Chapter 250 Overwhelming the Three Divine Birds!
Bi Diao is the fastest, and after being baptized by King Feng's blood, his already powerful strength has been further improved.Among the three divine birds, the Lightning Bird was the most lethal. After Bi Diao tilted his head and glanced at it, his wings fluttered, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed up.

He didn't notice that the Lightning Bird who was close to Bi Diao staggered back when he was hit. It wasn't over yet. Before the Lightning Bird stabilized his figure, Bi Diao opened his mouth and a crimson flame spewed out. The flame roared like a dragon and hit the Lightning Bird. Let the lightning bird scream again and again.

When the Lightning Bird came back to his senses, he roared angrily at Bi Diao, surrounded by long electric sparks, and slammed into Bi Diao angrily.

Bi Diao was not afraid, the flames on his head and tail exploded, and he also let out a sharp cry, and rushed forward.

The two elves collided violently, and a wave of air was generated by the impact, roaring and rippling away.Electric sparks and sparks raged around the two fairies, forming a splendid scene.

The lightning bird was furious, and the electric spark turned into a strong electric light, covering Bi Diao's huge body.Bi Diao screamed in pain, but refused to back down. Diao's eyes opened angrily, resisting the damage from the electric current, stretched its huge wings vigorously, and then slammed it out, knocking the Lightning Bird, which was more than one size smaller than him, to the ground, causing a wave of excitement. ground smoke.

Afterwards, Bi Diao's wings moved together, shooting out huge bright white light blades, hitting the Lightning Bird below continuously.Explosions continued to sound, and there was more and more smoke and dust on the ground.

Seeing the unstoppable Lightning Bird being suppressed by Xiao Luo's unknown elves, the black-clothed burly men lifted their spirits, and once again rushed towards the members of Team Rocket aggressively.


After the light blade stopped, the electric light wandered wantonly in the smoke and dust, bouncing four or five meters high.With an angry cry, the Lightning Bird was covered with intense electric light, rising up like a small sun.


Bi Diao became serious, his body flattened, and his beauty rose, wrapping it up, forming a huge flame.Compared with the Lightning Bird's light cluster, it is more than twice as large.

As the two elves screamed at the same time, the light ball and the fire ball rushed forward in an instant and collided violently.



Dazzling white light was generated from the impact, scorching eyes; air waves erupted, and the elves below were blown away in embarrassment.

The sound of the explosion finally came, deafening, and big flames fell from the sky, making the black-clothed men fighting around and members of the Rockets dodging in a panic.


On the other side, Gyarados confronted the fire-type flame bird more rationally.When Bi Diao attacked the Lightning Bird and made Sanniao stunned for a moment, the Gyarados opened its mouth and sprayed out a spiral water column, with a strong sound of piercing the air, hitting the Flame Bird and knocking it into the air in embarrassment.

After returning to God, the flame bird was furious, and a milky white flame spewed out from its mouth, roaring towards the Gyarados.

The Gyarados once again opened its mouth and shot out a spiral water column, resisting the flames, producing scorching white water vapor.


A bird song sounded in the water vapor.Gyarados was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a little bad.Just when the Gyarados was about to dodge, the Flamingo came over wrapped in flames and hit the Gyarados.

The flames spread, enveloping the Gyarados as well.


The tyrannosaurus roared in pain, and the pain also aroused its fierceness. The huge dragon's mouth screamed fiercely, and its teeth glowed with a thick white light, and it bit the flame bird's slender neck.

The huge dragon body twisted, took the flame bird to spin twice, and then flung it away forcefully, followed by a water cannon.

Call ~
After the flame bird tried its best to stabilize its figure, a jet of flame shot out to counteract the attack of the water cannon, and the chi-chi sound of water and fire mingled again, and white water vapor filled the air.

And at this moment, the Gyarados plunged headlong into the scorching water vapor and rushed in front of the flame bird, its tail was wrapped in the condensed water flow, and as the Gyarados turned around, it slammed the flame bird hard.

A cry of pain came from the flame bird's mouth, and the flame bird was knocked to the ground by a water tail.

After Frozen Bird noticed the situation here, it flew over immediately. Seeing the golden light condense in the mouth of the Gyarados, it attacked the Flame Bird again.The Frozen Bird opened its mouth, and a ray of Frozen Light shot out, hitting the Gyarados.


A roar sounded, and the evolved fire-breathing dragon flew to the side of the tyrannosaurus in an instant, with a big mouth, and a crimson flame shot out, resisting the freezing light of the freezing bird.

Huge green giant claws appeared in the two claws of the fire-breathing dragon, and its jagged wings fluttered, rushing towards the freezing bird.

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon left, the destructive death beam of the Gyarados hit it down, but the flame bird reacted quickly and avoided the frontal hit of the destructive death beam at the critical moment, but was wasted by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon rushing up aggressively, the freezing bird sent out a freezing light again.The fire-breathing dragon turned to avoid, and the dragon's claws were sharp, hitting the freezing bird.The freezing bird dodges, and counterattacks with the freezing light while retreating.The fire-breathing dragon roared angrily, as if admitting death.While avoiding the attack of the freezing light, he waved his dragon claws and hit the freezing bird.There is quite a taste of not giving up until you hit the frozen bird.

In the end, the speed of the fire-breathing dragon was even better. After avoiding a freezing light attack from the freezing bird, it roared and its speed increased sharply. It slapped the freezing bird and staggered back.

Frozen Bird quickly stabilized its figure, opened its small mouth, and a gust of wind mixed with countless snow blocks shrouded towards the fire-breathing dragon.


The Gyarados roared angrily, and a raging blue flame was burning on its body, and countless blizzard attacks of incomparable momentum rushed in.


After being baptized by the blizzard, the blue flame gradually dimmed. With the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, it became stronger again, and a wave that broke through the blizzard hit Frozen Bird hard.After being severely injured, Frozen Bird screamed and flew upside down, in a panic.The fire-breathing dragon had a blue phone flashing all over its body, and stood majestically in mid-air.

The three divine birds were suppressed, and Team Rocket's aura suddenly slumped. On the other hand, Xiao Luo, a strong man in black, was magnificent, directing his elves to launch attacks in a hurry, and the elves of Team Rocket members lost their fighting ability constantly, and the flames were arrested.

"A copy is a copy." Xiao Luo looked at the suppressed three god birds, and said to A Jun with a smile: "It seems that my elf has the upper hand."

Ah Jun looked embarrassed and didn't make a sound.

call out!
Two white figures flew out of the ground at an extremely fast speed, and the strong wind brought up all the members of the flame team who were standing at the door and fell to the ground.

With two loud bangs, Bi Diao and Gyarados, who were fighting fiercely with Lightning Bird and Flame Bird, were knocked to the ground.

"Lugia, Yameng!" Xiao Luo looked solemnly at the two elves that appeared.

Seeing these two elves, Ah Jun's face brightened, and he proudly said to Xiao Luo: "This time there will be no real Lugia and Feng Wang to help you, it depends on what you do."

"go with!"

Seeing that the two elves were about to speak to the burly man in black below, Xiao Luo pointed at the two elves and hurriedly made a sound.

Darkrai appeared under Rogia in time, and the black shield appeared to protect it tightly. The water cannon trick issued by Rocky was resisted by Darkrai with all his strength.

On the other side, Chaomeng's shadow ball was also forcibly caught by Celebi's protective shield.

After Geng Gui completed the mage evolution, he also flew up and stood in a row with Celebi and Darkley, facing the two powerful beasts calmly.

"Hmph, just because they want to block Lugia and Yameng, dream!" Ah Jun hit with a look of contempt.

"They're not enough, let's get another one." Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and pointed at Yameng: "Go, I'll leave it to you."


There was a ripple in the space, and Chaomeng appeared above Xiaoluo and Ajun.

"This is……"

Ah Jun looked at Chaomeng who appeared with some surprise.

Chaomeng glanced at A Jun lightly, his eyes were flat, but it made A Jun feel alive, and a little fear appeared in his heart involuntarily.

"Chaomeng, is this the real Chaomeng?" A Jun muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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