Chapter 257 VS Jingjing! (6)

"Big Swamp Monster, Mud Bomb!" In the end, the elf couldn't bear it first and commanded the Giant Swamp Monster to attack.


When the giant swamp monster opened its mouth, several gray mud bombs spewed out, hitting the water elf extremely fast.


The water elf opened its mouth and spewed out a thick spiral water column, smashing the mud bombs and hitting the giant swamp monster aggressively.

"Giant marsh monster, use pressure after avoiding it!"

The giant swamp monster's body turned so that the water elf's water cannon passed by.

The giant swamp monster's hands glowed black, and it beat the ground with the ground. With a "rumbling" sound, the ground undulated like waves, spreading towards the water elf.

"Water spirit, lightning flashes!"

The water elf launched the lightning flash trick, and after running out of the attack range of the pressure road, he ran towards the giant marsh monster like a cheetah.

"Here we come, giant marsh monster, arm punch!"

A flash of lightning hit the giant swamp monster, causing it to stagger.At the same time, the giant swamp monster roared, its arms glowed with dazzling white light, and it swung hard, opening the beautiful body of the water elf.

An extremely painful cry came from the mouth of the water elf, and the water elf was sent flying far away, rolling on the ground for several weeks before stopping.

Such a strong attack power...

Xiao Luo hadn't played with emotion yet, Jingjing attacked again: "Mud bomb!"

The giant swamp monster opened its mouth wide, and several hard gray mud balls spewed out, roaring towards the water elf.

Xiao Luo was startled, and hurriedly commanded: "Water spirit, quickly use the water column circle!"

The water elf hurriedly struggled to stand up, and after a cry, a thick circle of water wrapped it up, and the mud bomb hit the water column and exploded, but it did not cause much damage to the water elf.On the contrary, because of the appearance of the water column circle, the scars on the water elf's body faded a lot.

"Hmph, giant swamp monster, press the road and attack!"

The giant marsh monster once again launched its road-pressing trick, and the ground undulated like waves, spreading towards the water elf with great momentum.

"Water spirit, surf!"


The water elf screamed, and a huge wave suddenly surged from the field, lifting the water elf high.The pressure road fell into the water waves, and only let the water waves sway for a while before disappearing.

How could it be solved like this!

Jingjing was stunned for a moment, and continued to command: "The giant marsh monster, the freezing light will freeze the surf."

The giant swamp monster raised its hands, roared vigorously, opened its big mouth, and a light blue light cluster condensed in the mouth, and then scattered blue light with twists and turns, forming a loose beam of light that hit the water waves.


The sound of icing was clear to the ear, and Nuo Da's surfing trick was completely frozen in a short while, forming a rather spectacular ice wall on the site.

The water elf had no choice but to jump off the water waves in time to avoid being frozen by the freezing light.

"Water elf, use it obsessively." As soon as the water elf landed, Xiao Luo commanded again.


The water elf let out a charming cry, and danced around very seductively. With a blink of an eye, a red heart flew leisurely towards the giant swamp monster.

Hearing Xiao Luo's command, Jingjing was taken aback for a moment, then showed a surprised expression, and commanded excitedly: "It's now, giant marsh monster, arm punch!"

The giant swamp monster roared, landed on all fours, and rushed towards the water elf.Turn a blind eye to the fascinated red heart.

Seeing this, Little Luo suddenly had an extremely bad feeling in his heart.Without waiting for the hit, Xiao Luo hastily commanded again: "The water elf quickly avoid it."


Fascinated and hit the giant swamp monster, but nothing happened except for a dazzling white light flashing all over the giant swamp monster.Just when the water elf listened to Xiao Luo's command and was about to escape from the giant swamp monster, the giant swamp monster jumped high, its arm muscles glowing with white light soared, and with a roar of anger, it hit the water elf head and face.

The water elf couldn't react in time, and was hit by the arm punch again, and his body writhed and flew out in embarrassment.

"Fix it, use the mud bomb!"


A series of hard gray mud balls flew out of the giant swamp monster's mouth, hitting the water elf again.

After a violent explosion, the water elf crawled on the ground covered in scars, and had already lost the ability to fight.

"The water elf lost the ability to fight, and the giant marsh monster won." Fang Tian's voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Can a mother be so awesome?!" Xiao Luo didn't pay attention to the water elf who had lost the ability to fight, but stared blankly at the giant marsh monster, with hundreds of millions of grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

"Come back, water elf."

After Xiao Luo put away the water elf, he hesitated for a moment, then took out an elf ball and threw it out: "Go, flame chicken!"


The white light fell, and the flame chicken appeared on the field, standing upright, fists and abdomen, and screaming.With the sound of chirping, the flames of fighting spirit on the wrist soared, and there was a chi-chi sound.

After scanning the giant marsh monster with disdainful corn eyes, he assumed a very handsome fighting posture.

"There are flame chickens!" Jingjing's expression froze, and she gave Xiao Luo a meaningful look.

"Go to the flame chicken!" Xiao Luo commanded arrogantly, "Use the flame kick!"


The Flaming Chicken dashed forward in a chic posture, with both feet burning with raging flames at the same time, and launched a combo of blows towards the giant marsh monster with one foot as fast as the other.

The giant swamp monster was amazing, and it was able to dodge it with ease under the intensive attacks of the flame chicken.

"Giant marsh monster, you can't lose, arm fist!"

The giant swamp monster roared with great momentum, its arms glowed with dazzling white light, and it swung it around, hitting the flame chicken's flame kicks repeatedly.There was a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang bang on the field. The intensity of the scene made people's blood boil, and the onlookers cheered continuously, cheering for the two trainers and elves one after another.

Afterwards, the flame chicken leaped high while avoiding the giant swamp monster's arm punch, descended from the sky and kicked the giant swamp monster fiercely with a flame kick.The giant swamp monster punched the crossbar in front of him, and there was another fierce collision.The giant marsh monster couldn't bear the force, and slid a deep mark on the field and retreated far away.The flame chicken landed magnificently after some weeks of somersaulting in the air.

As soon as the flame chicken landed on the ground, Xiao Luo commanded: "Spray flames!"

Call ~
Crimson flames spewed out from the flame chicken's mouth in an instant, and the target was directed at the opposite giant marsh monster.

"Mud Bomb!"

The giant swamp monster felt the threat of jet flames, and a mud bomb with full power spewed out from its mouth, resisting the jet flames.

The two tricks exploded in the center of the field, producing billowing smoke.

"Giant marsh monster, press the road!"

The giant swamp monster's hands glowed black, and it beat the ground with all its might.The ground undulated again like waves and spread towards the flame chicken.

"Flame chicken, use the explosive electric shock after avoiding it!"


After the flame chicken nodded slightly, its body bent and jumped high.The flame chicken in mid-air let out a solemn and long roar, and the faint blue flame appeared instantly with a "boom", enveloping the flame chicken.

The explosive electric shock was launched, and the flame chicken turned into a blue meteor, and charged towards the giant marsh monster below with a shocking aura.

Seeing the powerful big move falling from the sky, and feeling the destructive aura, Jingjing's face turned pale in an instant.


Jingjing bit her lower lip hard, and commanded loudly: "Giant marsh monster, arm punch!"

Without Jingjing's reminder, the giant marsh monster knew what state to use to meet the flame chicken's attack.I saw the giant swamp monster roaring at the flaming chicken that launched the explosive electric shock, with its arms stretched out and white light lingering on it, when the explosive electric shock approached and brought a violent wind in front of it, the giant swamp monster put its hands together and faced it with a ferocious expression .


After the dazzling white light, there was an explosion that shook the entire venue, and the wind and dust galloped past, making everyone present stretch out their hands to block in front of them, and closed their eyes...

After the venue calmed down, everyone noticed that the two elves were panting and glaring at each other. There were electric sparks flashing on the flame chicken, and after a short delay, the giant marsh monster was burning with a raging flame.


Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he commanded again: "Flame chicken, use flame kick!"


The flame chicken cheered up and rushed towards the giant marsh monster again.

"Giant marsh monster, you can't lose, arm fist!"

The giant swamp monster also roared and charged forward.

The two elves stood together again, with flames flying and white light flickering. In the blink of an eye, the two elves fought each other more than ten times and finally retreated helplessly.

After the two elves separated again, the giant marsh monster suffered from burns, and it screamed in pain as the flames rose, and it gasped more and more.

"Come on, giant swamp monster, mud bomb!"

The giant swamp monster opened its mouth in response and wanted to launch a mud bomb attack, but in the process, it was exhausted, and its body staggered, interrupting the trick.


Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he immediately commanded: "It's now, spray flames!"

The flame chicken opened its small mouth, and the flames rushed out, drowning the giant marsh monster in an instant.The scream came from the mouth of the giant marsh monster, which contained strong unwillingness.

After spraying flames, the giant swamp monster closed its eyes, and its majestic body crashed to the ground...

"The giant marsh monster lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won, so this competition is won by Xiao Luo!" Fang Tian sighed, and helplessly pronounced the final result.

(End of this chapter)

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