Chapter 259 The First Two Sixth Uncle Liu's Evaluation!
Under Xiao Luo's constant urging, the group finally accelerated the pace of travel.If it weren't for the existence of Xia Yi and Ke Er, Xiao Luo really wanted to let the elves fly over directly.As for Mei, she has a "bad" character and is automatically ignored by Xiao Luo.

Nearly half a month later, Xiao Luo and Xia Yi finally stepped into Kaji Town with the three of them.

"Phew, it's finally here. It's been a long time since I've traveled like this, and I'm really not so tired." Xiao Luo wiped off her sweat and showed a relieved smile.

Xia Yi said energetically, "This is the real trip, it's much more interesting than staying in Zhenxin Town."

"That's it!" Yai hugged Xia Yi's arm and said, "Sister Xia Yi, you can go on a trip with me in the future, we will travel to every corner of the world together."

Cole hurriedly said, "And me!"

"Speaking of this, I just remembered one thing." Xiao Luo looked Mei up and down.

Mei felt uncomfortable being looked at by Xiao Luo, and asked with an extremely unnatural expression, "What...why?"

Xiao Luo asked, "How on earth did you travel so far from Hezhong to Kaji Town by yourself?"

Mei Qiao blushed and said angrily, "You don't care about me."

After talking, Yai pulled Xia Yi and Ke Er forward: "Let's go, sister Xia Yi, I'll take you to Uncle Liu's house."

Xiao Luo shook his head and smiled, quickened his pace and followed.

When we arrived at the small courtyard where Uncle Liu lived, there was no one there.It was near noon, at this point Liu Bo and Xi Lan usually worked in the gymnasium.Xiao Luo asked Yai, who was familiar with the place, to accompany Xia Yike and Keer, while he went to the gymnasium to look for Liu Bo.

The gymnasium door was wide open, and after Xiao Luo walked in, he found that Liu Bo was accepting the challenger's challenge.As the referee, Xi Lan stood tall on the referee's platform.

Xiao Luo's arrival naturally attracted the attention of the two of them, Liu Bo smiled and nodded at Xiao Luo.Xi Lan almost yelled out in surprise, but fortunately she noticed her duty, so she stopped and looked at Xiao Luo with a smile, with a kind face on her face.

On the field, Uncle Liu's white sea lion faced off against the challenger's Oo Tachi. Under Liu Bo's deliberate control, the white sea lion struggled to defeat Oo Tachi.Afterwards, the challenger sent the Fiery Beast to play, and after a fight, the white sea lion lost the ability to fight.Liu Bo put on a long-haired pig and fought fiercely again, defeating the Fiery Beast.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo knew that Uncle Liu was planning to encourage this pretty good trainer to take a step closer.

After getting along with Uncle Liu for a long time, Xiao Luo also understood the ways and means among the trainers in the guild hall.Generally speaking, gym trainers will not easily defeat the challenger even if they have the strength, but give the challenger hope of victory through a fierce battle.This will promote the continuous improvement of the challenger, which is also the responsibility of the trainer in the guild hall.Of course, for trainers who are too weak, gym trainers will naturally not affirm them.

In this regard, Liu Bo, the owner of the museum, has done a very good job.Of course, not all trainers have the strength to challenge the school.Those pavilion owners can only do their best to fight, and use their own strength to measure whether the challenger can get the badge.This also created the so-called strength of the gymnasium. Liu Bo's gymnasium is also famously powerful in the Chengdu area, second only to Xiaochun's Dragon's gymnasium.It's not that Uncle Liu's strength is weaker than Uncle Liu's, but that Chun's standard for measuring the strength of a challenger is higher than Uncle Liu's.

After Liu Bo encouraged the challenger, he sent the challenger away.Afterwards, Uncle Liu walked up to Xiao Luo, and blamed him a little: "You boy, why are you here now?"

"Some things have been delayed." Xiao Luo naturally wouldn't explain Xia Yi's matter to Liu Bo, and could only play sloppy.

"Okay, okay, just come." Xi Lan said with a smile on her face: "You don't even know, the old man is talking about you every day, and I'm afraid that something will happen to you. Especially when I heard about the disbandment of the Rockets some time ago, even more I’m going to the Kanto region to find you.”

Xiao Luo was a little moved. Uncle Liu and Xi Lan's kindness to him came from the bottom of their hearts, which made him feel the warmth of home.

"Master, I made you worry." Xiao Luo bowed to Uncle Liu.

"Don't listen to Xi Lan's nonsense, you are the champion of the double league, so why should I worry about you?"

After hearing Uncle Liu's words, Xi Lan quit immediately: "Hey, you old man..."

Before Xi Lan finished speaking, Uncle Liu interrupted her and said, "Xiao Luo is here. The gymnasium is closed today, so I won't accept the challenge. Hurry up and cook, so that the two children can have a good meal."

Xiao Luo laughed and said, "Master, it's not two, it's four!"

"Four?" Xi Lan said in surprise, "Who else is here?"

"My former travel partner—Xia Yi, and the granddaughter of the kind old man from the Hiruf Company—Keer."

"Two little girls again?" Xi Lan's eyes lit up, and she said to Uncle Liu, "Hurry up, I'll go back and see what these two little girls look like." After saying that, Xi Lan walked out quickly with a face full of excitement. Gym.

Elderly people always like to be lively, and Xi Lan was naturally very happy to hear that so many young and energetic guests had come.

"It's hot and hot, what does it look like?" Liu Bo looked at Xi Lan who was going away, and blamed him aloud, but his expression full of smiles betrayed his heart at the moment.

After closing the gymnasium, Xiao Luo and Liu Bo returned to the courtyard where they lived.As soon as he entered the yard, Xiao Luo heard Xi Lan's happy laughter.The three young and beautiful girls followed Xi Lan to work in the kitchen, chattering about something.

Soon, a sumptuous lunch was served on the table amidst the laughter of several people.Seeing Xiao Luo and the others eating happily, Xi Lan and Liu Bo also showed satisfied smiles.

After eating, Xiao Luo and Liu Bo sat down in the yard, while Xia Yi, Ya Yi and Ke Er were busy helping Xi Lan clean up the tableware.

"You can help me guard the gymnasium tomorrow." Liu Bo said to Xiao Luo.

"Master, do you really plan to ask me to help you guard the gymnasium? In this way, your badge will really not be given out."

Uncle Liu chuckled and said, "There are prerequisites. My request is that you can only lose but not win!"

Xiao Luo was stunned, unable to laugh or cry, and said: "Master, you are not joking, are you?"

"Stinky boy, why am I joking with you!"

After confirming that Uncle Liu was not joking, Xiao Luo was even more reluctant: "Master, you are too strong, how can you let people fight and release water."

Liu Bo explained: "This is also a kind of training. Of course, this kind of training is not for you, but for the spirit in your hands."


Uncle Liu nodded and said, "Don't you think the elf in your hand is too sharp?"

Xiao Luo thought for a while and said seriously: "No!"

Uncle Liu was out of breath, raised his hand and knocked on Xiao Luo's head, causing Xiao Luo to cry out in pain.

"The elves in your hands have good potential, but most of them are independent. This is not good. They are too sharp and must be smoothed, so that they can better tap their potential!"

"don't know!"

Uncle Liu sighed and said, "You will understand later, you just do as I tell you. This will only benefit you."

Xiao Luo had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Well, let's forget about the water elf and the giant pincer mantis. I like the characters of these two children very much. There is no need to polish them. And that Bi is quite special. I think it will be difficult for you to lose if it plays, or Forget it. We’ll talk about it later when we go to Tianwang Mountain.”

"Master, I understand what you said about the water elf, but the giant pincer mantis..."

Uncle Liu gave Xiao Luo a white look, and said solemnly: "Among all your elves, it is the elf that trusts you the most, and it is also the most practical one. It is neither arrogant nor impetuous, just watch it, and its achievements in the future It will definitely not be lower than your Bi Diao and Gyarados."

Little Luo was greatly surprised by Uncle Liu's evaluation: "It's really so powerful? Oops...Master, why are you hitting me again?"

"Don't believe my vision is the end!"


(End of this chapter)

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