Chapter 243 Unexpected Challenger!
Three days passed in a flash.After Liu Bo's enlightenment, Xiao Luo deliberately talked with the flame chicken and the tyrannosaurus with the help of Geng Gui.The two elves naturally didn't mean to blame Xiao Luo, especially the Gyarados, although it failed, the reckless fighting style was indeed what it wanted, so it was naturally impossible to shift the responsibility to Xiao Luo.And when they learned that Xiao Luo felt guilty for his failure, the two elves were so moved that they comforted Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo didn't do anything these three days, but released all the elves and let them play and play in Uncle Liu's small courtyard, while Xiao Luo lay on a deck chair, basking in the sun, watching with a smile. they.

Xiao Luo hadn't enjoyed such a comfortable death light for a long time.

Just as Xiao Luo stretched out her hand to caress the coquettish Ladias beside her, enjoying a comfortable life, Aunt Sima hurried in.

Because Uncle Liu is a gym trainer, Sima usually helps Uncle Liu do some chores in the gym.Seeing that Aunt Sima came back so early at this time, Xiao Luo felt a little strange.

"What's the matter, Aunt Xima?" Xiao Luo hurriedly stood up from the recliner and asked, "Did something happen?"

"It's all right!" Sima said with a smile, "It's the trainer who is challenging again from the gymnasium. The old man thought that you have nothing to do recently, so he asked me to call you over and let you go back to the gymnasium." Trainer."

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, then asked: "Is it what the teacher meant?"

"That's what the old man means. He and the challenger have made an agreement, and now I'm waiting for you to pass. Prepare first, and don't let the challenger wait too long. I will pass first." After speaking, Sima turned around Leave the small courtyard and walk towards the clubhouse.

"Master, why do you suddenly have such an idea? But it's okay, the flame chickens have been too idle recently, and it's time for activities." Thinking of this, Xiao Luo put away all the elves, went into the house and changed a pair of shoes After that, walk quickly to the gymnasium.

After a while, Xiao Luo came to the gymnasium.The challenger was already standing on the playing field, while Liu Bo and Xima were standing on the edge of the field, as if they were waiting for Xiao Luo.

"Master!" Xiao Luo walked up to Uncle Liu and called out respectfully.


Liu Bo nodded, and said, "This challenge is up to you. I've already made an agreement with the challenger, there's no problem."

Xiao Luo didn't ask too many questions, and walked up to the other side where the owner stood and looked at the challenger.Just looking at it, Xiao Luo actually had a heart-pounding sense of familiarity.

The girl was about the same age as Xiao Luo, her long brown hair was tied into two buns on both sides and fell naturally, and the middle part was bound by a sun hat.The eyes are big and bright, and the pupils are rare blue, which looks very attractive.

The upper body is wearing a T-shirt with light blue sleeves and a white body, and there is a pattern of pink elf balls in the middle, which is on the chest that has begun to take shape.The lower body is an extremely attractive black hakama.The decorative skirt is a goose yellow pleated skirt, which can cover the small breasts.

When Xiao Luo looked at the challenger, the challenger was also looking at him, his eyes were very agile, giving people a very cute look.

"Hey, are you Uncle Liu's disciple?" The challenger was very cheerful, and asked Xiao Luo with a smile.

"Well, it's Xiaoluo from the new town."

"True New Town?" The challenger froze for a moment, then excitedly said, "I know about True New Town, Dr. Oki in True New Town is very famous. His Chuanliu (should be this thing) is so well written! I I have always wanted to go to Zhenxin Town to meet him in person. But Zhenxin Town is so far away, I don’t know when I can travel there.”

Xiao Luo looked at the girl with an excited face a little speechlessly, and thought to herself: "A really new town, so excited?"

"My name is Mei, and I'm from Hinoki Ougi City!" The girl finally introduced herself after being excited.

"Mei?" Hearing this name, Xiao Luo became more and more familiar.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xiao Luo's puzzled look, Mei asked aloud.

Xiao Luo looked at Mei Yi again, and finally remembered where he had seen her before, and couldn't help saying: "So it's you?"

"Huh? You know me?" Mei asked in surprise.

"Oh, I don't know! I've got the wrong person, I'm sorry!" Xiao Luo said with a slightly reddened face after realizing it.

"Cough cough!"

Just as Yai was about to speak again, Uncle Liu next to him coughed lightly twice, and said, "Okay, don't waste time, let's compete first. You can chat after the competition."

"That's right!" Xima looked at Xiao Luo and then at Mei, and agreed with a smile on her face: "It just so happens that Xiao Luo will return to Zhenxin Town in two days, if Miss Ya Yi doesn't mind, you can stay here for two more days, and then meet with me Let Xiao Luo go to Zhenxin Town together."

"Really?" Mei said pleasantly, "That's great, then I should be able to see Dr. Oki sooner."

Uncle Liu gave Sima a reproachful look, but Sima had a happy smile on her face, completely ignoring his existence.

"Okay, the rules of the game are three-on-three, only Mei can replace the elves, let's start the game." After Liu Bo briefly explained the rules, he hastily announced the start of the game.

Mei blinked mischievously and reminded Xiao Luo, "Xiao Luo, you have to be careful, I'm very powerful."


Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, I will."

Mei, the heroine of Black and White II, unexpectedly met here under such circumstances.At this moment, Xiao Luo really wanted to express his heart in one sentence, "I'll fuck you, you god of creation!"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Luo took out an elf ball, threw it high, received it in his hand, and threw it out forcefully: "Go, flame chicken."

The elf ball kept spinning, and before it landed, it opened in the air, white light shone down, and the flame chicken appeared handsomely.The tall and straight body is straight and powerful, with corny eyes staring at him, looking like he is the only one who is superior to himself.

"Flame chicken, so handsome!"

After getting a little excited, Mei also took out a poke ball and threw it into the sky: "However, mine is not bad. Go, Cool Leopard!"

A white light flashed, and a leopard-shaped elf appeared in front of the flame chicken.Facing this elf, both Xiao Luo and Flame Chicken were stunned for a moment.They don't know much about this elf.

Therefore, it was rare for Xiao Luo to take out the elf illustrated book.

"Cool leopard, cold Pokémon, evolution of pickpocket cat. The beautiful posture is due to the well-developed muscles all over the body, and it can pass through the night silently."

After Xiao Luo looked at other detailed information, he had a bottom line in his heart.After putting away the elf illustrated book, he raised his voice and said to Mei: "It's you who will attack first."

"Then I won't be polite. Cool Leopard, use the shadow claw!"

The cool leopard responded, turned into a blue lightning, and rushed towards the flame chicken.

Because Liu Bo was not playing, he did not choose the venue of ice.Otherwise, Cool Leopard would not have this speed.

After approaching the flame chicken, the cool leopard jumped up with a ferocious face, its front paws glowed with black light, forming a long and sharp claw, and grabbed towards the flame chicken.

"Flame Chicken, avoid it."

The flame chicken's lower body remained still, and its upper body turned slightly to one side, easily dodging the cool leopard's attack.

"Cool Leopard, keep attacking!" A mistake in one blow didn't dampen Mei's confidence.

After the cool leopard landed, it screamed angrily, turned around and jumped on it again, and the shadow claws came from behind the flame chicken.

call out!
The flame chicken didn't even look back, its body moved slightly, and jumped up high, and the cool leopard brushed past the flame chicken again.

"Flame kick!" Indifferently commanded.

The flame chicken jumped directly to the top of the gymnasium. After hearing Xiao Luo's command, he kicked backwards, stepped on the roof of the receiving house, and rushed straight towards the cool leopard below.

"Come on! Cool Leopard, use the shadow ball!"

The cool leopard opened its mouth, and a shadow ball formed in its mouth, and it hit the downward flame chicken fiercely.


Seeing the flying shadow ball, the flame chicken let out a contemptuous cry, and turned its downward body, avoiding the attack of the shadow ball again.

Afterwards, the Flame Chicken's right foot ignited a raging flame, approaching the front and back of the cheetah, its body straightened instantly, and a 360-degree swirling flame kick hit the cool leopard's head.

A scream came out of Kubao's mouth, and its body spun uncontrollably and flew upside down, hitting the wall of the gymnasium.

"The cool leopard lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won!" Uncle Liu frowned and announced helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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