Chapter 262 Sanyao Gym Challenge!
"The trainers of Sanyao Gym are triplet brothers. They changed the gym into a restaurant, and the battlefield of the gym is hidden behind the restaurant." On the way, Xiao Liu introduced the situation of Shining Gym to Xiaoluo, "Sanyao Gym It's a bit special, because the three are all Shining Gym trainers, so the challenger can choose one of them to challenge. After winning, they can be recognized by the gym and get a badge."

Afterwards, Xiaoliu introduced the three of them and their elves again.

"My personal recommendation is to choose Burt. He is the weakest of the three brothers. Of course, the three of them can't pose a threat to you. It's up to you."

Listening to Xiao Liu's introduction and suggestions, Xiao Luo was a little dumbfounded.Although he doesn't know much about the Hezhong area, Tiantong is one of the supporting actors in the animation, so he still knows Sanyo City quite well.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. It's best to challenge all three, and it will be a special training for the elves."

Xiao Liu shook his head and said with a smile, "You have the confidence to say that."

After a while, Xiao Liu brought Xiao Luo to the Sanyao Gym, pushed open the door of the Gym, and a refreshing and clean western-style restaurant came into view.After Xiao Luo took a glance, he immediately found the three of Tian Tong.

As in the animation, all three of them are dressed as waiters and shuttle around the restaurant, serving the diners.It is worth mentioning that the people who dine here are all women, not a single man.Of course, except for the three of Tiantong.

"Hey, isn't this Xiaoliu?" Tian Tong first spotted Xiaoliu and Xiaoluo, and walked up with a smile.

"This boy is so handsome!"

"That's right, so stylish!"

"Look at his attire, he is still a rich man, my God, if only I could have such a boyfriend..."


As soon as Xiaoliu appeared, it caused a commotion in the restaurant.As he grows older, Xiaoliu becomes more and more handsome. Coupled with a bright white and expensive suit, his lethality rivals that of Xia Yi's brother Hughes!
Xiao Liu greeted Tiantong with a smile: "Tiantong, long time no see!"

"Why did you bring the trainer to challenge the gym again?" Burt and Cohen also greeted him.

"Well, I'm going to trouble you again."

"This is our duty, so don't worry about it." Cohen smiled and said: "Besides, it is our honor to be able to fight against a powerful trainer."

The strength of the trainer brought by Xiaoliu will naturally not be weak, and because of this, the three of Tiantong will be impressed with Liu.

"This time it's stronger than before, so you have to be mentally prepared!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Liu introduced each other.

After getting acquainted, the three of Tiantong opened the beautifully decorated wall behind the restaurant, revealing a rather spectacular and atmospheric rock venue.

After entering the venue, Tian Tong asked Xiao Luo: "Then which one of us are you going to choose? Mine is a grass-type flower coconut monkey."

"I am the fire-type sautéing monkey"

"I am a water-type cold water monkey."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "This is the first time I've come to the Hezhong area, and I don't know much about the strength of the trainers in the Hezhong Gym. Or..."

Little Luo paused, then continued: "How about this, let's treat it as a battle between friends, and I will fight with the three of you. If I win two sentences, you will give me the badge. If I lose, I will give you the badge." No more."

The strength of the three of Tiantong was not outstanding in the animation, so even if he challenged the three of them, Xiao Luo was still full of confidence.

"That's a good proposal, I agree." Bert, with fiery red hair, nodded first.

"I'm fine!" Burt nodded in agreement.

Tian Tong chuckled and said, "It's really an interesting proposal, but since they both agree, I naturally won't object."

Seeing that Xiao Luo really wanted to challenge the three of them, Xiao Liu could only smile helplessly, and said, "Alright then, let me be the referee!"

"I'll come first to the first game!" Burt was a little impatient, and after he finished speaking, he ran to the gymnasium to stand on the training ground.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and walked onto the battlefield.

"Challenger Xiaoluo vs Gym Trainer Bert, only one Pokémon can be used in the match, the match begins!"

"Come on, come on, Bert... come on, come on Bert..."

The girls who were dining in the restaurant immediately turned into cheerleaders to cheer for Burt.This made Xiao Luo sneer, secretly thinking, no wonder the business of the restaurant is so good, and the relationship has been relying on appearance as a signboard.

"Go, Poppy Monkey!"

Bert threw the Poké Ball hard.White light fell, and an energetic sautéing monkey appeared on the field.

For the elves in the Hezhong area, Xiao Luo was still very interested and took out the elf illustration book to learn about it.

"Scented Monkey, a high-temperature Pokémon, lives in a cave near a volcano. As long as it gets angry, the temperature on the top of its head will heat up, reaching more than [-] degrees."

After reading the explanation, Xiao Luo smiled, and immediately took out a poke ball in his hand to make it bigger, and threw it vigorously: "Hei Lujia, I'll leave it to you."

"Wang woo~"

As the white light fell, Hei Lujia grinned and appeared opposite the sautéed monkey with a ferocious expression.The strong and powerful forelimbs continued to plan the ground, looking impatient.

"Hei Lujia? Is it a confrontation of the flame department?" Burt smiled slightly, and said to Xiao Luo: "Then let's attack."

This is also the rule of the gymnasium competition, because taking care of the challenger, the challenger is the first to attack every time.

Xiao Luo was not polite, stretched out a saute monkey, commanded: "Hei Lujia, say hello, use jet flame."

Hei Lujia opened his mouth, and a crimson flame roared towards the sautéing monkey.

"Scent monkey, use jet flames to fight back after avoiding it."

The sautéing monkey moved flexibly to the side, dodging Helujia's flame-spraying attack.

Just as the sautéing monkey took a deep breath and was about to use the flame jet, Xiao Luo's voice sounded again: "Don't let it escape, sweep over."

The jet of flames swept across in an instant under the control of Hei Lujia, and the sautéing monkey was caught off guard, hit by the jet of flames, screamed in pain, and flew out backwards.

"It's very powerful, sautéing monkey, use digging holes!"

The fire-type trick is not very harmful to the fire-type sauté monkey.Therefore, the sautéing monkey quickly stabilized its figure, jumped slightly, and plunged into the ground like diving and disappeared.

Regarding the disappearance of the sautéed monkey, Xiao Luo was not at all nervous. Under Xiao Luo's influence, Hei Lujia also seemed very calm, quietly waiting for the attack of the sausage monkey.

The sound of the ground cracking came out clearly, and Xiao Luo gave an instant command: "It's now, return the fist."

Hei Lujia reacted in time, bowed his body, glowing red light glowed on his body, the sautéing monkey broke through the ground to attack Hei Lujia, but was bounced back viciously by the counter punch, and rolled out screaming in pain.

"Scented Monkey!" Burt exclaimed, his expression finally not calm.

"It's now, Lei Ya!"

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia let out a fierce cry, opened his mouth wide, his teeth were surrounded by dazzling yellow lightning, moved his limbs, and rushed towards the sausage monkey with full pressure.

The sautéing monkey was photographed by Hei Lujia's power, and stood there in fear for a while, the thunder tooth bit down fiercely, and the thunder radiated, and the sautéing monkey screamed again.

Afterwards, Hei Lujia shook his head, and threw the sautéed monkey out of his mouth forcefully.

"Fix it, Shadow Ball!"

A pitch-black energy ball condensed in Hei Lujia's mouth in an instant, and before the sautéed monkey hit the ground, he bit his mouth and quickly shot out the shadow ball.

The shadow ball hit the sautéing monkey perfectly, and after impacting the sautéing incense for a certain distance, it exploded with a "boom".With thick smoke rising, the sautéing monkey fell to the ground with spiral eyes.

"The sautéing monkey loses its ability to fight, and Hei Lujia wins! In the first round, Xiao Luo wins!" Xiao Liu decisively announced the result.

So strong!

Tiantong and Koen changed their colors at the same time, they looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"I'll do the second match!" Cohen walked onto the field with a serious expression, replacing the battered Bert.

"Come back, Hei Lujia!" Xiao Luo smiled slightly and took Hei Lujia back into the poke ball.

"Go, cold water monkey." Cohen's extremely handsome gesture of throwing the poke ball drew a burst of screams from the cheerleaders.

The poke ball was opened, the ginkgo flashed, and the cold water monkey appeared on the field.Compared with Bert's sautéing monkey, the cold water monkey has a much calmer personality and does not have the active nature of a monkey at all.

Xiao Luo also took out the illustration book to do some research...

The voice of the illustration book machine sounded: "Cold water monkey, a water-splashing Pokmon, lived in the forest a long time ago, but it has become a physique that makes it easier to live by the water, and can store water on the top of the head."

After reading other materials, Xiao Luo put away the illustrated book, took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Hippo King, I'll leave it to you."

The elf ball was opened, and the Hippo King appeared on the field leisurely with his hands behind his back. He looked at the Lengshui monkey opposite with a smile on his face, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"In the second round, the cold water monkey will face the hippopotamus king, and the match will officially begin!"


(End of this chapter)

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