Chapter 252 Seal? !

Accompanied by a roar, Chuangshishen shot out a powerful destructive death beam towards the original fast dragon in an instant.


Kuailong snorted coldly, and also shot out a beam of destructive death light, the two intersected, and the white light shone, illuminating the black paint like daytime.

There was a loud explosion, and the air wave was so powerful that even Xiao Luo and Kuailong were thrown out by the air wave in embarrassment.

After destroying the death light, Chuangshishen moved his limbs, ran quickly and knocked the original fast dragon into the air.

Yuanyuan Kuailong was not to be outdone, and rushed up with vibrating wings, knocking the Creator God back in embarrassment.Afterwards, Kuailong's body shone with dazzling light.After the light dissipated, Kuailong's figure disappeared, replaced by a tall Lucario with a cold expression and serious eyes.

"Provoking my dignity must be severely punished!"

Chuangshi Shen was also angry, and a huge purple light ball formed in front of his mouth, surrounded by a white halo, and shot towards Lucario.

Lucario put his hands together, and a huge blue energy ball formed in his hands, and shot out when the purple light ball flew.The two energy balls collided, and after wrestling with each other, they exploded, and the air waves billowed, wreaking havoc again.

call out!
Lucario moved, his body turned into a ray of blue light, and he rushed to Arceus quickly, his fists emitting dazzling white light and hitting the Creator God.

The golden energy shield appeared, appeared, and firmly protected the Creator God.Lucario's expression was flat, and he punched the shield with his fists, without any intention of stopping.

The bang bang sounded continuously, and Lucario's attack became faster and faster, and Xiao Luo could vaguely see Arceus' complexion in the passport.

Finally, cracks appeared in the golden shield, and under Lucario's attack, the shield was broken.Afterwards, Lucario hit Arceus on the head in a circle, deflected Arceus' head, and staggered back.

Chaomeng, who was watching the battle, changed his face, and Xiao Luo opened his mouth wide in surprise, with an unbelievable look.

"Give you destruction!" The Chuangshi God's tone was full of murderous intent, and a destructive death light shot out instantly, knocking Lucario straight to the ground, with a loud explosion, and a huge deep pit was blasted out on the ground.

call out!
Soon Lucario rushed up again, punched directly, and a huge fist shadow hit the Creator God.

Chuang Shi Shen opened his mouth and screamed, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye rushed out, dispersing the shadow of the fist, and struck Lucario with undiminished power.Lucario was knocked into the air again.Afterwards, the Chuang Shi Shen's body glowed with blue fluorescence, and he appeared behind Lucario who was flying back in an instant, and hit him hard.Lucario was attacked again and flew out in the opposite direction.

However, this series of attacks did not seem to have caused much damage to Lucario. Soon Lucario stabilized his figure, pulled his hands, a long bone stick appeared in his hand, and rushed up without hesitation.Swinging the bone stick, he slammed it down at the God of Creation.

Seeing the anxious battlefield, Xiao Luo hurriedly reminded: "Arzeus, don't forget our plan."

Arceus immediately came to his senses, and a destructive death light forced Lucario back, and then he ran away into the distance.

Lucario shone brightly, transformed into the appearance of a fast dragon again, hummed, fluttered his wings, and chased after him.

After becoming a fast dragon, Yuan Yuan was extremely fast, and he caught up with the God of Creation in a short while, and made a big move again. Two destructive and dead lights intertwined and hit each other on each other.For Kuailong's attack, the original slate of the Creator God seemed to have no effect, and did not actively absorb the attack that destroyed the death light.The two elves were attacked again, and the Chuangshi God was already a little embarrassed, but the original fast dragon was still as if it had just appeared, without any major changes.

Xiao Luo hurriedly directed Kuai Long to follow closely. Chaomeng glanced at Ya Meng, hesitated for a moment, and followed Xiao Luo closely.

"You wait here, I'll go and have a look."

After Yameng greeted Ah Jun, he also followed, flying side by side with Chaomeng.Chaomeng just glanced at it and didn't make a sound.

Arceus and Yuanyuan Kuailong flew all the way and fought all the way. After a long delay, they finally arrived at the place where Xiao Luo was doing construction work.

Below, there were four big men in black standing around, and they all showed horrified expressions when they saw Chuangshishen and Kuailong flying towards them.

"It's me, open the gate and prepare to act." Xiao Luo hurriedly directed Kuailong to fly down, commanding a voice.


Seeing Xiao Luo, the four strong men in black split up and left the place quickly.After a while, the peculiar rattling sound of the gears sounded, and the originally flat ground cracked on both sides, revealing a bottomless huge pit below. The pit was surrounded by countless potholes, and the pit was full of all kinds of What a sprite.

"Arzeus!" Xiao Luo called out meaningfully.

Arceus glanced at the big pit below, struggling to stand with the origin fast dragon.It's just that the purpose is clear.

Arceus has always seized the high place to attack the origin fast dragon.

After another series of fights, Arceus finally found an opportunity and an angle.After suffering a destructive death ray from the original fast dragon, a destructive death ray hit the original fast dragon directly, pushing it down to the deep pit.Moreover, under the super control of Chuangshishen, the destructive death light did not explode, ensuring the safety of the pothole.


Xiao Luo waved his hands excitedly, and immediately yelled at the deep pit: "Do it!"


At the same time, the elves in the pit wall emitted blue electric light, hitting the original fast dragon.Thousands of elves fought at the same time, and even the original fast dragon howled in pain, unable to fight back under the blue electric light.

In order to be on the safe side, Xiao Luo did not take cross attacks, so he also knew that this kind of attack would not last for too long. Once he was slowed down by the original fast dragon, the consequences would be quite dire.

"Pour the water of silver quickly!"

Silver water is something unique to this world, its properties are somewhat similar to mercury, and its quality is extremely heavy.It is liquid at high temperature and has a high freezing point, so it is generally solid.

This is also what Xiao Luo thought of in the theatrical version of "Arzeus Overcoming Time and Space", where the Creator God was almost tortured and killed. Xiao Luo deliberately asked the kind old man to learn about it and learned that there was such a thing.

When Xiao Luo and Chuang Shi Shen talked about this matter, Chuang Shi Shen didn't seem to have any special expression other than surprise.This made Xiao Luo wonder whether the theatrical version really existed in this space.

Gala Gala~
The sound of mechanical gears sounded again, and then four huge water pipes appeared in the pothole, extending long above the Kuailong.

Silver-gray liquid rushed out of the water pipe and submerged Kuailong below. Yin Zhishui quickly cooled down and became indestructible.Kuailong tried to flap his wings to fly, but was firmly restrained in place.

Yuanyuan Kuailong was shocked, struggled hard, resisted the blue electric current attack, gathered a powerful destructive death light in his mouth, broke a water pipe, and hit the wall of the pit, many elves were attacked, and fell towards the silver water below .

Xiao Luo hurriedly took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Xanadu, pull them up quickly!"

The elf ball was opened, and Xanadu immediately launched the illusion trick after appearing, controlling all the falling elves, and slowly pulled them out of the pothole.

The fast dragon's counterattack made the elves in the pit wall furious, the current was blazing, and the original fast dragon let out a painful roar.

"Arzeus, if you dare to unite with humans to deal with me, you will definitely regret it, and you will definitely..."

The water of silver poured non-stop, and soon buried the entire Kuailong, turning it into a solid state, and bound the original Kuailong to it.

After restraining the original fast dragon, just in case, the water of silver poured for a long time before slowly stopping.Below, the figure of the original fast dragon can no longer be seen, replaced by a huge silver block that overflows the bottom of the entire pit.

(After much deliberation, it seems that this method can only be used to seal the original fast dragon, I hope you don't scold me, I will continue to the next chapter!)

(End of this chapter)

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