Chapter 264 Raven Gym!

After taking back the wheel ball with a blank expression, Yati quickly swapped out a poke ball and threw it out: "Nanny, it's time for you to play."

Yati had already given up his unnecessary resistance, and in his opinion, the appearance of the babysitter was just a formality.

The white light shines down, the slender, gentle-looking babysitter appears on the field.The nanny seems to always be smiling, even in the face of the mighty flame chicken, the nanny still maintains a gentle smile.

"Nursing insects, parenting Pokémon. The evolution of Baobao Cocoon. Its habit is to find small Pokémon and use the knife on the arm and the sticky silk to help each other sew a leaf clothes."

After using the illustrated book to learn about it, Xiao Luo showed a little smile.

Babysitter and Cordyceps dual-type, such an elf is obviously a huge disaster for the flame chicken with fire attributes.

Xiao Luo put away the illustrated book, snapped his fingers and commanded: "Flame chicken, spray flames!"

The flame chicken opened its mouth and sprayed out a red flame, hitting the babysitter majesticly.


The nanny stretched out her hands, and an emerald green shield appeared around the nanny, protecting it tightly.The jet of flame hits the protection, even though the level of the flame chicken is much higher than that of the babysitter, but there is still no way to use the protection trick.

The flame receded, and the babysitter dissipated her incomprehensible protective trick, revealing a gentle smile.

"Nurse bug, destroy the death light!" Yati was ruthless, gritting his teeth and commanding loudly.

The nanny lowered her head slightly, and pointed her tentacles at the flaming chicken. Spots of golden light condensed, forming a fist-sized red-gold light cluster between the nanny's horns.

Following the long cry of the babysitter, the light group released a dazzling red-golden light, roaring towards the flame chicken with a full of destruction.

"Spray flames!"


A little flame burned in the flame chicken's mouth, and after a little power accumulation, a thick and slightly dazzling flame spurted out, directly meeting the destructive death light.

The two tricks collided together, and they couldn't stand for a while.


With the roar of the flame chicken, the jet of flame rose sharply.A burst of dazzling light flashed, and the two ultimate moves exploded in the center of the field. The strong wind swept the entire field with thick smoke, and the fighting atmosphere became stronger in an instant.

"Lightning flash!"

call out!
The flame chicken moved like flying, dragging a dazzling white light, ignoring the obstruction of the wind and smoke, and rushed towards the imprinted position of the babysitter.

The scream of the babysitter came out clearly, and with the sound, it flew upside down, and its thin body fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Spray flames!"

The flame chicken opened its mouth, and the flames were like pillars, rushing towards the babysitter at an extremely fast speed.

"Nanny, quickly use protection!"

However, the side effect of destroying the death light still exists, and the babysitter is hit by jet flames while unable to move.A scream came from the nanny's mouth, and under the flames, the nanny's expression was extremely painful.After a while, the babysitter cocked her head and lost her ability to fight.

"The nanny lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won. Therefore, the challenger Xiao Luo won this gymnasium competition."

Yati was not surprised by this result.Maintaining the demeanor of a gym trainer, he smiled and walked to Xiao Luo after putting away the babysitter who had lost the ability to fight, and presented the beetle badge.

The gymnasium competition was easily won. After walking out of the Feiyun gymnasium, Xiao Luo put her hands behind her head comfortably, and stared at the girls in the street with enchanting clothes and hot bodies.

"As expected of a metropolis in the Hezhong area, there are so many beautiful women! By the way, Xiaoliu, do you think the water and soil in the Hezhong area can support people?"

Xiao Liu was taken aback, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"If this is not the case, why don't the Jinhuang City in Kanto and the Manjin City in Chengdu not have such a phenomenon of beauties like clouds?"

Xiaoliu immediately rolled his eyes, and said contemptuously: "What kind of eyes do you have? It's just that you dress up better. It's far from your Xia Yi, don't you see enough at home?"

"It's different, Xia Yi... Well, I'm only twelve!"

After Xiaoliu was speechless for a while, he said to Xiaoluo who still admired the beauty: "Can you stop being so brazen, you are only 12 years old."

"Uh... If you didn't tell me, I would have thought I was twenty!"

Xiaoliu didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "I've convinced you."

Xiao Luo giggled, and walked away admiring all the beautiful girls passing by.

"Xiao Luo!" After a while, Xiao Liu stopped and called Xiao Luo.

"what happened?"

Xiao Liu smiled and said, "It's still early, how about I take you to see real beauties?"

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly realized: "Xiao Ju'er from Leiwen City?"

"Uh... you know all of this?" Xiao Liu looked at Xiao Luo speechlessly, and thought to himself, hasn't this guy never been to Hezhong? How could he know Xiao Ju'er exists.

Xiao Luo chuckled, naturally he wouldn't tell Xiao Liu that he cared about Xiao Ju'er in his previous life.

"Let's go now?" said Xiao Ju'er, Xiao Luo was also a little excited.Back then, in order to learn more about Xiao Ju'er, Xiao Luo asked Du Niang several times.He even kept a few pictures of Xiaojuer's network as the computer desktop.

Xiao Liu shrugged and said, "Whatever you want!"

"Then hurry up!" Xiao Luo took out the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball and opened it in his hand, ignoring the surprised eyes of the passers-by on the street, climbed onto the fire-breathing dragon's back with Xiaoliu, and headed towards Leiwen City at a high speed. fly away.

The distance between Leiwen City and Feiyun City is not too far. Under Xiao Luo's urging, the fire-breathing dragon also moved forward at the fastest speed.More than two hours later, Little Luo and Little Reuben arrived at the gate of the Elf Center in Raven City.The fire-breathing dragon stretched out its tongue tiredly, gasping for breath.

"Thank you, Charizard, come back and have a good rest." After putting away the Charizard, he and Xiaoliu walked into the elf center in Raven City.

After requesting two rooms in the Fairy Center from the gentle and pleasant Miss Joy, Little Luo and Little Reubi had a simple late lunch at the Fairy Center.

When the two walked out of the elf center contentedly, the sun had already set, showing signs of falling.

"To the gymnasium in Raven City?" Xiao Liu asked Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo said excitedly: "Of course, I can't wait to see Miss Xiao Ju'er."

"Hey, hey, you have Xia Yi." Xiao Liu reminded solemnly.

Xiao Luo gave Xiao Liu a white look and said, "I just went for the purpose of admiring it!"

"That's good!" Xiao Liu suddenly showed a relieved expression.

Seeing Xiao Liu's appearance, Xiao Luo suddenly said in surprise: "Could you be..."

"Who...who said..." Xiao Liu looked nervous.

Xiao Luo looked at Xiao Liu with a half-smile and said, "I haven't finished talking yet, why are you nervous?"

"Ahem, I'm not nervous. Hurry up, or the Gym will be closed." Saying this, Little Reuben turned and led the way, walking towards Lei Wen Gym.

Xiao Luo smiled, walked up quickly, patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I understand, don't worry, I will definitely play a 'wonderful' game."

Xiao Luo bit the word "wonderful" very hard, which immediately made Xiaoliu nervous again, and said: "She is such a beautiful woman, are you willing to do it?"

"Cut, no matter how beautiful it is, it has nothing to do with us." Xiao Luo looked at Xiao Liu with a smile and said, "You say so!"

Xiao Liu blushed, and said softly, "You can do whatever you want."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Okay then, let Master Ghost appear and resolve the battle quickly!"

As soon as Xiao Luo finished speaking, Xiao Liu, who was leading the way, staggered and almost fell.

Xiao Luo almost laughed out loud when she saw it, but she thought to herself: Xiao Mian, let's see how long you can hold it!

(End of this chapter)

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