Chapter 255 Fengyuan League Champion and Runner Up!
"Come back, flame chicken." After the battle, Xiao Luo took the flame chicken back.

This battle came out of nowhere, Xiao Luo naturally wouldn't fight a trainer he had never met just because of the instigation of the audience.Although I feel that the opponent's strength is not bad.

"Hey? Stop fighting?"

The trainer on the opposite side also retracted the Nine Tails, seeing Xiao Luo put away the Flame Chicken and turned around to leave, he suddenly made a sound in astonishment.

Xiao Luo shook her head and said, "Not interested!"

"Hehe, he's the champion of the Fengyuan League, you're not interested!" The girl next to Xiao Luo laughed tenderly.

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the trainer.About fifteen or sixteen years old, tall and strong, with short-inch hair, he looks bold and bold.

"Are you the champion of the Fengyuan League?" Xiao Luo asked aloud.

The trainer chuckled and said, "That's right, the champion of the Fengyuan League—Fangtian Kikyo."

Xiao Luo smiled, and introduced himself: "Xiao Luo, a real new town!"

"Really Xiao Luo in New Town?" Fang Tian and the female trainer spoke together, looking at Xiao Luo in surprise.

Fang Tian even slapped his forehead and said, "I said, why is it so familiar? It turns out that he is the champion of the Chengdu League."

"Hehe, it's the champion of the Chengdu Kanto Double League." The girl said with a smile, and then stretched out her extremely beautiful little hand to Xiao Luo, "Jingjing of Shuijing City!"

Xiao Luo was slightly taken aback, and reached out to shake Jingjing, the palm was soft and comfortable to hold.

Looking at Xiao Luo's expression, Fang Tian knew that Xiao Luo hadn't paid attention to Fengyuan League's games, so he smiled and said to Xiao Luo: "Jingjing is the runner-up of Fengyuan League, and I just got lucky to narrowly win Fengyuan League League champions."

So it is!Only then did Xiao Luo understand why she dared to introduce herself when the two league champions knew each other. She was obviously full of confidence.

"Luck is also a kind of strength." Jingjing had a gentle temper and responded to Fang Tian with a smile.

"Xiao Luo!"

Xia Yi, Mei and Ke Er came up with big and small bags.

"You came in time, you were so worried about me just now." Yai yelled to Xiao Luo.Just looking at her excited expression, Xiao Luo really didn't see any sign of worry.

Xiao Luo smiled, ignored Mei, and introduced the two parties to each other.

After hearing that the other party was the champion and runner-up of the Fengyuan League, Mei used her strengths again, looked at Fang Tian with admiration and said: "Wow, you are the champion of the Fengyuan League, no wonder you are so powerful!"

"Sister Jingjing is also amazing. I haven't seen any female trainer who can enter the league finals. I have decided to make Sister Jingjing my idol!"

After a few words, Fang Tian and Jingjing were taken a little lightly, and the eyes they looked at Mei became more enthusiastic.

When Mei Yi said that they were shopping, Fang Tian and Jingjing even more generously wanted to accompany her and buy them something as a gift for their acquaintance.

Xiao Luo also accepted this clown, but in desperation he had no choice but to obey everyone's choice, and continued to go shopping with a few people.

After another round of shopping, Meiyi, Jingjing and Fang Tian are like old friends for many years, chatting freely and laughing constantly.

After shopping for a while, the few people finally got tired of shopping, chose an open-air barbecue restaurant, and decided to appease their aggrieved stomachs for a long time.

Finally able to rest, Xiao Luo almost sank into the comfortable armchair.I kept complaining in my heart that the women were too cruel.These people who haven't walked much usually said coquettishly, "Oh, I can't even walk after walking so far, how long will it take to get there..."

After wandering round and round, the distance was much longer than the one I walked, and I didn't see them calling out.

"Woman, what a magical species!" Xiao Luo secretly sighed.

"Hehe, you're exhausted." Jingjing looked at Xiao Luo's appearance and laughed out loud.

Xiao Luo gave her an angry look, and couldn't even muster up the strength to answer.I thought it would be better for her to be calm, but who knows that she is more active than Mei when shopping.Although she started late, she was the one who bought the most things in the end.Large and small packaging bags have turned the sturdy Fang Tian into a mobile fortress.

"Little Luo, are you interested in a battle?" Fang Tian put the last packaging bag around his neck beside him, and asked Xiao Luo energetically.

Xiao Luo looked at Fang Tian in surprise, and asked, "Aren't you tired?"

"Tired?" Fang Tian was a little puzzled, then reacted, and said with a smile: "Just get used to it, you know I'm traveling with a crazy woman."

"Are you talking about me?" Jingjing looked at Fang Tian with a smile, her eyes almost narrowed into a line.Xiao Luo felt a trace of murderous aura overflowing, which made him shiver suddenly.

"Uh... how come, how dare I say you." Fang Tian quickly waved his hand to explain.

"Then who is the lunatic you speak of?"

"This one……"

Fang Tian was dumb-mouthed and was speechless for a moment.

"If you want me to tell you, what Fang Tian said is not wrong at all." Xiao Luo looked at Fang Tian with a look of embarrassment, smiled and defended him: "Sister Jingjing, you are indeed crazy enough to spend so much money. I can afford you."

Jingjing's face turned red, and she said lightly, "What nonsense are you talking about at such a young age?"


Fang Tian smirked, and gave Xiao Luo a thumbs up while Jingjing was not paying attention.

"Little Luo, how about a match? Let us also see your strength."

After Xiao Luo changed the subject, Jingjing stared at Xiao Luo.

"I can't wish for it, but I can also take the opportunity to understand the overall strength of the Fengyuan Alliance."

Seeing Xiao Luo's promise, Fang Tian became a little excited: "Come after dinner, I'll fight you first."

Jingjing rolled his eyes at him and said: "Why are you in a hurry, there must always be someone who comes first. I will come first, so that even if you lose, you will still be there."

"This...well then!" Fang Tian had no choice but to agree.

After a while, the three of Xia Yi returned to their seats with a big plate of barbecue. They were also starving, and after finishing the barbecue, they returned to the elf center.

After Xiao Luo, Fang Tian, ​​and Jingjing exchanged elves with the elf transmitter in the elf center, the group came to the competition field specially prepared by the elf center for trainers.

Manjin City was a metropolis, so the Spirit Center had prepared three ordinary venues for elf battles. When Xiao Luo and his party arrived, two venues were in use, surrounded by some people watching the game.The only vacant side of the field was occupied by Xiao Luo and others without hesitation.

Xiao Luo and Jingjing stepped onto the field and stood still, Fang Tian acted as the referee.

"Six versus six, all-hands battle! Is there any problem?" Jingjing asked Xiao Luo symbolically.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Of course it's six against six!"

After seeing that the two had discussed it, Fang Tian exercised his right to referee: "All players compete, and the game ends when all the elves on one side lose their fighting ability. The game begins!"

As soon as Fang Tian finished speaking, the two of them took out the poke ball and threw it out in a tacit understanding.

"Go to Lotte Kappa!"

"Electrical Shock Monster, it's up to you."

The elf ball was opened in the air at the same time, white light was falling, and the electric shock monster and Lotte Kappa appeared on the field at the same time.

Lotte Kappa danced happily, with a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit looking at the electric monster.The Electric Shock Monster laughed "hehe..." and looked at Lotte Kappa with a treacherous look.

"Lotte Kappa strikes first, using hot water!"

Letian Kappa opened his mouth and shot out a steaming jet of water, hitting the electric monster directly.


The electric monster stretched out its hands, and an emerald green shield appeared to protect it.The hot water hitting the shield did not cause any damage to the electric monster.

After the hot water passed, Xiao Luo commanded again: "One hundred thousand volts!"


The electric light swam in the horns of the electric shock monster, and then, a thick electric current zigzag and hit the Lotte Kappa.

"Lotte Kappa, we also use protection!"

Lotte Kappa responded, stretched out his hands, and an emerald green shield appeared to protect it and resist the attack of [-] volts.

(End of this chapter)

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