Chapter 253 A dull trip!

For the next few days, Xiao Luo accompanied Xia Yi and the other three to play in Jinhuang City like a flattery.On the eve of leaving Golden City, Xiao Luo finally saw the kind old man again.He Shan talked about Sakamu naturally, and when he learned that Sakamu was about to face life imprisonment, Xiao Luo didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

There are still many problems left by the Rockets, and Sakagi, who has been imprisoned for life, is still a ticking time bomb.But judging from the tone of the kind old man, he is still very satisfied with Sakagi's ending.Therefore, Xiao Luo didn't have much to say.

Sakagi was arrested, the Rockets disintegrated, and when Luo left Golden City, he naturally had a little tail by his side——Cole!
Cole was so excited to be able to travel with Xiao Luo again, with Meow Meow and Liuwei in his arms, he jumped up and down excitedly on Xiao Luo's sports car.Fortunately, Xiao Luo had just learned to drive, so she didn't dare to go too fast, so this young lady didn't have any accidents.

"Brother Luo, are we going to Changpan City?" Cole lay on Xiao Luo's seat and asked in Xiao Luo's ear.

Cole's words reminded Xiaoluo of Hughes, and he shook his head immediately and said, "I won't go to Viking City, I'll go back to Zhenxin Town directly."

Xia Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, a little puzzled, but didn't ask any further questions.Generally, she would not question Xiao Luo's decisions.

Yayi snorted softly and said, "Are you afraid that sister Xia Yi won't be able to come out after she returns home?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "That's right, so I don't plan to go to Tokiwa City."


"I'm selfish, I'm happy, you control me!"

"You think I'm sister Xia Yi, I don't have time to take care of you."

Ke Er stood beside him with a confused face and said, "Sister Xia Yi doesn't care about Brother Xiao Luo either!"

Mei glared at Cole and said, "What do you know, sit down!"


Cole sat down obediently.

Xiao Luo, who saw this scene from the rearview mirror, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.After getting along with each other for the past few days, Xiao Luo found that Mei had been obedient to Ke Erzhi, and she would not dare to go west if she was told to go east.Although Cole listened to himself and Xia Yi very much, he was definitely not so obedient in front of Mei.Perhaps this is the so-called one thing down one thing.

"Do you want to go back to Changpan City?" After some hesitation, Xiao Luo asked Xia Yi for advice.

After being silent for a while, Xia Yi shook her head: "Let's go back to Zhenxin Town directly. There are so many elves in the house, and I don't know how the lucky eggs are taken care of."

"Don't worry, didn't you say hello to Xiaozhi's mother before you left? With her help, it should be fine."

"Well, but I'm still not at ease. And... I miss them too."

Xiao Luo smiled and stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the car soared, and it drove towards Zhenxin Town...

After a long drive, the car finally entered the range of Zhenxin Town. Xiao Luo finally slowed down the car and looked at the environment of Zhenxin Town again.The green grass covered the entire ground, and the trees were lush. From time to time, elves would run across the trees and cast curious glances at Xiao Luo and the others.Occasionally, you can see a few artificially cultivated flower beds, fluttering in the wind, a scene full of vitality.

The car drove into the villa smoothly, Xiao Luo stayed in the villa and the elves ran up after hearing the sound, screaming excitedly.

After Xiao Luo stopped the car, several people got out of the car, and Xia Yi smiled and greeted every elf.Seeing Elf's happy look, he seemed to like this "hostess" more than Xiao Luo.Cole was even more excited when he saw so many elves. He played with Xiaoluo's elves, rode Absolu around for a while, and soared into the sky on a desert dragonfly. He had a lot of fun.

Mei also released her elves to let them play freely in the yard.

After Xiao Luo and Mei greeted each other, they left the villa and walked towards Dr. Oki's research institute.


After staying in Zhenxin Town for three days, Xiao Luo sent all the elves in the villa to Dr. Damu's Institute, and Dr. Damu took care of them.Take Xia Yi and the three to Kaji Town together.

Xia Yi was naturally very happy to be able to travel again.Xiao Luo also took care of Xia Yi and Cole's feelings, and instead of letting the elves fly over with her, she just stopped and went and traveled towards Kaji Town.

After a few days, Xia Yi's mood gradually became lively, and she regained her girlish nature. Along the way, she chatted and laughed with Mei, and the smiles that girls should have are getting more and more.

When passing through a forest in Ruoye Town, an elf caught the attention of Xiao Luo and his group.

"Wow, it's the chrysanthemum leaf!" Mei was the first to spot the chrysanthemum leaf drinking by the stream.

"No, I must subdue it."

Saying that, Mei took out the poke ball and wanted to throw it out, but she didn't want someone to do it first.

"Go, Ye Elf!"

The elf ball opened in mid-air, and a beautiful leaf elf appeared not far from Chrysanthemum Leaf.

Yayi immediately said urgently: "Sister Xia Yi, what are you doing?"

Xia Yi smiled and said: "I like this elf too, whoever can subdue it will be the one. I will come first."

"No, I discovered it first."

"I took out the elf first."

"How could you do this, no, I can't give it to you, go, Monarch Snake!" Mei said and threw out the poke ball, a white light flashed, Monarch Snake proudly appeared next to the grass elf.

The two trainers had a dispute, and the two elves were naturally not to be outdone, their eyes wide open, and they looked like they would start fighting at any time.

But Cole, who was holding a Pocoby next to him, showed a smirk, ran up quickly, took out a high-level elf ball, enlarged it in his hand, and threw it at Jucaoye: "Go, elf ball !"

That chrysanthemum grass leaf was also stupid, knowing that the elf ball was approaching, she looked up in a daze.And this raising of the head happened to cause Cole's elf ball to hit the head.The elf ball was opened, and the chrysanthemum leaf turned into a red light and flew into the elf ball.

Seeing this scene, the two beautiful girls who were arguing were dumbfounded. They could only watch helplessly as the high-level elf ball swayed, swayed, and swayed on the ground...

The elf ball made a crisp sound and returned to calm.Cole happily ran up to pick up the elf ball, and said excitedly, "Yeah, I recovered the chrysanthemum leaves."

The two women looked at each other, both looking like they were about to cry.

"Hehe, well done Cole!" Xiao Luo also held a Poco-Bi beside her and gloated.

"It's all you, otherwise that chrysanthemum leaf would be mine." Xia Yi complained to Yayi.

"What, obviously I discovered it first."

"I sent the elves first!"

"I found it first!"


Seeing that the two didn't intend to stop arguing, Xiao Luo hurriedly stopped her and said, "Okay, stop arguing, there are a lot of elves here, let's go around for a while and tame a few."

Only then did the two women stare at each other, put away the two elves that were head-to-head, and continued towards the forest.

Xiao Luo had no choice but to follow closely.

"Brother Xiao Luo, am I very powerful? I conquered it all at once, and neither of the two older sisters has ever competed with me!"

"Well, Cole is the best!" Xiao Luo Ying said.

"Hee hee!" Hearing that Xiao Luo admitted that he was good, Cole was very happy, and he jumped forward while pulling Xiao Luo's arm.

After walking around the whole forest, I really found two more interesting elves.After some battles, it was successfully conquered.What Xia Yi tamed was a long-tailed monster, while Mei took a fancy to a baby bear.

After the three were satisfied, Shi Shiran left the forest and headed for the next city.

And Xiao Luo, who had been acting as a nanny and bodyguard since the beginning of the trip, was smiling wryly at this moment.At this speed, the secret channel really doesn't know when it will reach Kaji Town.

(End of this chapter)

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