Chapter 260 Grinding? !
For the gym, the most indispensable thing is the young challenger with infinite elves.

The next day, as soon as Xiao Luo helped Uncle Liu open the gate of the gymnasium, a challenger came to challenge him.After Liu Bo laughed, he greeted the challenger to enter the gymnasium, and after pulling the reluctant little Luo down to the position of the gymnasium owner, he stood on the referee's platform.

"The Gym Challenge is now underway. The challenger, A Yuan, will face the Gym trainer, Xiao Luo. There are three spirits that can be used in the match. Only the challenger can replace the spirits during the match. The match begins!"

Following Uncle Liu's order, Xiao Luo slowly took out the elf ball, tossed the elf ball lightly, and said bitterly, "I leave the sickle helmet to you."

A white light flashed, and the sickle helmet appeared on the field with a menacing aura, roaring at A Yuan.Xiao Luo could easily find out that just the aura of appearance had already made A Yuan show a frightened expression.

Nima, what a cheater!

Seeing A Yuan's expression, Xiao Luo knew that this guy was definitely a rookie trainer.But Liu Bo has orders, even if the rookie is not as good as Xiao Luo, he dare not win.Looking at the domineering sickle helmet, Xiao Luo silently prayed for it.

God bless, don't blame me, Amen!
"Sickle helmet, it looks so powerful." A Yuan's voice was a little dry, and he swallowed.Then he took out an elf ball and threw it solemnly: "Bay leaf, I'll leave it to you."

With a flash of white light, a bay leaf with a fairly good spirit appeared on the field.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet snarled at the bay leaf, and the powerful aura spread out. The bay leaf was frightened, and took two steps back.

"Bay leaf, don't be afraid, use the flying leaf knife."


The bay leaf stabilized the mood, and with a flick of the head, several huge leaves were spun and hit the sickle helmet.

The sickle helmet has been waiting for Xiao Luo's command, but Xiao Luo struggled and remained silent.

"Hi Doo~"

Until Feiye Kuaidao approached, the sickle helmet, which still hadn't heard Xiao Luo's command, acted on its own, and the twin sickles waved like the wind, chopping Feiye Kuaidao into pieces one by one.

Great job!
The corner of Xiao Luo's mouth twitched, showing a comfortable smile, secretly thinking that this is not my fault, it is the elf's own reaction.Just as little Luo Desi looked at Uncle Liu, he found that Uncle Liu was looking at him with a gloomy expression.

With a look on his face, Xiao Luo scolded the sickle helmet and said, "Listen to my command, don't act indiscriminately."

"Hi Doo~"

Sickle Helmet cried out in aggrieved voice.

"Sickle helmet, charge up!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet responded, his figure was like lightning, and his momentum rushed up like a rainbow.

"Bay leaf, use shock."


Bay Leaf also started to run, and rushed forward with a sense of strength.

Xiao Luo didn't make a sound until the sickle helmet was knocked back by the impact.On the other hand, A Yuan fought more and more smoothly, and his momentum gradually rose.

"Bay leaf, use the cane whip!"

Two vine whips shot out from under the bay leaf's neck, tightly entangled the sickle helmet.

"Good job, just hit it on the ground like this."


Bay Leaf struggled to lift the sickle helmet and slammed it on the ground, screaming in pain from the mouth of the sickle helmet.

"OK, it's now, Mount Tai is overwhelming."

Bay leaf leaped high after a short sprint, and stomped down on the sickle helmet with full strength, and Taishan hit the top perfectly.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet refused to accept it, stood up vigorously, and knocked the bay leaf off its back.It's just that Xiao Luo still didn't make a sound. Although it struggled, it still didn't take the initiative to attack.

"Bay leaf, flying leaf sharp knife!"

Laurel Leaf launched another attack with Flying Leaf Knife.Xiao Luo didn't direct the counterattack, nor did he direct the dodge, and Fei Ye made a quick hit.Scythe Helmet finally let out a scream, lying on the ground on his back and losing his ability to fight.

"The sickle helm is out of combat, the bay leaf wins."

The next battle was not much different from this round. The flame chicken entered the field, but was still perfectly defeated by Yue Guiye.The overexcited bay leaf actually evolved into a big chrysanthemum ahead of time, which made A Yuan cheer for a while.

Next, the big chrysanthemum consumed a lot of energy just to attack, and was replaced by A Yuan with Ubo.Little Luo's Electric Shock Monster was tragically defeated by Little Wu Bo.A Yuan easily won the badge.

In the afternoon, there were two consecutive trainers to challenge.Fortunately, there are enough Little Luo elves to handle it.

On the first day, Xiao Luo's elves were almost defeated over and over again.

The second day, the third day...

Until the fifth day, after losing battles again and again, Xiao Luo's elves finally learned to behave.Since you can't win, then...

"...Challenger Maori vs Gym Trainer Xiao Luo, the match has officially begun."

"Go, shock the beast!" Xiao Luo threw out the poke ball.

The elf ball flew, flew, and flew... Click, the elf ball fell to the ground, and when it was opened, half of the white light gushed out, and then retracted with a "swoosh".The gymnasium was silent, and everyone was a little dumbfounded.

"Saury, Sory!"

Xiao Luo smiled awkwardly, quickly ran up to pick up the poke ball, and threw it out forcefully again: "Come out for me, electric shock monster."

The elf ball flew, flew, flew... click, the elf ball fell to the ground.This time it was more straightforward, and even the steps of opening were omitted.

Even though Xiao Luo's skin was already thick enough, a cloud of red floated up.

"Sorry, sorry!" Under the surprised and puzzled eyes of the challenger, Xiao Luo ran to the field again to pick up the poke ball.

"Come out!" Xiao Luo desperately pressed the poke ball button, but the poke ball still didn't move.

"I @#¥%..." Xiao Luo swung the poke ball in a circle, "Come out for me!"

Still no response.

"You wait!" Xiao Luo glared at the Poke Ball of the Electric Shock Monster, then hung it on his belt, took out another Poke Ball and threw it out: "Flame Chicken, I'll leave it to you."

The elf ball flew, flew, flew... halfway through the flight, it didn't bother to land, and returned directly to Xiao Luo's hands.

Seeing the challenger Mao Li's eyes wide open in disbelief, Xiao Luo's face flushed red, forget about the hatred in his heart.

"Absol, come here!"


"Desert Dragonfly!"


"Bite the land shark fiercely!"

Still useless!

Just when Xiao Luo didn't know how to end it, Uncle Liu, relieved from his astonishment, finally said, "Forget it, I, the old man, will do it this time."

"Uh... well then, I'll be the referee."

Mao Li did not object to Liu Bo's appearance.After a fierce competition, Mao Li was defeated by Uncle Liu, and left the gym with a sad expression.

After the battle, Uncle Liu asked Xiao Luo to close the gymnasium, and he and Xiao Luo returned to the small courtyard where they lived.

"It's because I thought it was too simple. If the opponent's strength is too weak, it will have a counterproductive effect. Let me be your opponent tomorrow."

Xiao Luo was overjoyed and nodded excitedly.

On the second day, Xiao Luo played against Liu Bo, and all members fought.Liu Bo even brought out the young boar, which he never sent to the field.

Against Uncle Liu, Xiao Luo's elves were very obedient. Under Xiao Luo's command, they fought inseparably with Uncle Liu's elves, and every battle was extremely fierce.It's just that under the condition that Uncle Liu didn't deliberately release the water, Xiao Luo didn't win a single round.

But since the battle with Liu Bo, a special situation happened again.Xiao Luo's elves have fought and failed repeatedly, and fought repeatedly.Every time, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the unique character is fully displayed.Not to mention that the water chestnut was not smoothed, it became more prominent.

This situation also made Liu Bo cover his face with his hands, in vain.

A month later, Xiao Luo made rapid progress in the battle with Liu Bo, and the aura of the elves became more and more vigorous.

On this day, Uncle Liu finally gave up the idea of ​​polishing little Luo's elves, and said to Xiao Luo, "Clean up and prepare for Tianwang Mountain!"

"Oh? Don't you continue to hone the flame chickens?"

Uncle Liu gave him a hard look and said, "Do you think they can be polished?"

After speaking, Uncle Liu turned his head and walked into his room angrily.

"Can't it?! It seems possible, master, why don't we continue for a few days!"

"Get out!" Uncle Liu roared from the room.


(End of this chapter)

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