Chapter 265 VS Xiaoju'er!
Walking into Leiwen gymnasium, you will see the extremely luxurious playground, roller coaster, ferris wheel, pirate ship...extremely luxurious.Seeing all this, Xiao Luo couldn't help being a little stunned, secretly thinking about how much money the playground had burned.

The roller coaster was moving at a very high speed, and a beautiful girl with yellow hair could be vaguely seen sitting on it.Laugh with delightful silver bells on a scary roller coaster.

The arrival of the two of Xiao Luo naturally attracted the girl's attention.

"Hi! Xiaoliu..." The flying car turned, but it didn't affect the girl's melodious voice.

The roller coaster stopped slowly, and the girl walked out slowly, only then did Xiao Luo recognize that she was Xiao Juer, the gym trainer of Leiwen Gym.

A head of yellow hair was trimmed extremely neatly, barely covering her slender beauty, but there was a small tuft hanging down from the back of her head.It shows a beautiful face without losing youthful vitality.He wears a pair of big earphones on his ears, red on the left and blue on the right.Under the headset, there is a long braid-like leather thread that naturally swings, setting off the tall and slender little Ju'er incomparably enchanting.The upper body is a yellow sleeveless T-shirt with nearly two-thirds cut in the middle of the chest, and the lower body is slightly glossy black pantyhose, matched with a black corset and a black cloth belt for waist embellishment, which is full of enchantment , extremely attractive.

Stunner!No wonder Xiaoliu can't help but want to...

Thinking of this, Xiao Luo turned to look at Xiao Liu, and found that his face was slightly red, and he was looking at Xiao Ju'er in a daze.

"Xiao Liu, are you bringing someone to the gymnasium competition again?" Xiao Ju'er's big blue eyes flickered, making her look extraordinarily moving.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing that Xiao Liu was dazed by Xiao Ju'er and didn't know how to answer, Xiao Luo coughed twice.But who knows that such a reminder did not have the expected effect.

Looking at Xiao Ju'er's eyes, Xiao Luo gave Xiao Liu two hard elbows after a smug smile, and then woke her up.

"Ah... ah... that's right, I'm here to challenge the gym! Hehe..." Xiaoliu smiled awkwardly at Xiaoju'er, resisting the pain from his waist.

"Hehe, is this the trainer you found this year?" Xiao Ju'er looked at Xiao Luo.

For Xiaoliu's gaffe, Xiao Ju'er didn't seem to care at all, maybe she has long been used to other people's gaffes in front of her.

Xiao Luo greeted Xiao Ju'er with a smile, "Hi, Miss Xiao Ju'er, my name is Xiao Luo, and I'm from Zhenxin Town."

"Hello there!"

After Xiaojuer greeted Xiaoluo politely, she said to Xiaoliu: "Shouldn't you be so strong this time? Every time you bring people to challenge, I will fail miserably. If I do this again next year, I won't I will refuse you to bring someone to challenge."

Xiao Liu quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, Xiao Luo is not very good, you can rest assured."

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes, feeling a little funny looking at Xiao Liu who lost her aristocratic temperament in front of Xiao Ju'er.

"Okay then, you guys come with me." Xiao Ju'er walked towards the playground with Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu after she finished speaking.

Xiao Liu intentionally stayed behind and stood side by side with Xiao Luo, and whispered, "Don't hit too hard, you know."

Xiao Luo turned her head to one side, suppressed a smile and said, "NO!"

"Brother, you can't do it when I beg you." Xiao Liu's face was anxious and nervous, and his forehead was almost sweating.

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

"I can't try my best, but I must!"

"I can't do this. Even if I want to, the flame chickens probably won't be happy."

Xiao Liu hurriedly took out three elf balls and put them in Xiao Luo's hands: "Don't use them, just use these three!"

Looking at the three elf balls in his hands, Xiao Luo was dumbfounded for a moment, and after a while he said, "Is it necessary?"

"It's very necessary, so it's settled!"

Xiao Luo hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, this is somewhat against the alliance rules!"

"I'll give you a hundred thousand for your hard work when you go back!"

"This... I don't think so..."

"50 million!"

"This... okay, for the sake of my friends, I will admit it even if it violates the alliance's rules."

Seeing Xiao Luo's obedient expression despite being cheap, Xiao Liu wanted to slap him twice.

Xiao Luo looked at Xiao Ju'er's enchanting figure in front of her with a smile on her face, leaned close to Xiao Liu's ear and whispered: "Why don't you give me 100 million..."

Just as Xiao Liu wanted him to leave, Xiao Luo immediately said, "I'll help you pick her up!"

Xiaoliu's throat squirmed, and he swallowed the "get out" that came to his mouth: "Really?"

"Hey, Xiao Mian, you really are interested in her!"

Xiaoliu: "..."

"We're here!" Xiao Ju'er brought Xiao Luo and the two of them to an electronic gate. After opening the electronic gate, a huge playing field appeared in front of the three of them.

After entering the arena, Xiao Juer came to stand at the trainer's position in the gymnasium, and said to Xiaoliu on the sidelines: "Xiaoliu, the referee of the gymnasium has something to do today and has gone back. You will be in charge of this game." Referee."

"no problem!"

When Xiao Luo stepped onto the field, Little Reuben, who was familiar with the competition rules of the Raven gymnasium, said skillfully: "Now we are holding a guild hall challenge. The challenger, Xiao Luo, will face the gym trainer, Xiao Juer. There are three spirits that can be used in the competition." , when all the elves on one side lose their fighting ability, the match ends. Only the challenger has the right to change the elves on the way, and the match officially begins.”

"Go, Thunder Zebra!"

Xiaoju'er flung out the elf ball gracefully, white light fell, and a spirited zebra-like elf appeared on the field.

"Thunder Zebra, Thunder Pokémon, the evolution of Zebra. It has a very irritable personality. Once it gets angry, its mane will release electric shocks in all directions. It has instant explosive power like lightning, and it will make a thunderous sound when running at full speed."

After learning about it from the illustration book, Xiao Luo quickly made a battle plan in his mind.Afterwards, the illustration book was put away, and Xiao Luo habitually stretched his hands behind his waist.

"Cough! Cough!"

Xiao Liu hastily let out two light coughs, and Xiao Luo's movements suddenly stopped there in embarrassment.

"Hehe..." Xiao Luo smiled awkwardly and said, "I forgot to put the poke ball in my pocket."

As he said that, Xiao Luo took out one of the elf balls Xiaoliu gave him in his coat pocket, and after it became bigger in his hand, he threw it out forcefully without saying a word.

White light fell, and after catching the elf ball that bounced back in his hand, Xiao Luo and Xiao Ju'er stared at the falling white light at the same time.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and an elf biting his finger appeared opposite the Thunder Zebra.

Nima, what a cheater!

Looking at the elf that appeared, Xiao Luo's expression was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.Xiao Luo gave Xiao Liu a hard look, but found that he had already turned his head away.

"Baby bear?" Xiaoju'er smiled and praised, "What a cute elf!"

It's just cute!
Xiao Luo murmured in his heart.

Baby Xiong looked at Xiaoliu on the sidelines, then at Xiaoluo behind him, biting his fingers, showing a bewildered expression.

"What are you doing, get ready to fight!" Xiao Luo angrily reminded Baby Xiong.

After hearing what Xiao Luo said, Baby Xiong looked at Xiao Liu on the sidelines again.After Xiaoliu nodded indistinctly, Baby Bear put down his biting fingers and assumed a fighting posture.

"Let's attack first, Xiao Luo!"

"Then I won't be polite, baby bear, use sharp claws!"

The baby bear responded, and Xiaoxiao's paws glowed white, and rushed towards the Thunder Zebra.

As soon as Baby Bear moved, Xiao Luo's eyes lit up.The momentum is not bad, and the speed is not too slow.It seems that the baby bear's level is not as low as expected.

"Thunder Zebra, avoid!"

Just when the baby bear jumped high, and its sharp claws hit the Thunder Zebra's face, the Thunder Zebra turned its head and easily avoided the attack of the sharp claws.

"Lightning zebra, use chain legs!"

The thunder zebra raised its hind legs and kicked towards the baby bear who had just landed.

"Shadow clone."

brush!brush!brush! ...

The figures moved together, and seven or eight clones of baby bears appeared on the field.The lightning zebra's chain legs hit one of them, knocking it out of sight.

"Right now, use Crazy Grab."

Following Xiao Luo's order, Baby Bear rushed towards Thunder Zebra with his shadow clones.The thunder zebra was shocked, and after dodging a few left and right, the real baby bear seized the opportunity, moved his hands together, and scratched the thunder zebra's face non-stop, making the thunder zebra howl in pain.

"Thunder Zebra, Fire Attack!"

The lightning zebra shook its head, and after forcing the baby bear back, it trampled on the ground with all its limbs until the smoke and dust filled the air. The lightning zebra rushed towards the baby bear bathed in the raging flames.Baby Bear couldn't dodge in time, and was directly hit by the flame attack.After a scream, it flew out backwards.The shadow clone disappeared.

"Once again, flame attack!"

The lightning zebra screamed and stepped on the ground again, and the flame attack was launched again, rushing towards the baby bear extremely fast.

"Fake cry!"

After the baby bear stood up, he sat down on the ground, ignoring the incoming fire attack, and began to cry loudly.That look really made me feel sad.

The thunder zebra was both puzzled and distressed, and he couldn't help but attack the baby bear.After the flame attack rushed in front of the baby bear, it stopped unconsciously, and looked at the baby bear strangely.

"Thunder Zebra, it's just pretending, hurry up and avoid it."

"It's late, baby bear, use your claws!"

The baby bear stopped crying immediately, jumped up high with a small body, and scratched the electric blast zebra's face fiercely with its little paws glowing white.The thunderbolt zebra screamed in pain and staggered back.

"Counterattack, chain legs!"

The thunder zebra was deceived, and suddenly became furious, turned around, and before the baby bear landed, he raised his legs continuously and kicked the baby bear to the ground.

"Stop it, Volt Attack!"

The thunder and lightning zebra screamed again and again.With the impact of the lightning zebra, the electric current gushed out, lingered around the lightning zebra, and rushed towards the baby bear with full momentum.

"Baby bear, quickly use the shadow clone!"

However, the lightning zebra was extremely fast, and the baby bear was hit by Volt's attack before he could use the shadow clone. After a loud explosion, the bear lay beside the lightning zebra, losing the ability to fight.

"The baby bear lost the ability to fight, and the thunderbolt zebra won."

At the same time, lightning flashed on the Thunder Zebra's body, causing the Thunder Zebra to cry out in pain.Coupled with the two attacks of the baby bear's forward flip, the thunder zebra was already panting.

(End of this chapter)

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