Chapter 246 Moved!

"It's amazing, it's worthy of being the top three in the Silver Conference!"

Mei sighed in admiration, and Mei took Hayoke back after admiring, and took out another poke ball and threw it out again: "This is it next, go to Monarch Snake."

The white light shines, and the monarch snake appears handsomely.

"Is this the Monarch Snake?"

"What a beautiful elf!"

"The final evolution of the three initial elves, Ye Teng Snake, well, they look pretty good!"

Except for Xiao Luo, everyone present was very interested in the Monarch Snake.

Xiaozhi still took out the elf illustrated book to study it, and then took back the Fire Rock Mouse.Stretching out his hand, Pikachu ran up to Xiao Zhi's feet full of energy.

"Monarch snake, use stare!"

The monarch snake's eyes glowed red, and turned into two red eye-shaped light clusters and hit Pikachu.

"Pikachu, lightning flashes!"

Pikachu ran quickly, dragging a white light, while avoiding the staring attack, he charged towards the Monarch Snake.

"The monarch snake hurry up and avoid it."

The speed of the monarch snake is also extremely fast, and it escaped Pikachu's attack while swimming.

"Well done Monarch Snake, now, use the dragon tail to attack."

The monarch snake's tail glowed blue and rushed towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!"


Pikachu reacted quickly, and his tail had a metallic luster. When the monarch snake tail was drawn, he turned his body and used his iron tail to meet it.

A piercing sound spread throughout the field, and the two elves were pushed away by the huge recoil force.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

The electric sac on Pikachu's cheek released a large amount of yellow current, which turned into a beam of yellow light, zigzagging towards the Monarch Snake.

"Monarch Snake, Ye Baofeng!"

The Monarch Snake let out a long cry, and a large number of leaves appeared around its body, forming a tornado. Under the control of the Monarch Snake, it hit [-] volts.

Strong winds raged, and thunder and lightning sounded.The two tricks kept colliding and rubbing in the center of the field, and finally dissipated with a bang.Thick smoke billowed from the field.

"Go Pikachu, there's a flash of lightning."

call out!
A flash of white light instantly passed through the smoke screen on the field, hitting the unresponsive Monarch Snake and staggering back.

"You can't lose, Monarch Snake, Dragon Tail!"

The Monarch Snake roared angrily, and the dragon's tail shot out instantly, hitting Pikachu in front of him fiercely.

"Quickly avoid!" Xiao Luo commanded in time.


Pikachu saw the direction of the dragon's tail's attack, and jumped high to avoid the dragon's tail's attack.

"Now, use Iron Tail!"

Pikachu's tail quickly glowed with metallic luster, and after spinning in the air for a circle, it waved a circle of white light and slammed towards the Monarch Snake.

"Monarch Snake, hurry up and avoid it!"

Although under Mei's command, Monarch Snake tried to avoid it, but still failed to dodge.The iron tail hit the Monarch Snake on the head, and with this blow, the Monarch Snake screamed and flew backwards.

"Fix it, one hundred thousand volts."


After landing, Pikachu charged up and screamed, and then, an extremely thick yellow electric current rushed towards the Monarch Snake like a giant dragon and devoured it!

One hundred thousand volts hit, and the monarch snake twitched and screamed again and again.After the lightning disappeared, the Monarch Snake was covered in black smoke and limply lay on the ground.

"The Monarch Snake lost the ability to fight, and Pikachu won, so Xiaozhi won this competition!"

"Damn it, I was defeated so easily." Mei stomped her feet angrily, "Come back, Monarch Snake!"

After putting away the Monarch Snake, Mei walked towards Xiaozhi, snatched Pikachu who was celebrating victory in Xiaozhi's arms, rubbed its head vigorously and said, "Why are you so powerful?"

Instead of being angry, Pikachu let out a comfortable cry with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Finished, are you comfortable?" Xiao Luo walked up and asked Mei with a smile.

"It's comfortable!" Mei smiled and said, "Compared to you, I feel that I am too bad. It seems that I have to train the Monarch Snakes well someday."

Xiao Luo shook her head and smiled, "I'm afraid you're just talking about it."

Yayi had said this several times at Uncle Liu's house, but for three full days, Xiao Luo didn't see any movement from her.Forget it, Uncle Liu is such a powerful gym trainer, he didn't even see her ask Uncle Liu to guide him.

Mei snorted angrily and said, "I'm serious this time. I'll start training when Jinhuang City returns."

"Okay, I believe you." Xiao Luo said so, but his face had an expression of believing in you.

"What's your attitude? What's so difficult about training? I'll beat you sooner or later." Yai barked at Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes, ignored him, but said to Xiao Zhi and the others: "We are going to see Dr. Omu, do you want to go together?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said, "Let's go together, there's nothing wrong anyway."

Everyone walked towards Dr. Oki's research institute together.

Dr. Oki was distributing food to the elves in the backyard where the trainer kept him. He seemed very happy to see Xiao Luo and others coming, so he simply stopped his work and chatted with Xiao Luo.

Mei was very excited when she saw Dr. Oki appearing on TV as an elf. She slapped him a series of flattery, which made Dr. Oki laugh from ear to ear.After hearing Mei say that she likes Squirrels very much, she ran to a breeding house in a hurry and took out a Squirrel's elf egg and gave it to her.Let Mei hug Dr. Oki's arm excitedly and offer another string of flattery.

For this, Xiao Luo was indignant.I think I asked Dr. Damu for an elf, but he yelled at me, and I still didn't give it to myself in the end.As soon as Yayi opened her mouth, the elf egg was offered.The gap between people is really too big.

After coming out of Dr. Oki's Institute, the sky has become a little dark.Xia Yi invited Xiao Zhi and the three to have dinner at Xiao Luo's house, and the three readily agreed.

After arriving at Xiao Luo's house, Xiao Gang, the husband cook, wanted to cook, but Xia Yi pushed him out.The three girls gathered in the kitchen to prepare dinner, while Xiao Gang, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Luo were chatting in different places in the living room.

When the sky was completely dark, the dinner was finally ready, and the few people chatted while eating the dishes carefully prepared by Xia Yi and the three of them.With Mei, an overly lively little beauty, the atmosphere is very lively, with constant laughter.

It took nearly two hours for the meal to end, and the three of Xiaozhi sat around at Xiao Luo's house for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.Xiao Luo didn't want to stay either. After all, this is Zhenxin Town. Although Xiaozhi's house is small, it can accommodate the three of them.

After Xiaozhi and the others left, Xia Yi helped clean up another room for Mei.Mei, who was tired all day, fell asleep after tidying up the room.In the lively living room, only Xiao Luo and Xia Yi were left.

The two sat facing each other, Xia Yi kept looking at Xiao Luo with a smile, but didn't speak.That bland gaze made Xiao Luo feel a little uncomfortable.The usually eloquent mouth became clumsy at this moment: "Well, it's late, go to bed early!"


Xia Yi nodded, ready to go back to the room to rest.

But at this moment, Helujia squeezed through the door and walked in with three Derbys.

"Heluga, what's wrong?"

Looking at Hei Lujia, Xiao Luo was a little confused.This black Luga is small in stature, and Xiao Luo knows that it is the mother of the three Dai Rubi, not her own.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia looked at Xiao Luo, and called out to Xia Yi in doubt.

Seeing Hei Lujia's strange behavior, Xiao Luo cast her questioning gaze on Xia Yi.

Xia Yi blushed slightly, and explained: "The room is too big, and I'm usually a little scared to live alone, so I asked Hei Lujia and Dai Rubi to accompany me to rest in the room."

Xiao Luo instantly felt a heavy hammer hitting his chest hard, causing indescribable pain.

Xiao Luo is not really a ten-year-old boy, and because of her mature mentality, Xiao Luo instantly understood how much Xia Yi had paid for herself.Maybe getting used to the daily life in this world made Xiao Luo ignore some simple common sense.

No matter how mature a child in this world is, he is still a child. Darkness and loneliness are often the things children fear most.

Xiao Luo felt something was stuck in her throat, and she was too timid to speak.

Xia Yi didn't notice Xiao Luo's change, but said to Hei Lujia: "Hei Lujia, you go back, you don't need it today."

Hei Lujia responded, and left the room with the three Dai Rubi.

"Okay, I'm going back to my room to rest, and you should go to bed early, because I'm going to Jinhuang City tomorrow."

Just as Xia Yi was about to turn around and leave, Xiao Luo suddenly ran up, hugged Xia Yi from behind, and said with slightly red eyes: "I'm sorry, Xia Yi, I'm sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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