Chapter 254 Flaming chicken is angry!

A month later, under Xiao Luo's constant urging, the group finally came to Chengdu, the world-renowned metropolis - Manjinshi!

High-rise buildings stand tall, and various shops are located on both sides of the road. There are some slender, smiling salespersons at the door of the shops.He is trying his best to sell the products of his shop to the densely populated pedestrians.

"Finally, Manjin City, it feels more lively than Jinhuang City." Yai excitedly said to Xia Yi next to her: "Sister Xia Yi, let's go shopping."

Xiao Luo smiled wryly and shook his head, it was also within his expectation that Mei said so.He would be surprised if Mei didn't say that.

Mei Yi is a restless master, after traveling all the way, every time she arrives in a town, Mei Yi must take Xia Yi to stroll around for a day or two.If it weren't for this, it wouldn't have been a month before he arrived at Manjin City.And Manjin City is so famous, it would be unreasonable for Mei not to play enough.

Xia Yi was also a little moved. Although he had been playing in Golden City for a while, due to the Rockets attack, Golden City was extremely depressed during that period, which was completely incomparable to the current Manjin City.

Suddenly arriving in such a bustling metropolis, Xia Yi, who was gradually getting cheerful, naturally wanted to have a good time.

Xia Yi looked at Xiao Luo for his opinion.

Xiao Luo smiled, and said to Xia Yi: "Go with Mei and Cole. I'll go to the Elf Center first to help you open the rooms. Manjin City is often overcrowded, and the houses in the Elf Center are very tight. It's okay to open them as soon as possible." Take it easy."

Xia Yi hesitated for a while, and said, "Forget it, let's go to the elf center first."

Hearing what Xia Yi said, Yai withered like a frost-beaten eggplant, and even Cole was unhappy.It seems that they can't wait to go shopping.

"You can go with them. I will go to the elf center and open a room to find you. It's rare for them to come to Manjin City, so don't spoil their interest."

"Then... well, come quickly!"

"Well, I know."

"Long live!" Hearing Xia Yi's promise, Mei cheered and pulled Xia Yi and the slightly excited Cole towards the shops on the street.

"You go too, keep an eye on them!"

Xiao Luo kicked Meow Miao, who was beside her with a lazy look.After being kicked and flipped twice, Miao Miao got up all at once, not even daring to look at Xiao Luo, and ran up after the three girls.

For Miao Miao, Xiao Luo was also helpless.The current Meow Meow is completely different from the one in the animation.After being spoiled by Cole for a period of time, there is a tendency to gradually evolve into a pet cat. How can there be the spirit of repeated defeats in the animation, a lazy person who sleeps when he is full.

After Meow Meow followed, Xiao Luo was still a little worried, so he took out the flame chicken's elf ball and opened it in his hand, so that the flame chicken followed.

After doing all of this, Xiao Luo walked towards the elf center with a Tockpi in his arms in his arms.He had already made up his mind to go to Xia Yi and the others after taking a good rest at the elf center.They are not tired, and I am very tired during this period of time.There are three oil bottles, so I can't even think about getting tired.

The three girls went shopping all the way, and apart from buying a bunch of travel necessities, the most important item was clothes.Xia Yi and Mei already have a tendency to love to dress up. Cole has lived a princess-like life since he was a child, so naturally he will not lag behind them.

After walking down the street, everyone has some huge packaging bags in their hands, even the petite Miaomiao is no exception.Cole even put Tockby on his shoulders, holding the packing bags that were almost as tall as her in both hands, his little face was flushed with excitement, and he followed closely behind Xia Yi and Mei, ready to continue with the store. "Fight"!
After a street stroll, just as the three of them were about to move to the battlefield and continue shopping frantically, the applause from the nearby park aroused the interest of the three of them.

There should be an elf battle going on there, and the surrounding area is surrounded by densely packed spectators.Therefore, the three of them couldn't see clearly what was going on.

"Sister Xia Yi, shall we also go and have a look?" Mei loves to be lively, so naturally she doesn't want to give up in such a situation.

Xia Yi also wanted to see what kind of battle could attract so many people to watch, so she nodded and walked towards the park with Mei.

"Please let me out, please let me out!"

Mei led the way, pushing away the crowd of onlookers with big and small bags.Seeing that it was a rare beautiful girl, the person who wanted to get angry smiled and turned sideways, making way for Mei and the others to make way for a narrow passage.

After a lot of hard work, the three of them finally squeezed into the front row, Miaomiao pulled the packing bag, and there were some shoe prints on her body, panting next to the three of them: "Step trampled me to death~"

The three ignored it, but turned their attention to the battle field...

I saw a Nine-Tails emitting a powerful jet of flame, hitting an electric dragon.Under the command of the trainer, the electric dragon released a powerful blow of [-] volts, and the two tricks collided and exploded in the field, creating a strong air wave, which made people beside the field unable to open their eyes.Without anyone noticing, the Bobbi on Cole's shoulder was blown off by the gust of wind...


After the scene returned to calm, Mei looked at the two elves and a male and female trainer on the field and expressed emotion.

Afterwards, the two elves had another series of confrontations. The power of the electric dragon was obviously inferior to that of the nine tails, and the damage received continued to increase.

Just after Nine-Tails knocked the electric dragon to the ground with a magical power, Nine-Tails' trainer commanded again: "Now, spray flames to kill it."

"Dianlong, you can't lose, use [-] volts!"

Just after Nine-Tails charged up and shot out a jet of flame, a small figure with a smile on his face, yelling "Bobi Bobi", walked into the field pretty and lively.It just happened to be between the two elves at the edge of the field.

"Bo Kebi, it's Bo Kebi!" Mei said with a pale face.

Mei was also frightened and stayed on the spot, staring blankly at the jet of flames getting closer and closer to Bokobi.

Cole turned his head to look at the empty shoulder, and even cried "Wow".


The moment Flame Chicken saw Bokobi, he dropped the packaging bag in his hand, and the flame of fighting spirit ignited on his wrist, and he jumped into the field.


A jet of flame was fired without any charge, and it resisted the jet of flame of Nine Tails.After the two flames stalemate for a while, they exploded in a circular shape, and the flames raged.The flame chicken was very close to the explosion range, and when he saw this, he turned around to protect Pokobi in his arms, and let the bursting flames fall on his body.

After the flames passed, the electric dragon, who had no time to stop the move, fired out the [-] volts it had stored.The Flame Chicken's eyes narrowed, and he rolled on the spot in his arms, dodging the one hundred thousand volt attack in embarrassment.

The flame chicken dodged the attack, and the nine tails behind were not so lucky.One hundred thousand volts was coming for it, and after being harassed by the flame chicken, there was not enough time for Nine Tails to escape.

One hundred thousand volts hit Nine Tails, Nine Tails screamed in pain, its gorgeous and neat hair was dotted and dirty.


Nine-tails suffered a great loss, so naturally quit, and croaked at the flame chicken very displeased.

The flame chicken was also very arrogant. After casting a glance at it, it ignored it. After seeing that the still ignorant Pokby was fine, he hugged it and prepared to leave the venue.

Kyuubi was ignored, so he was naturally very annoyed. Regardless of his trainer's dissuasion, he opened his mouth and shot out a jet of flame, hitting the flame chicken directly.

After the flame chicken noticed the attack, his face changed, and he did a backflip with one hand to avoid the jet flames of Nine Tails, and looked at Nine Tails sharply.


The Flame Chicken put Borkby lightly on the ground, and flicked the chicken's claws lightly, making Borkby walk towards Xia Yi at the side of the field.

Seeing Bokobi being hugged tightly by Xia Yi, the Flaming Chicken grasped both paws, and the flames of fighting spirit burst into flames, and with a touch of one foot, he rushed towards Nine Tails...

(End of this chapter)

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