock.

"Gyarados, the wave of the dragon!"

A blue energy dragon flew out from the mouth of the tyrannosaurus, and with dragon roars, it rushed towards Chenglong who was thrown behind and slid back.

"Frozen Light!"

After Chenglong stabilized his body, he also shot a zigzag beam of light to meet him.

The trick exploded again, and the thick smoke of war lingered for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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