Chapter 244 Complete victory!

"Okay... that's amazing!" Mei had never experienced such a battle before, and was stunned for a while.

"Come back, Cool Leopard!" After a while, Mei came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and took the Cool Leopard back, took out the poke ball again and threw it out: "Go, Mary Luli!"

White light flashed, and Mary Luli with two long ears appeared on the field.This Mary Luli is well-bred, full of energy, and has sharp eyes.

"Mari Luli, use the water gun!"


Mary Luli opened her mouth and sprayed out a spiral jet of water, hitting the flame chicken.

"Spray flames!"

Call ~
Without any power accumulation, a spiral flame twice as thick as the water gun, in the shape of a regular column, burst out from the mouth of the flame chicken in an instant.


The ear-piercing sound of water and fire mingled, and the white mist instantly filled the air.The difference in strength completely ignored the restraint of attributes, and the jet of flame evaporated the water gun all the way, hitting Marilulli.

A scream came from Mary Luli's mouth.After the flames passed, Marilulli half-kneeled on the ground with scars all over her body, panting heavily.

"Damn it, since that's the case, Mary Luli, use the billion-dollar impact!" Mei was obviously a little angry.


Mary Luli was a little dazed when she heard the words, and then jumped up with resolute eyes. At the same time, the thick rotating gray energy wrapped her, and rushed towards the flame chicken with unparalleled power.

"It still does this!"

Xiao Luo was a little surprised, seeing the super big trick coming from the impact, Xiao Luo also commanded: "Explosive electric shock!"

Just when the blue flames were rising and enveloping the flame chicken, the thick energy around Mari Luli's body suddenly disappeared, and Mari Luli appeared in mid-air with her embarrassingly exposed body, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Seeing this scene, the Flaming Chicken naturally stopped the attack of the explosive electric shock.He looked at Mary Luli with a face full of black lines.

" didn't work again!" Mei said angrily.

Xiao Luo shook his head helplessly at this. With such strength, he dared to challenge Uncle Liu. He really answered the old saying: Ignorance is meaningless!
"Flame Chicken, solve it!"

After learning about Mei's strength, Xiao Luo also lost interest in this match, and just wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.The Flame Chicken didn't seem to be interested either. With a movement of his body, he rushed in front of Mari Luli in an instant. In the astonished expression of the other party, he immediately hit an uppercut, knocking Mari Luli into the air, and then landed heavily.

"Mari Luli loses her ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins!"

"I am so angry!"

Mei's pretty face flushed red, and after putting away Mari Luli, she quickly took out a poke ball and threw it again: "Monarch Snake, please!"

The elf ball was opened, and an extremely beautiful elf appeared on the field.

This is a snake-like elf, light green in color as a whole, with three dark green leaves at the end of its tail.There are yellow patterns on the body, which look like royal noble patterns.In addition, there are two leaf vines that roll out on both sides of the neck, just like the cuffs of the collar of a suit.The eyes are like two rubies, giving people a high-end and domineering feeling overall.

"This should be the Monarch Snake!"

Looking at the elf that just appeared, Xiao Luo immediately took out the elf illustration book.

"The Monarch Snake, the Royal Pokémon, the evolution of the Ivy Snake, just staring at it can make the opponent unable to move, and it will increase the energy of the sun in the body."

"Where is Mei's representative spirit!"

Xiao Luo put away the illustration book, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at the Monarch Snake with great interest, looking forward to its performance.

"Monarch snake, use binding!"

The monarch snake swam quickly and rushed towards the flame chicken.Without Xiao Luo's command, the Flaming Chicken didn't respond to the Monarch Snake's attack.Just when the Monarch Snake bullied himself and wanted to tie up the Flaming Chicken, even without Xiao Luo's command, the Flaming Chicken jumped up in time and avoided the attack.

When the binding failed, Mei followed closely and directed: "Use the sun and flames!"

After hearing Mei's command, Monarch Snake opened its mouth, a faint white ball of light formed in front of the mouth, and dots of white light were gathering little by little.

Facing Mei's command, Xiao Luo also shook his head helplessly.In the indoor environment, using the sun and flames is not much different from courting death.If Xiao Luo didn't want to see the performance of the Sovereign Snake, at this moment, a jet of flame would be enough to resolve the battle.

call out!
After a while, the sun and flames finally converged, and a white light shot out from the monarch snake's mouth, and hit the flame chicken at an extremely fast speed.

"Spray flames!"

The flame chicken opened its mouth and shot out a flame, resisting the attack of the sun's flames. After a moment of stalemate, the two exploded, and the thick smoke filled the air, blocking part of the line of sight.

"Right now, use the dragon's tail!"

call out!
The Monarch Snake plunged headlong into the smoke screen, its tail glowing blue, passing through the smoke, and seeing the figure of the flame chicken, it struck out fiercely with its tail, and hit the flame chicken.


The flame chicken calmly jumped back, dodging the attack.

"Don't let it run, keep attacking!"

The Monarch Snake continued to bully him, hitting the dragon's tail again and again, and the flame chicken moved quickly, always avoiding the attack of the dragon's tail by chance.

Not long after, the Monarch Snake was tired and out of breath, and took the initiative to stop the attack.The flame chicken was calm and relaxed, standing not far from the monarch snake, looking at it calmly.

The Monarch Snake is an elf that excels in speed, but facing the Flaming Chicken, it doesn't even have the advantage in speed, so it is unlikely to win this game.

"Damn it, Monarch Snake, use Ye Baofeng!"

The monarch snake let out a long cry, and a tornado formed by leaves appeared around its body, sweeping towards the flame chicken with great momentum.

This time, without waiting for Xiao Luo's command, the flame chicken shot out with a jet of flames. With the help of Ye Baofeng's wind power, the flames soared, turning the mighty Ye Baofeng into a flame vortex, and instantly burned all the leaves.

"Fix it!"

Xiao Luo was too lazy to command, so he simply said, and let the flame chicken fight independently.


The flame chicken clanged, and the flame of fighting spirit on its wrist sneered, and rushed to the back of Ye Teng snake with one stride, pinching its tail.When the Sovereign Snake turned his head to look in horror, the Flaming Chicken showed a smirk, shook the chicken's claws vigorously, and the Sovereign Snake undulated like waves.With just one click, the Monarch Snake was a little dizzy.

Afterwards, the flame chicken pulled the long body of the Monarch Snake and swung it around twice, and threw it hard, throwing it far away on the wall of the guild hall.

After the Monarch Snake let out a scream, it gracefully lay down on the ground, its eyes spiraling.

"The Monarch Snake lost the ability to fight, and the Flame Chicken won! So this challenge is won by Xiao Luo!"

After Liu Bo finished speaking, he smiled at Mei Yi and said, "It seems that I can't give you the badge."

At this moment, Mei couldn't care about the badge. The Monarch Snake was her initial elf. Seeing that the Monarch Snake was injured, she didn't listen to what Uncle Liu said, and hurried to the Monarch Snake to check the Monarch Snake's injury.

After finding that the snake wound was not serious, the monarch let out a sigh of relief, and after comforting the monarch snake, he put it away.

Xiao Luo also put away the flame chicken, walked up to Mei and said, "Well... let me go to the elf center with you."

After all, it was the elf who injured Mei, Xiao Luo felt that it was necessary to express her kindness.Of course, the main reason is that this person is Mei, other than that, no one has ever received such care from Xiao Luo.

"Are you really Uncle Liu's disciple? You are so powerful, stronger than all the pavilion masters I have seen before." Mei did not show anger because the elf was injured, but looked at him with admiration. Xiaoluo.

Xiao Luo looked like he laughed and said, "It must!" But seeing Uncle Liu looking at the two of them with a smile on his face, he blushed slightly and said, "It's okay, my master is even better than me. In fact, many museum owners are very powerful, but they don’t show it.”

"Really? How do you know? Have you ever been the owner of the museum..." Mei asked like a machine gun.

Looking at Xia Bo and Xi Lan who were "watching" next to them, and facing the innocent and lively Mei Xiaoluo, I really didn't know what to do, so I could only interrupt: "Go to the elf center first, and then answer these questions later."

"Well, you go to the elf center to treat the elves first, and then come back to have dinner together. I will prepare with you Auntie Xilan." He Shan said with a smile on his face.

"That's right, hurry up to the Fairy Center, let's go!" Mei then remembered to go to the Fairy Center, dragged Xiao Luo and ran out of the hall without any explanation.

"These two children are really nice! If I have such a pair of children, this life is worth it." Xi Lan looked at the back of the two of them and said with emotion.

Liu Bo smiled and said, "Well, isn't Xiao Luo just your half child!"

"Hehe, it's good to have both. No, take the time to talk to Xiao Luo, don't let this little girl run away!"

"What are you talking about, the child is still so young!"

"You don't know, the child is very precocious now! Didn't you see the child from the old Wang's family next door to us? He has already made a decision, and..."

"Okay, okay, let's go cook!"


(End of this chapter)

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