Chapter 245 Return to True New Town!

Time turned and another two days passed.

Yayi wanted to go to Zhenxin Town wholeheartedly, so she stayed at Uncle Liu's house, planning to go to Zhenxin Town with Xiao Luo.In the past two days, many challengers have come to the gymnasium competition, and Liu Bo has always asked Xiao Luo to fight on his behalf.

After these two days of understanding, Mei finally understood Xiao Luo's strength.Of all the trainers who came to challenge, none of them could force out Xiao Luo's second elf.The arrogant Flame Chicken, the domineering Golden Gyarados, the aloof Lucario, the calm Hippo King, the elegant Xanadu... The powerful elves in Xiao Luo's hands made her dizzy.And after learning from some challengers that Xiao Luo is the double champion of the Quartz League and the Silver League, Mei opened her mouth in surprise and kept praising Xiao Luo for being amazing.

Xiao Luo acted powerful and perfect, but Liu Bo didn't say a word about it.For those who failed the challenge, Liu Bo also screened them and gave some badges to recognize their strength.

On the third day, Xiao Luo and Mei woke up early, preparing to return to Zhenxin Town.

Time is a highly effective healing medicine, coupled with Liu Bo's enlightenment, Xiao Luo has come out of the guilt of the game.And he came out for many days without saying hello, and he didn't want Xia Yi and the others to worry too much.Coupled with Mei's chattering and urging, Xiao Luo planned to go back as soon as possible and then come again.

Liu Bo and Xi Lan also woke up early to send Xiao Luo away.

Walking out of the door, Uncle Liu said, "Go back and apologize to your companions, they must be worried."


Thinking of Xia Yi, Xiao Luo felt guilty, feeling that she owed her too much.

"Come back after dealing with the matter, you help me keep guarding the gymnasium for a while, and let my old man relax for a few days."

Xiao Luo joked, "Aren't you afraid that your badge will be released?"

Uncle Liu chuckled and said, "When you come again, you won't be as law-abiding as you were before."

"Then how do you defend? Could it be that Xiao Luo loses? If that's the case, it would be great. It's much more difficult for him to lose than for him to win." Yai blinked her big eyes and looked at Uncle Liu expectantly. , seems to be extremely hopeful that he will give an affirmative answer.

"Hehe, well, let's go, we'll talk about it when we come back."

"Uncle Liu, just tell me, did you let Xiao Luo lose?" Yayi hugged Uncle Liu's arm and said coquettishly.

After getting along for the past two days, the innocent and lively Mei is very popular with Liu Bo and Xi Lan, plus she has a sweet mouth, which makes Liu Bo and Xi Lan smile every day.Therefore, even though Yayi only stayed at Uncle Liu's house for two short days, her status surpassed Xiaoluo's by leaps and bounds.It is also because of this that Mei dared to make such an intimate gesture.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Bo's old face was full of smiles, but he still didn't give a clear answer, he just said that he would know when the time came.

Seeing Uncle Liu like this, Xiao Luo didn't ask any more questions, and after saying goodbye to the two of them again, he and Mei flew to Zhenxin Town on the Tyrannosaurus.

Because he was eager to go home, he didn't let the Gyarados stop to rest on the way.Flying back to Zhenxin Town in one breath, even though the Gyarados was strong enough, it was exhausting enough.

"Your house is so big and beautiful!"

Arriving at the entrance of the villa, Xiao Luo retracted the Gyarados, looking at the high-end villa in front of him, Mei sighed.

"Well, it's okay."

Because he was about to face Xia Yi, Xiao Luo felt somewhat fearful, so he responded copiously.

At this moment, the courtyard door of the villa is closed, and Xiao Luo never carries a key with her, and Xia Yi must open the door if she wants to enter.When he got to the door, Xiao Luo still couldn't muster up the courage to ring the doorbell. He didn't know how to explain to Xia Yi, and he was afraid that Xia Yi would overreact.

"Don't you have a key?" Mei suddenly walked up and asked Xiao Luo who was a little dazed.

"Ah... no, I didn't bring it!" Xiao Luo blushed slightly.

"Then ring the bell, what are you doing here?" Mei said, reaching out to the doorbell and pressing it.It was too late for Xiao Luo to stop him.


With the matter at this point, Xiao Luo could only take a deep breath and prepare to face it.


Xia Yi's figure did not appear on the small screen on the doorbell, but the lucky egg.

Seeing the auspicious egg, Xiao Luo's heart slowly relaxed a little.

"Lucky egg, it's me!" Xiao Luo said and raised his head to let the camera above take a clear picture.

"Larry Larry~"

Ji Lidan was excited and taught twice, then opened the courtyard door of the villa by remote control.

"Let's go, let's go in." Xiao Luo greeted Mei, and walked in first.


A burst of chaotic dog barking sounded from far and near, and after a while, several black figures appeared in front of Xiao Luo and Mei, running towards Xiao Luo quickly.

"Hei Lujia!" Xiao Luo exclaimed in surprise, and quickly walked up to him.

"Wang woo~"

Soon, two black Luga and three Dai Rubi surrounded Xiao Luo, shook their heads for a while, and stretched out their scarlet tongues to lick Xiao Luo's hands that were stretched out to caress them.

"It seems that you have been doing well recently. These three little guys have grown up a lot."

"Woof woof..."

Three Dai Rubi surrounded Xiao Luo's feet, shouting happily.





Afterwards, all the elves that Xiao Luo kept at home rushed over upon hearing the news, gathered around Xiao Luo, and looked at Xiao Luo excitedly.Xiao Luo was away from home for so many days, and they were obviously very worried.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worry." Seeing that all her elves were here, Xiao Luo was also very happy, and said humbly to them with a smile.

The elves responded in a very understanding manner, and did not intend to blame Xiao Luo.

"Are these your elves, Xiao Luo?" Mei asked excitedly, looking at the elves in front of her.

"Well, all the elves are here." Seeing her own elves, Xiao Luo temporarily put aside the matter of facing Xia Yi, and proudly introduced her elves to Mei one by one.

"It's amazing, they are all very powerful elves. No wonder you can win two league championships."

"Of course!" Xiao Luo looked proud.

It's just that not long after she was proud, a pretty figure slowly walked over, and Xiao Luo's elf voluntarily made way for her.

"You're back?" Xia Yi looked at Xiao Luo with a smile on her face.

"Uh...that...well, I'm back." Xiao Luo scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, wishing to scratch off a piece of skin.

Seeing that Xia Yi just looked at him with a smile and didn't speak, Xiao Luo had no choice but to pull Mei Yi and said: "She is Mei, because she worships Dr. Oki, she came back with me."

"Hi, hello! Are you Xiao Luo's sister?" Yai greeted Xia Yi with a familiar face.

"Hello, my name is Xia Yi, and I can't afford to be his sister." While talking, Xia Yi didn't forget to glance at Xiao Luo, feeling a little resentful.

"Then you are his sister?" Mei asked with a gesture of breaking the casserole.

Before Xia Yi could say anything, Xiao Luo hurriedly explained: "She is my travel partner, and half of this villa is also owned by her!"

"Her half?" Mei asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Luo shrugged and said, "Although the house is mine, it is basically paid by her."

"Wow! Really? Xia Yi, your family is so rich!"

"'s okay!" Xia Yi replied reluctantly, feeling a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Oh yes, that's great!" Mei cheered, and immediately ran up to hug Xia Yi's arm and said, "Sister Xia Yi, let's go shopping in Golden City when we have time, I've heard the name of Golden City a long time ago, This time, we must go to see and see.”

"Uh... Well, okay! When the time comes, tell me what you like, and I'll give it to you."

"That's great, long live sister Xia Yi!"

Xiao Luo watched from the side and shook her head for a while, secretly said: "There is a price to be paid for upgrading to sister, you didn't realize this, Bai has been traveling with me for so long."

And Xia Yi seemed to be able to hear what was in his heart, her eyes swept over at once, Xiao Luo, who was so scared and guilty, quickly shrank her head, and seconded: "Well, let's go together, I haven't seen Cole for a long time, let's go and see look at her."

"Great, let's go now, I heard that Jinhuang City is more fun at night!"


Xiao Luo and Xia Yi were speechless for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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