Chapter 266 Difficult Victory!

After Xiao Luo took the baby bear back, Xiao Luo replaced it with an elf and pinched it in his hand, secretly praying that it would be a powerful elf.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Xiao Luo threw out the elf ball vigorously, white light fell, and a milky white elf appeared on the field.

so far so good!
Seeing this elf, Xiao Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

The elf that appeared was the evolution of Meow Meow - the cat boss.The gemstone on the forehead is clank and shiny, and there is a sharp feeling in the eyes.The cat boss came on the stage, and after taking a look at Xiaoliu, he assumed a fighting posture and entered the fighting state.

"Thunder Zebra, use flame attack!" Xiao Ju'er took the lead in attacking.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and immediately commanded: "Boss Cat, use your power!"

I saw the cat boss leaping into the air, and instantly appeared next to the Thunder Zebra. Before the Thunder Zebra could launch a flame attack, his paws were gently raised and stuck to the Thunder Zebra's body.Before the Thunder Zebra could react, white light shot out, and a huge force surged out and knocked the Thunder Zebra flying.

"Now, use the power gem!"


As the cat boss let out a long cry, the gemstones on his forehead shone brightly, and a circle of colorful small stones appeared around the cat boss, whistling towards the thunder zebra.

"Thunder Zebra, hurry up and avoid it."

The lightning zebra was extremely fast. When the power gem attacked, it quickly got up from the ground and avoided the attack.

"Cut apart!"

The cat boss rushed forward, raised his sharp cat claws high, and waved them down with a long drink.The lightning zebra couldn't dodge in time, was knocked to the ground, and lost the ability to fight.

"Thunder Zebra lost the ability to fight, and the cat boss won."

"Come back, Thunderbolt Zebra." Xiao Ju'er took back Thunderbolt Zebra, then quickly swapped out a poke ball and threw it out: "It's time for you to come out, conductive flying squirrel!"

The elf ball opened in midair, and a squirrel-like elf appeared in midair as if wearing a big cloak.

In this regard, Xiao Luo quickly took out the elf illustrated book to learn about it.

"Conductive flying mouse, flying mouse Pokémon. Lives on trees in the forest, and uses a cloak-like wing membrane to glide in the air."

Is it the flight department and the electricity department?
Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and immediately commanded: "Boss Cat, Power Gem!"

Small stones emitting colorful lights reappeared, and swarmed towards the conductive flying squirrel.

"Conductive flying squirrel, use the stuntman after dodging!"

Although the conductive flying squirrel has no wings, it is still extremely flexible in the air, and it can avoid the attack of the power gem when turning over.Then the conductive flying squirrel shuttled through the air at an extremely fast speed, making it difficult to catch.

Just when the cat boss was looking for the figure of the conductive flying squirrel in a little panic, the conductive flying squirrel attacked the cat boss from behind, knocking the cat boss backwards in embarrassment.

"Cut apart!"


The cat boss roared angrily, stabilized his figure and rushed forward, raising his sharp claws and slashing down fiercely.The conductive flying squirrel had no time to dodge, and was split and knocked to the ground.

"Power Gem!"


The power gem was activated again, and a large number of colored stones whizzed towards the conductive flying squirrel.

"Conductive flying squirrel, use one hundred thousand volts!"

The conductive flying squirrel sent out a thick electric current and collided with the power gem, and the two tricks exploded immediately after the collision, producing bursts of thick smoke.

"Conductive Momonga, use the rotary attack!"

After the conductive flying mouse circled in the air, it rushed towards the cat boss covered in streaks of white light.

"Cleave attack."

The cat boss stretched out its sharp claws, and charged towards the conductive flying squirrel.However, just as the cat boss raised his claws and hit the conductive flying squirrel, the figure of the conductive flying mouse suddenly disappeared...


A scream came from the cat boss's mouth, and the conductive flying squirrel suddenly appeared behind the cat boss and launched an attack.

"Boss cat, use water wave!"

Before he stabilized his figure, Mao Laoshi opened his mouth, and a blue water ball quickly formed.As the cat boss landed, the water polo was immediately launched.The conductive flying squirrel couldn't react in time, and was hit by the water fluctuations. Under the impact of circles of tiny waves, the conductive flying squirrel screamed in pain.

"Damn it, conductive flying squirrel, use one hundred thousand volts!"

The strong electric current shot out, and the target was directed at the cat boss.

"Boss cat, power gem!"


Stones emitting colorful radiance rushed out, withstood the attack of [-] volts, and exploded in the center of the field.

"Conductive flying squirrel, use stuntman."

"Cat boss, pay attention, use split attack."


The conductive flying squirrel shuttled back and forth in the air, confusing the cat boss.

Afterwards, the conductive flying squirrel saw the opening and launched an extremely fast attack from behind the cat boss.

"Boss cat, back, quickly use the split attack!"

The cat boss was hit by a stuntman, Xiao Luo simply reminded him in time, and the cat boss's splitting trick hit the conductive flying squirrel hard.

The two elves stopped after rolling twice on the ground, their eyes spiraling in unison.

"The conductive flying squirrel and the cat boss lost their ability to fight at the same time."

The two on the field put away the elf at the same time, and after swapping out a elf ball, they threw it out again at the same time.

"Go, little fish!"

"Go, Poké Ball."

"Ma Ma~" "Wow~"

On one side is a fish elf who is too small, and on the other is a majestic dog elf with a strong physique and a fluffy mane.

"Wind speed dog!"

Seeing Xiao Luo's elf, Xiao Ju'er frowned obviously.

Xiao Luo glanced at Xiaoliu on the sidelines, and thought to himself, you're a kid with a conscience.

"Ma Ma Xiaoyu, attack, use impact."

Mama Xiaoyu responded, and transformed into a white light that hit the wind speed dog in the blink of an eye, knocking its huge body into the air.

So fast, and the strength is not weak!
Xiao Luo was startled, and hurriedly commanded: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, counterattack, spray flames!"

Call ~
After the wind speed dog stabilized his figure, he opened his mouth wide, and a crimson flame burst out instantly, whizzing and hitting Ma Ma Xiaoyu.

call out!
Ma Ma Xiaoyu easily dodged the attack of the flames in a flash.

"Ma Ma Xiao Yu, come again, shock!"

Mama Xiaoyu started to move again, rushing towards the wind speed dog with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

"Counterattack, super fast!"


The wind speed dog let out a long cry, with a little bit of blue light, and rushed forward at the same speed.

The two elves collided with each other, and the shock force caused the two elves to retreat instantly in embarrassment.The wind speed dog's huge body didn't take advantage of it.

"Continue to attack, impact!"


After Ma Ma Xiaoyu stabilized his body, he launched another attack.


Xiao Luo cursed secretly, and commanded again: "Flame wheel!"

The raging flames swirled around the wind speed dog, but before the wind speed dog started to run, Ma Ma Xiaoyu's attack arrived.Mama Xiaoyu tyrannically broke through the barrier of the flames and knocked the wind speed dog into the air again.

"Continue to continue... use the impact!" Xiao Ju'er showed momentum and commanded excitedly.


Seeing Ma Ma Xiaoyu attacking again, Xiao Luo prayed secretly, then commanded cautiously: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, Explosive Flame Electric Shock!"


The wind speed dog let out a long cry, and the light blue raging flames enveloped the wind speed dog tightly.

Seeing that the wind speed dog successfully used the explosive electric shock, Xiao Luo finally let go of his hanging heart, stretched out his hand and pointed at the numb fish, and shouted imposingly: "Go, wind speed dog!"


The wind speed dog ran like a blue meteorite, and with the footsteps of the wind speed dog, the field shattered, and the blue flames whizzed, and the momentum was terrifying!

The explosive electric shock and Mama Xiaoyu collided together, and after a violent explosion, Mama Xiaoyu screamed, and his body flew out like a sharp arrow, until it hit the wall of the field, hitting the wall Only when the cracks opened did it stop.

After sliding down from the wall, Mama Xiaoyu passed out with his eyes spiraling.

"Mama Xiaoyu lost his ability to fight, and Wind Speed ​​Dog won. Therefore, the challenger Xiao Luo won this gymnasium competition."

Next time, the 1000 million young master will not do this job!
After cursing, Xiao Luo put away the wind speed dog, and at the same time thought to himself: It's still easier to use my elf!It's just that little fish, the smelly mud of the young master can make it tired if you beat it, how can it be so hard!
(End of this chapter)

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