Chapter 263 One Thirty Seven Treasure City!
"Hippo King?" Kou Enwei was a little surprised, "Elves are rare in Kanto, right?"

Xiao Luo smiled and replied: "Well, evolution is a bit complicated, so it rarely appears!"

"It's still up to you to attack first."

Little Luo is not surprised by Cohen's request, after all, this is the rule of the Gym Challenge.Therefore, Xiao Luo was not polite, and commanded: "Hippo King, Illusion!"

The Hippo King's eyes glowed blue, and he looked at the cold water monkey.

"Cold water monkey, avoid it!" Cohen commanded calmly.

The originally calm cold water monkey moved instantly, jumping and jumping, flashing back and forth on the field, becoming extremely difficult to catch.From stillness to movement, the cold water monkey exerts its speed to the extreme, which has a strong sense of visual impact.

Xiao Luo smiled confidently, and commanded again: "Illusion burst!"

"La - all -"

The Hippo King's body glowed with blue light, and a blue circle of light spread to the surroundings accompanied by a gust of wind.

A cry of pain came from the mouth of the Lengshui monkey, and the Lengshui monkey was swept away by the blue light circle and flew out.

"Cold water monkey, use the water gun."

After the cold water monkey stabilized its figure, it landed firmly, and a spiral water column instantly hit the hippo king.

"Water fluctuates!"

King Hippo puts his hands together, and a blue water polo appears.The hippo king pushed slowly, and the water polo galloped out, meeting the water gun trick of the cold water monkey.

The tricks collided together, and after a moment of stalemate, the water wave broke away from the water gun to block it, and moved forward steadily, rushing towards the cold water monkey.

Cohen was startled, and hurriedly commanded: "Cold water monkey, hurry up and avoid it."

The cold water monkey had no choice but to give up the unnecessary resistance, and rolled to the side on the spot, avoiding the attack of the water wave.

"Cold water monkey, first use the shadow clone, and then use sharp claws to attack!"

Shua, Shua, Swipe...

The cold water monkey separated into seven or eight clones, their paws glowed with white fluorescence, and rushed towards the hippo king in a swarm, the momentum was quite spectacular.

"Illusion burst!" Xiao Luo calmly and decisively.

"La - all -"

The hippopotamus king cried out, and the blue halo of illusion appeared again.The halo hit the entire venue, and the clones of the cold water monkey were scattered one by one.However, after all the clones were scattered, Xiao Luo suddenly found that the real body of the cold water monkey had disappeared.

"It's now, cold water monkey, attack with sharp claws!"

A long cry came from above, and Xiao Luo suddenly looked up, only to find that the Lengshui monkey was waving its sharp claws at the hippopotamus king fiercely and imposingly.

The moment the Hippo King raised his head, the sharp claws swung and hit the Hippo King's face.The Hippo King cried out in pain, staggered back, and there were extremely bright red scratches on his face.

"Phantom wave!"


The Hippo King was extremely angry, his eyes widened, and a colored light shot out instantly, hitting the cold water monkey who was unable to react in time to the ground.

"Fix it, Illusion!"

The Hippo King once again launched the trick of illusion, stretching out his hands at the same time, controlling the irresistible Lengshui monkey and lifting it into the air. With a thought, the Lengshui monkey retreated extremely fast as if it had been hit hard, until it hit the wall of the venue, and let out a "boom" " a muffled sound.

"The cold water monkey loses its ability to fight, and the hippo king wins!"

Koen had no choice but to put away the cold water monkey, flicked his long bangs, and walked off the field with a chic back.

"Master Koen is still so handsome even though he lost the battle!" A nympho in the cheerleading team looked at Koen obsessively.


"It's my turn!" Tian Tong walked up to the venue and stood still, and said to Xiao Luo, "Then, let me, the Pokémon bartender, taste your fragrance."

Xiao Luo suddenly showed a dumbfounding expression.In the animation, Tiantong always likes to make remarks about the bartender, which is unbelievable to Xiao Luo.Such a large piece of inexplicable speech, not to mention whether you can understand it or not, it means that during the period of speech, if someone intends to attack, you don't know how many times Tiantong was defeated.

I will let you taste my fragrance...

Xiao Luo secretly became ruthless, and immediately took out a poke ball and threw it out after Tiantong sent the flower coconut monkey on the field: "Sickle Helmet, it's time for you to come on stage."

The white light fell, and the sickle helmet appeared on the field full of evil spirits, the sickle was raised, and the eyes were fierce and sharp, watching the flower coconut monkey.


Feeling the powerful breath of the sickle helmet, the flower coconut monkey involuntarily tensed up and let out a slightly low cry.

"It smells so powerful, Coconut Monkey, be careful!"

The flower coconut monkey nodded, staring at the sickle helmet with both eyes, being on guard.

"Attack, split attack!"

"Hi Doo~"

After a sonorous and powerful cry, the sickle helmet rushed up like the wind. Even though the flower coconut monkey concentrated and concentrated again, it still couldn't avoid the attack of Cleave, and was repelled by Cleave.

Before the flower coconut monkey stabilized his figure, Xiao Luo commanded again: "Try the knife on the street!"

The sickle of the sickle helmet was slightly inserted into the ground, and a misty white light appeared, dragging all the way and rushing up again.

"Flower coconut monkey, hurry up and avoid it."

The flower coconut monkey stabilized its body, and before it could react, the sickle helmet swung the sickle from bottom to top, knocking the flower coconut monkey into the air.

"Now, deal with it, Rock Blade!"

The sickle helmet raised the sickle, and two cross-rotating bands of light appeared around the body, turning into sharp stones. With the scream of the sickle helmet, the stones whizzed out and hit the flower coconut monkey in mid-air.There was a crackling sound accompanied by the screams of the flower coconut monkeys...

"Flower Coconut Monkey..." Tian Tong couldn't help crying out in distress.

After the rock blade passed by, the flower coconut monkey closed its eyes and fell straight to the ground covered in scars.

"The flower coconut monkey loses the ability to fight, and the sickle helmet wins."

The people present were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses.Tiantong smiled wryly and retracted Huayahou and said: "It seems that I lost the most."

Afterwards, Tian Tong walked up to Xiao Luo, took out a long badge and handed it over: "This challenge badge is yours."

After Xiao Luo thanked her, she casually put the badge into her pocket.

Seeing that Xiao Luo successfully obtained the badge, Xiao Liu greeted Tian Tong and the other three and took Xiao Luo out of Sanyao Gym.

Walking out of the door, Xiao Liu smiled and said to Xiao Luo: "You are overwhelmed by strength, you are getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Luo."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "It's just that the strength of the three of them is too weak. And as far as I know, the overall strength of the gym trainers in the Hezhong area is weaker than ours."

Xiao Liu smiled and said: "I think so too, but I heard that the gym trainers in Shuanglong City are quite strong."

"Double Dragon City?" Xiao Luo thought about it carefully, and asked Xiao Liu, "Is that the Dragon Gym?"

"Well, the owner of Ssangyong City, like Champion Du, is good at using dragon spirits."

"How about going with me after the game is over?"

Xiao Liu said with a smile: "I knew you would do it. Let's talk about it after the game!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoliu asked, "Where are you going now?"

"It's still early, let's go directly to Qibao City, and get the admission tickets early so that you brothers can rest assured."

"Xiao Luo..." Xiao Liu glanced at Xiao Luo resentfully.

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes and said, "Don't look at me with that look, I get goosebumps."

Xiaoliu smiled sheepishly and said, "Alright then, I'll get the car."

"Don't bother, let's fly over directly."

As he spoke, Xiao Luo took out an elf ball and opened it in his hand. With a flash of white light, a huge fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of the two of them.

"Come up!" Xiao Luo took the lead in jumping on the back of the prostrate fire-breathing dragon, calling Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu smiled excitedly, and climbed up: "It's still convenient for you, it saves a lot of time with such an elf."

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "You can't just let them just eat and not work."

These words caused the fire-breathing dragon to stare blankly, and with the flapping of its wings, it flew into the sky without warning, almost throwing Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu off.

After they stabilized in a hurry, they looked at each other and laughed.

Sanyo City is adjacent to Qibao City, and the distance is not very far.With the flying speed of a fire-breathing dragon, two hours later, Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu appeared above Qibao City.

After commanding the fire-breathing dragon to land in a remote place in the elf center of Qibao City, Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu walked to the elf center.

After contacting Dr. Oki to exchange elves, Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu had a meal at the elf center.Afterwards, the two asked for a room at the elf center and had a good rest for a few hours.

It wasn't until the sun was about to fall that Xiao Luo was awakened by Xiao Liu. After washing up, Xiao Luo rushed to Qibao gymnasium under Xiao Liu's leadership in good spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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