Chapter 267 Another Earning!
After putting away Ma Ma Xiao Yu, Xiao Juer crossed the field and came to Xiao Luo with a smile, "It's been a long time since I played such a fun game. Here you are, this is a Volt badge and it's yours."

Xiao Luo smiled, took the lightning badge and put it in his pocket, then asked Xiao Ju'er: "Miss Xiao Ju'er's work is over for today, right?"

"That's right, if you didn't come, you might have left work a long time ago, and now you can finally have a good rest." After speaking, Xiao Ju'er stretched her waist, and Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu were dazzled by her slender and enchanting figure.

"Then let's have a meal together, as compensation for delaying Miss Xiao Ju'er's get off work!" Xiao Luo said with a natural expression.

"It's... not so good!"

Xiao Ju'er was obviously worried.Thinking about it, with Xiao Ju'er's conditions, there must be quite a few people who would like to invite her to dinner.The reason why she didn't intuitively refuse was probably because what Xiao Luo said was very natural, and Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu were not very old, so she didn't know how to think about it.

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "What's the matter, you are a native of Leiwen City, you can introduce us to some special snacks of Leiwen City. And you don't have to worry about eating us poorly, I have a local rich man by my side !" Xiao Luo pursed his lips to signal Xiao Ju'er to look at Xiao Liu next to him.

Xiao Ju'er was amused by Xiao Luo: "Hehe... Well, it happens that there is a restaurant nearby that serves quite good dishes, and I haven't been there for a long time, so I'll have a cheeky meal today."

Seeing that Xiaojuer agreed, Xiaoliu hurriedly smiled and said, "What's the matter, it's an honor for both of us to have dinner with Miss Xiaojuer."

Xiao Ju'er laughed out loud: "You are the only one who can say it!"

The three of them walked out of the gymnasium talking and laughing, and Xiao Ju'er led them to the hotel she mentioned.

Entering the hotel, there are quite a lot of people inside, which is in sharp contrast to the desertedness of ordinary hotels.Xiaoju'er seemed to be a frequent visitor here, and she took Xiaoluo and Xiaoliu into the private room with ease, and when the waiter came in, she didn't even take a breath and even reported the names of a few dishes.

As Xiaojuer said, the taste of the dishes here is far better than that of ordinary hotels, and it is quite delicious.Xiao Liu is a nobleman, talking and laughing with Miss Xiao Ju'er in a polite and respectful manner.Coupled with the fact that Xiao Luo was making jokes at the side, the atmosphere was lively.After a meal, the three of them seemed to be very familiar with each other.

After escorting Xiao Ju'er back to the gym, Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu returned to the hotel again.Now that the badges are complete, Xiao Luo will naturally not sleep on the hard single bed in the elf center.

"Okay, Xiao Luo, you actually managed to invite Xiao Ju'er out. I invited her several times and she didn't agree." Xiao Liu was obviously a little excited, because of Xiao Luo's relationship, he had already established a relationship with Xiao Ju'er. A close friendship, which in his opinion was definitely a good sign.

"Hey, I've done everything I can to help you, and it's up to you next."

Xiaoliu smiled shyly, "Thank you, I remember your kindness."

" more realistic!" Xiao Luo rubbed her fingers together, making a lingua franca.

Xiao Liu smiled wryly, "Can you stop being so realistic?"

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him and said, "I'm no better than you, someone earns money for you to spend."

Xiaoliu rolled his eyes, took out an alliance bank card and said, "60 in it, six passwords of 8! It was originally planned to be given to you after the game is over, but now I will give it to you in advance."

Xiao Luo took the bank card, kissed the card lightly, and carefully put it into the backpack and hid it: "Let me give you another trick, isn't Leiwen City known as the capital of entertainment? I will invite Miss Xiaojuer tomorrow Come play with us for a day."

Xiao Liu was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Can she agree?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Well, then go to the gymnasium to find her tomorrow, and you will go with me."

"Why? I want to have a good rest tomorrow!"

"Using you as an excuse, I would definitely disagree with playing with me, Xiaojuer. It would be different to play with you, after all, this is your first time in Raven City."

Xiao Liu paused and said: "And I think she likes you better."

" there?" Xiao Luo felt a little guilty.

He felt the same way when he ate.I thought it was because I felt good about myself, but I didn't take it to heart.Now that Xiaoliu says the same thing, it's different.

"You think too much."

Xiao Liu burst out laughing: "You think too much, I mean, she has a better attitude towards you, and she is not defensive. Where are you thinking?"

"Damn, get out!"


The next day, even though Xiao Luo was extremely reluctant, he was still dragged by Xiao Liu all the way to Lei Wen gymnasium.

Entering the gymnasium, Xiao Ju'er was busy cleaning with an ordinary-looking girl, and she was slightly surprised when she saw the two of them, "Why are you here?"

"'s like this, it's rare for Xiao Luo to come to the Hezhong area, and I heard that Leiwen City is the entertainment capital, so I want to play here for two days. But I'm not too familiar with Leiwen City, so I thought is you."

Xiao Ju'er looked suspiciously at Xiao Luo, who was reluctant but forced to smile, and then at Xiao Liu, who had a reddish complexion.

"Really?" Xiao Ju'er had a half-smile, her gaze flicked back and forth between the two of them.

"Yes... yes!" Xiao Luo bit the bullet and said, "If I can't play here for another two days, my trip will not be in vain."

After thinking for a while, Xiaoju'er didn't know what she was thinking, but she nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I'll take two days off for myself and show you the real Leiwen City!"


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of brakes outside the gymnasium door.Several people followed the prestige and found a super cool black sports car parked elegantly at the entrance of the gymnasium.The car door opened, and two teenagers, one fat and one thin, stepped out of the car.

The fat man was quite tall, even taller than Xiao Luo, but because he was too fat, he didn't look as tall as Xiao Luo.Wearing a pair of toad sunglasses, he looked arrogant.The thin young man followed closely behind the fat man, with a scar on his face and an unsmiling expression, giving off a gloomy look.

Seeing these two people, Xiao Liu and Xiao Ju'er frowned.

"What's the matter, do you know each other?" Xiao Luo asked Xiao Liu softly.

"En!" Xiaoliu nodded with a serious expression.

Seeing that Xiao Liu didn't want to say more, Xiao Luo didn't ask any more questions, but just quietly looked at the two people who walked in slowly.

"Haha, beautiful Miss Ju'er, here I come again." The fat boy took off his sunglasses, his fat face couldn't see his eyes when he smiled.

Really ugly!Xiao Luo secretly despised him.

"Maze, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Ju'er said without any pretense, "If you invite me to dinner or attend some messy party, then I'm sorry, I still don't have time!"

"NO! NO! NO!" Masawa raised his index finger and shook it. Maybe he thinks this kind of action is very chic and handsome, but in the eyes of others, it has an indescribably funny feeling.

"I brought someone to challenge the guild hall today." Masawa pointed to the thin boy behind him and said, "Master Xiaojuer, you should know him."

"Ji Chuan!" Xiao Ju'er called out the thin boy's name with an ugly face.

"That's right, it's Yoshikawa, I'm going to trouble you again this year, Miss Xiaoju'er! Hahaha..." Masawa's laughter was particularly piercing.

"Of course, if Miss Xiaoju'er doesn't want to lose too badly, then do her a favor and have a meal with me, and I will let Yoshikawa take it easy."

"Bah! Eat with you, I vomited all three meals."


What Xiao Juer said was interesting, Xiao Luo couldn't hold back, and actually laughed out loud.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Xiao Luo forcibly cleared up his facial expressions, shrank his head and said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back!"

"It's you?" It was only then that Maze noticed Xiao Liu beside Xiao Luo.

Xiaoliu smiled slightly, and smiled at Masawa with full of aristocratic temperament: "Masawa, we meet again!"

"Hmph, you're here to shame people again, isn't the lesson from last time not enough?" Even in the face of Xiaoliu, Masawa was still full of arrogance.

Xiaoliu's expression changed, and he replied with a half-hearted smile, "It's just each other!"

The corner of Masawa's mouth twitched, he snorted coldly, then turned to Xiao Ju'er and said, "Miss Xiao Ju'er, we are here to challenge the gymnasium, surely you won't reject us?!"

"The gymnasium will naturally have no reason to reject the challenger!" Xiao Liu walked up to Xiao Ju'er, and blocked Xiao Ju'er behind him, making Xiao Ju'er stunned.

"However, Miss Xiaoju'er has something to do today, and she has entrusted the gymnasium to me. If you want to challenge the gymnasium, just find me!"

Xiao Liu looked at Masawa with a smile and said, "What? Master Masawa wants to play with me?"

Masawa's expression was stiff and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.He naturally knew what strength he was, and challenging Xiaoliu was just asking for embarrassment.

"It's me who wants to challenge the gym!" Yoshikawa took two steps forward, looking directly at Xiaoliu.

Xiao Liu shrugged and said helplessly, "That's really a pity."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Liu raised his hand to look at the precious watch on his wrist, and said, "What a coincidence, I also have something to attend to! Xiao Luo, help me watch the Gym for a while!"

Xiao Luo was dumbfounded immediately, could this be the legendary shot while lying down?
Xiao Luo glared at Xiao Liu angrily and said, "What's the matter with me?"


This time, it was Xiao Ju'er who was amused by the performance of the two.

Xiao Liu walked up to Xiao Luo, patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder and said, "The gymnasium will be handed over to you."

Afterwards, Xiao Liu leaned on Xiao Luo's shoulder and whispered, "50, teach him a lesson for me!"

Little Luo's eyes lit up immediately!Hey, everything is easy to talk about if you have money!
"Ahem... Who wants to challenge? Come, come, come with me to the competition venue!" Xiao Luo said and walked towards the competition venue of Leiwen gymnasium impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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