Chapter 261 The promise with Qing!

Just as Xiao Luo recharged his energy and prepared to go to Tianwang Mountain, an unexpected guest came to Kaji Town.

"Xiao Liu, why are you here?" Looking at Xiao Liu who suddenly appeared, Xiao Luo was surprised but also a little happy: "Come on, come in and sit down."

Xiao Liu followed Xiao Luo into Uncle Liu's small courtyard, and smiled at Xiao Luo, "I came here specially to find you."

"Looking for me?" Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"You are enough!" Xiaoliu cast a glance at Xiaoluo, and reminded: "Water elf..."

As soon as Xiao Luo heard about the water elves, Xiao Luo understood Xiao Liu's meaning, and said with a bitter face: "You brothers are clearly cheating me, so you have the nerve to say so."

Xiaoliu smiled awkwardly and felt that Ah Qing's actions were not authentic enough.

"Okay then, even if I beg you, help us this time." Xiao Liu looked at Xiao Luo seriously and said.

It was the first time that Xiao Liu begged Xiao Luo so solemnly.Thinking that Brother Xiaoliu was really kind to him, Xiao Luo said, "I'm just complaining casually, you really take it seriously. Tell me, what's the matter!"

Liu Bo and Xi Lan went to the gymnasium, and the three of Ya Yi went out to have fun again, and there were only Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu in the yard at the moment.Xiao Liu passed by the two low stools that Xiao Luo and Liu Bo used to sit in the courtyard. After choosing the seats and setting them up, he motioned for Xiao Luo to sit down and said.

After the two sat down, Xiaoliu said again: "Do you know the Hezhong area?"

Xiao Luo gave Xiao Liu a supercilious look, which seemed to say: "You are talking nonsense."

Xiaoliu was not angry either, and continued after a slight smile: "Hezhong area is no different from other areas in your eyes, but it is a very special existence in our eyes."

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

"The Hezhong area has a unique system of chambers of commerce. The chambers of commerce in the Hezhong area exclude businesses from other areas from entering the Hezhong area. Of course, this is only for large businesses."

Hearing this, Xiao Luo suddenly understood what Xiao Liu meant, and asked, "Your family wants to enter the Hezhong area?"

"That's right!"

Xiao Luo shrugged and said helplessly: "I really can't do anything about it. They won't let you intervene. It's useless for you to look for me."

Xiaoliu smiled and said, "If there was really no other way, I wouldn't have come to you. You know, Old Man Heshan and Wu Gang have already extended their hands into the Hezhong area."

Xiao Luo asked curiously, "How did they do it?"

"That's why I came to you." Xiaoliu smiled and continued: "It is naturally impossible for the Hezhong Chamber of Commerce to boycott all merchants who want to set foot in the Hezhong area. The big merchant associations are gone. The reason why the chamber of commerce exists is because it resists merchants from entering the Union area while also giving these merchants the opportunity to enter the Union area."

Seeing that Xiao Luo listened seriously, Little Reuben continued: "This opportunity is the annual Merchant Elf Alliance Contest held by the merchant itself. If you win the top three in the contest and successfully defeat the 'Guardian', you will be awarded the honor of being in Hezhong. The qualifications for doing business in the region. It is precisely because of the existence of this regulation that some super-large merchants and families acquiesced in the boycott of the United Chamber of Commerce. Because they are also the beneficiaries of the benefits!"

"The Merchant Spirit Alliance Contest? Guardian?" Xiao Luo smiled lightly, "It's interesting!"

Xiao Liu smiled wryly and said, "Don't underestimate this Merchant Alliance event, its gold content is far beyond your imagination."

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "I know, this is a game for you rich people. How can rich people not hire powerful trainers!"

"As long as you know."

Xiao Luo was a little curious: "Your family is also very rich. Didn't you invite a trainer who can defeat the 'Guardian'?"

"It's not that easy!" Xiaoliu said with a wry smile, "My brother has been working hard for this for three years, and every year we hire powerful trainers to compete. The result..."

Xiao Liu paused, and continued: "Don't talk about defeating the guardians, even if you haven't entered the top three."

Xiao Luo raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are the people participating in the competition really so good?"

The trainers hired by Ah Qing and Xiao Liu Chuanqian will naturally not be weak, but they can't even make it to the top three, which is a bit scary.

Xiaoliudao: "The game of the Chamber of Commerce is different from the general regular elf alliance. Even if the strength is strong enough, it may not necessarily win. Because there are no referees and no rules in this game. Only you can't think of it, and they can't do it. In short, I also say No, you'll know when you see it."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "You've already said that, I have to go and see what's going on. When are you going to leave?"

"The sooner the better, there's just over a month until the race starts. You'll have to earn at least four badges in the United area before it starts."

"Going to play gym?" Xiao Luo was stunned, and asked aloud, "Why?"

"Stepping bricks to ensure the quality of the game!"

Xiao Luo shook his head and sighed, "It's all fine!"

Xiao Liu said with a smile: "No way, everything in his territory has to be done according to what he said."

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "Okay then, I will tell my master later that I will go with you tomorrow."

When Uncle Liu came back from the guild hall, Xiao Luo introduced Xiaoliu to him, and told Uncle Liu what Xiaoliu said.

Liu Bo seemed to know about this game and acted very calmly.After Xiao Luo finished speaking, Uncle Liu smiled meaningfully and said to Xiao Luo: "I was still considering whether or not to let you see and see, but I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to come to you. That's fine, then Just try it. But remember to do what you can, and don’t be too demanding.”

Although Liu Bo's words made Xiao Luo a little puzzled, she still nodded and agreed.

Xiao Luo is going to Hezhong, so Mei naturally asks his colleagues to go home and have a look.With Mei, Xia Yi and Ke Er are naturally indispensable.Therefore, early the next morning, the group bid farewell to Liu Bo and Xi Lan, and under the leadership of Xiao Liu, they took a special plane to the legendary Hezhong area.

After half a day of flying, the plane landed at a small airport in Sanyo City, Hezhong District.All the details of the itinerary have been discussed with Xiao Luo on the plane.The challenge guild halls are Sanyao City, Qibao City, Feiyun City and Leiwen City.The Merchant Alliance Competition was held in Feiyun City. After obtaining the badge of Leiwen City, they returned directly to Feiyun City to participate in the competition.

Although the schedule was a bit tight, Xiao Luo didn't say anything when she thought that she was doing something for others.

After getting off the plane and walking out of the airport, Ah Qing had already brought some people to wait at the gate.Seeing Xiao Luo and his group walking out, Ah Qing quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Xiao Luo: "Thank you for coming, Xiao Luo!"

Xiao Luo also didn't take airs, held Ah Qing's outstretched palm, and said with a smile: "No way, if I don't come, I won't be scolded to death by Xiao Liu."

Ah Qing said with a smile: "Xiao Liu is proud of having a friend like you. You don't even know that he often brags about his relationship with you in front of his friends."

Xiao Liu shyly smiled and said, "Brother, can you save me some face!"

Seeing Xiaoliu like this, everyone burst into laughter.

Then Ah Qing pointed to the girl with bright blonde hair and soft looks beside her and introduced to Xiao Luo: "This is Sakura, my girlfriend. This time, I took this opportunity to come to Hezhong District with me."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "I know, Sister Yinghua is Xiaoxia's sister, right?"

Sakura laughed softly: "That's right, I'm Xiaoying's eldest sister. Xiaoying also mentioned you in front of me."

As for the other people who followed Ah Qing, Ah Qing did not introduce any more, presumably those were all personnel from their company, so there was no need to introduce them.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Ah Qing took Xiao Luo and his party to a hotel near the airport and arranged for Xiao Luo and others to rest.

The Guild Hall Challenge officially started on the second day, and Ah Qing originally wanted Xiao Luo to spend a few days in Sanyo City.But Xiao Luo understands that the Xiaoliu brothers attach great importance to the competition, so he refuses on the pretext of impatient to see the strength of the Hezhong Gymnasium, and just asks Ah Qing to let Xia Yi and the three of them have fun .

Xiao Luo's request was naturally accepted by Ah Qing.Ah Qing and Xiao Liu felt somewhat sorry for inviting Xiao Luo from Chengdu in such a rush. Since Xiao Luo didn't ask for anything in return, Ah Qing would naturally repay his gratitude to Xia Yi and the other three.

Ah Qing not only let Sakura, a big sister, accompany Xia Yi and the other three to play in Sanyo City, but also borne all their expenses.Although Xia Yi and Ke Er didn't care about these little money.

 The climax of non-stop fighting is about to start again, -0-!

  Let me complain here, I know that I made a lot of typos before, but at that time I was basically disheartened.Now that I have signed the contract, I will go back to the front and correct it one by one.I will try to avoid typos in later updates.

(End of this chapter)

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