Chapter 256 VS Jingjing! (5)

"Fossil pterosaur?" Jingjing said in surprise, "You still have such an ancient Pokémon!"

Xiao Luo smiled: "It's just a coincidence!"

"That's amazing." Jingjing was a little envious, "But even if it's a fossil pterosaur, my big-billed gull may not necessarily lose."

As she spoke, Jingjing commanded: "Big-billed Gull, strike first, use the water cannon!"

"Lightning flash!"

The torrent advances bravely, and the spiral water column hits the fossil pterosaur with a strong sound of breaking through the air. The fossil pterosaur drags a white fluorescent light and does not retreat. The water cannon attacked and hit the big-billed gull.

"Fortunately, it's a fossil pterosaur. It's really fast!" Jingjing exclaimed, and gave another command: "Use Yanhui!"

The big-billed gull responded, and then quickly circled in the air, wearing strips of white light, and rushed towards the fossil pterosaur with resolute eyes.

"Rock blade, charge!"


Two cross-rotating bands of light appeared around the body of the fossilized pterosaur, and then turned into sharp stones.Xiao Luo's command was to accumulate strength, so the fossil pterosaur didn't hit the stone out, and kept spinning rapidly, surrounding its body.


The big-billed gull hit the rotating sharp stone, and after making a slight pained sound, it was bounced away by the rotating rock blade, and Yan Fan was easily disintegrated.

"It's now, the rock blade launches!"


Rock blades scrambled to fly out amidst the roar of the fossil pterosaurs, hitting the big-billed gulls intensively, and the sound of breaking through the air was extremely sharp.

The big-billed gull kept dodging in a hurry, but there were too many stone blades, so the big-billed gull couldn't dodge the attack in the end and was hit by the sharp rock blade.After a scream, the big-billed gull closed its eyes tightly and fell towards the ground.

"Give him the final blow, Lei Ya!"


The fossilized pterosaur roared, its terrifying mouth opened, and crackling thunder and lightning surrounded its teeth. With a flap of its wings, it opened its mouth and bit the falling gull.

"Big-billed Gull, you can't lose, hurry up and dodge." Jingjing shouted hastily.

Just when Lei Ya was about to hit the big-billed gull to decide the outcome, the big-billed gull opened its eyes instantly under Jingjing's call, waved its wings, and barely avoided Lei Ya's attack.

Jingjing's eyes lit up, and she immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Well done, the big-billed gull, now, use the water cannon to attack."

The big-billed gull seized the opportunity when the fossil pterosaur's trick failed, and a thick spiral water column instantly shot out from the huge beak, roaring and hitting the fossil pterosaur.


The water flow was violent, and the strong impact made the fossil pterosaur roar in pain, and the strong water flow directly pressed the fossil pterosaur to the ground.The fossil pterosaur tried its best, trembling to resist the pressure of the water cannon.

In the end, the water cannon failed to press the fossilized pterosaur to the ground as expected.


The fossil pterosaur raised its huge head and roared at the panting gull.

"You really have perseverance. Big-billed Gull, use rest."


The big-billed gull obeyed Jingjing's command and fell towards the ground.

"Don't give him a chance, it's a flash!"

call out!
The fossil pterosaur moved furiously, and the lightning flashed across a long distance in an instant, repelling the big-billed gull before it landed. The painful cry came from the big-billed gull's mouth, and it was already a little weak.

"Rock blade!" Xiao Luo took advantage of the victory and pursued.

The white light band disappeared in a flash, and a large number of stone blades appeared around the fossil pterosaur, hitting the big-billed gull at high speed.The big-billed gull couldn't react in time, and was hit perfectly by the rock blade.After the continuous screams, the big-billed gull fell to the ground covered in bruises, motionless.

"The big-billed gull lost the ability to fight, and the fossil pterosaur won."

"Well done Fossil Pterosaur, this time you finally proved your strength." Ronaldinho smiled and praised.


The fossil pterosaur let out a long roar, as if venting the depression in his heart.

The fossil pterosaur was also an elf that Xiao Luo subdued earlier, and its strength was definitely at the upper level among all the elves in Xiao Luo.It's just that its record is not outstanding...

The Quartz League played against Ake and was defeated by Bangira; the Chengdu League played against Tianmu and was defeated by Hu Di.Little Luo didn't win any battles that needed its power.This made the fossil pterosaur who was able to imprison Lord Ghost before extremely depressed, and Xiao Luo's repeated comforts had little effect.

Therefore, this time against Jingjing, where no fossil pterosaur was supposed to participate, Xiao Luo still sent it to fight, just to let the fossil pterosaur regain its confidence in the battle and prove that it is definitely not a weak elf.

"So strong!"

Jingjing secretly sighed, and retracted the big-billed gull with a rather ugly face. After thinking for a while, she took out a poke ball and threw it out again: "Duck-billed Flame Dragon, please do it again."

A white light flashed, and the duck-billed flame dragon appeared on the field again.He was seriously injured before, but the duck-billed flame dragon's expression this time was no longer as excited as before.

"Duckbill Flame Dragon, spray flames!"

The gun-like arm of the duck-billed Flame Dragon raised clangingly, shooting out a crimson flame instantly like a jet, roaring towards the fossil pterosaur.

"Fossil pterosaur, flash of light."

call out!
The fossil pterosaur avoids the attack of jet flames with the help of lightning speed, and rushes towards the duck-billed flame dragon.

"Come on, the duck-billed flame dragon, use the flame fist after avoiding it."

The pupils of the duck-billed flame dragon contracted, staring at the impacting fossil pterosaur.With a high degree of concentration, the speed of the fossil pterosaur slowed down.

The duck-billed flame dragon suddenly turned sideways, and the fossilized pterosaur's lightning flashed a gust of wind followed by it, making the burning flames on its body whistling.


Excited, Jingjing quickly made a command: "It's now, duck-billed flame dragon, flame fist."

The duck-billed flame dragon ran quickly, then jumped high, and hit the fossil pterosaur hard with its gun-like arm burning with scorching flames, causing the fossil pterosaur to roar in pain.

"Counterattack, Thunder Fang!"


The fossil pterosaur roared, its sharp teeth flashed a dazzling yellow light, and it opened its mouth to bite on the flame duck-billed dragon that hadn't landed yet. The severe pain made the flame duck-billed dragon scream and fall to the ground in embarrassment.

"Solve it, billions of shocks!"

The thick gray-purple energy wraps the huge body of the fossil pterosaur in layers, rushing towards the prostrate duck-billed flame dragon like a missile.


The sound of the explosion lasted for a long time, the ground shook slightly, and the billowing smoke and dust almost covered the sky above the entire battle field, making the originally unclear field even more hazy.

After a long time, the thick smoke gradually dispersed, and the fossilized pterodactyl stood in front of the duck-billed flame dragon, with its huge head raised high, its eyes lowered, looking down at the duck-billed flame dragon lying on its back with its eyes spiraling.

Fang Tian smiled bitterly, and announced: "The duck-billed flame dragon lost the ability to fight, and the fossil pterosaur won."

"Damn it, come back to the duck-billed flame dragon!" Jingjing took out the poke ball and took the duck-billed flame dragon back, her expression finally changed.

So far in the competition, there are still three elves used by Xiao Luoke, and he...

Looking at the only poke ball left in her hand, Jingjing's expression was extremely complicated.

"Go, giant marsh monster!" Jingjing gritted her teeth, and solemnly threw out the last poke ball.

White light fell, and the giant marsh monster with tall fins appeared calmly on the field, with neither joy nor worry nor anger, looking straight at the fossil pterosaur.This expression is somewhat similar to that of a water elf, but it is less cold than that of a water elf.


The appearance of the giant swamp monster immediately attracted the attention of the fossil pterosaur. The fossil pterosaur let out a deep roar, and it felt a strong threat from the giant swamp monster.

The original sprite? !

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, took out the elf ball and put away the fossil pterosaur. The fossil pterosaur was also extremely obedient. After two battles, it no longer had enough physical strength to fight this mighty giant marsh monster.

"Water spirit, please do it again!"

With a flash of white light, the water elf appeared on the field sitting cross-legged gracefully again, with an expression still indifferent and cold.The two elves looked at each other like two statues, waiting for the trainer's command.

(End of this chapter)

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