C251Chapter [-] The original fast dragon appears!

"Then are you the Yameng you mentioned?" Chaomeng looked at Yameng and asked Xiao Luo.

"Well, the Rockets were copied from your genes." Xiao Luo asked with a smile, "Does it feel weird?"

Chaomeng has been staring at Yameng, with an inexplicable mood.I thought it was copied out of the dreamy gene, but I didn't expect that the Rockets would use its gene to copy a life again.

As if feeling being watched, Ya Meng miraculously looked towards Xiao Luo.After seeing Chaomeng, it was obviously stunned. Looking at Chaomeng, which was very similar to itself, it seemed to realize something.

It abandoned the three elves including Geng Gui, took the initiative to fly to Chaomeng, and said, "You are Chaomeng?"


Chaomeng gave a flat expression of grace.

The voices of the two elves are very similar, and there is not much difference in their bodies. They are like brothers born from the same mother.

"It turns out that I was copied from your genes!" Yameng's voice was somewhat sad.

Chaomeng was silent for a while, and then said lightly: "I am also a clone."

Ya Meng was stunned again, but no one told him this.

"Are you a clone too?" Yameng said in surprise, "How is this possible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Chaomeng said, "Human technology is not something we can easily understand, aren't you also copied!"

Yameng shook his head and said, "I'm different from you."

Chaomeng nodded: "You are indeed different from me. You have a different kind of breath on your body, which is not pure."

Yameng nodded, not to continue entanglement on this topic, and asked, "Are you here to deal with me?"

Chaomeng persuaded: "Come with me, the Rockets are not suitable for you."

"Let's go?" Yameng said with a wry smile, "It's not that easy!"

At this time, Xiao Luo flew up on the fast dragon and said: "I know that there is a big guy behind you controlling you, and today we are here for it. If we defeat it, can you follow Chaomeng?" leave?"

Yameng's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Defeat it? You're talking nonsense!" Ah Jun flew up and said, "Yameng, do you really believe that they can defeat that supreme existence? You know, even the creator god Arceus can't do anything to it .”

"court death!"

When Chaomeng heard Ah Jun interrupted, he was furious immediately, and a pitch-black energy ball formed in his hands together with his hands, and threw it towards Ah Jun.

call out!
Yameng moved, and flew in front of Ah Jun in an instant, stretched out his hands, and a purple energy shield appeared, resisting the attack of Chaomeng energy ball.

"He's right, so I can't go with you."

Chaomeng also lost patience, and said in a cold voice: "Then beat you up and take you away!"

With that said, Chaomeng rushed towards Yameng with the energy shield on.Yameng also supported the energy shield, colliding with Chaomeng constantly.

On the other side, Geng Gui, Darkley and Celebi also fought with Rogia.The three elves often made joint attacks, and the cooperation was extremely tacit, and they firmly suppressed Lugia. Under the leadership of Geng Gui, the three elves slowly moved out of the battlefield so as not to affect the battle of the people below.


Inside the Rockets base, Sakagi stood in front of a transparent cylindrical training tank with Nazi, Oka and Yamada Liu in a big white coat.Inside the culture tank is a nutrient solution that is as transparent as water, bubbling with "gudong gudong".Among them was a naked chick-like elf, with its eyes closed, floating in it.

"What happened?"

The one who asked was a huge fast dragon suspended in mid-air and covered in pure blue.

"Without the Phoenix King's blood, the ability to replicate with the genes of its feathers is estimated to be much weaker." Yamada Liu checked the data in the notebook in his hand and replied.

"I didn't ask this!" Kuailong was a little annoyed, "How long will it take to take shape?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it will take at least three weeks to take shape! And it will take longer to have a strong combat power."

"Too slow!" Kuailong was a little dissatisfied.

Afterwards, Kuailong turned to Sakagi and asked, "How's the situation outside?"

Sakagi waved his hand, and Nazi took the initiative to report: "The members of Team Rocket are struggling to resist the attack, but there is a certain gap in numbers. If we don't take certain measures, I believe the opponent will attack soon."

"Didn't Rogia and Yameng go out, why is this kind of battle going on?"

Nazi reported without any expression: "According to reports, Rogia was blocked by Celebi and Darkley, and Chaomeng appeared and stopped Yameng."

"Chaomeng? The god of creation's dog!" Kuailong snorted coldly, "It seems that the god of creation is here too."

"A bunch of jumping clowns, I'll go out and deal with them, you guys watch here, make sure to copy the Phoenix King as soon as possible to form a combat force." Kuailong said, flapping his wings, and left here.

"Shall we go out to help?" Nazi looked at Sakagi and asked.

Sakagi said calmly: "No, we can't intervene in the battle above. I believe Kuailong can solve everything."

"Then should we prepare to evacuate? In case..."

"There is no chance, there will be no problem!"

"But, it doesn't mean that Arceus also..."

"Okay, stop talking." Sakagi interrupted Na Zi and said, "Go and guard Xiao Yin. If there is anything, you can take him out of here."

Na Zi was startled, and said, "Then you..."

"I have no way out, this time I'm in too deep, I can't make decisions anymore."

Nazi's expression darkened, she didn't know what to say.

Since the moment Kuailong came to the Rockets, the Rockets have existed in name only, and the real caller is not Sakagi, but Kuailong.Although the Rockets have become a lot stronger after the fast dragon came, all of this is based on absolute evil.

Copy mythical beasts, rob cities, and fight against humans all over the world.This is both in line with and contrary to Sakagi's goal of ruling the world.This also makes the Rockets attract the attention of the league prematurely.If the fast dragon fails, then the Rockets will have absolutely no power to fight back against the alliance. No matter where Sakagi escapes, it is impossible to escape the alliance's sphere of influence.

It can be said that after the attack on the Chengdu League Conference, the end of Sakagi was doomed.

After Yuanyuan Kuailong flew out of the ground, he glanced at the chaotic battle on the ground, and snorted with disdain.Opening his mouth, a destructive death light surrounded by a faint halo shot out, sweeping across the entire battlefield.Wherever they passed, both the strong man in black and the members of Team Rocket were knocked to the ground, and passed out without a sound.

After the destruction and death light, a deep gully appeared on the battlefield.The sudden entry of Yuanyuan Kuailong made the two warring parties stunned on the spot for a while, looking at Yuanyuan Kuailong with fear.

Yuanyuan Kuailong flew high and circled quickly in the air.As the original fast dragon became faster and faster, a tornado with thick dark clouds formed on the battlefield, and the strong wind attracted the surrounding combatants to it, constantly circling.

In an instant, screams, wailing, panic... intertwined from the mouths of the battlefield personnel, the people who had been fighting just now rushed to flee to the distance.

"Has it finally appeared?"

Such a large formation naturally attracted Xiao Luo's attention, and Chaomeng and Yameng also stopped fighting, looking at the huge tornado on the battlefield in horror.

"Arzeus!" Xiao Luo yelled with all his strength while resisting the strong wind that made it difficult to open his mouth.

call out!
A destructive death light that was suddenly thick and thin around the halo came from a distance in an instant, hit the top of the tornado, passed through the barrier of the tornado, and knocked out the hovering original fast dragon.

Arceus ran in the air and rushed over from a distance.

"Arzeus, it really is you!" Yuanyuan Kuailong roared angrily as he watched Arceus appear.

Chuangshi God said calmly: "Have you lost your original sense of shame in cooperating with human beings?"

"Hmph, it's all about recycling. Don't you think it's very interesting to use humans against humans?"

Chuangshi Shen looked at Yuanyuan Kuailong seriously, and said to himself after a long time: "The character has been distorted, is it a sequela of devouring?"

"Shut up, follow me back to the source world!"

"Dreaming!" the Yuanyuan Kuailong said angrily, "There is no need for a decayed world. You can stop me for a while, but you can't stop the destruction of this world after all. When I devour more Yuanyuan, I will destroy you first .”

(End of this chapter)

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