Chapter 268 Knife to Knife!

(You are enough, there is no charge yet, adding words is useless——||)

After a while, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and King Chaoli was lying on the ground covered in bruises, his eyes closed.The flame chicken half-kneeled in front of the Chaoli King, looking like he was struggling to breathe.

Xiao Juer, a newcomer, quickly ran to the Chaoli King to check, and found that the Chaoli King was still breathing, he let out a long sigh of relief, and announced: "The Chaoli King lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won."

With a sullen face, Yoshikawa withdrew Chao Li Wang without saying a word.Xiao Luo also took out the elf ball and took the flame chicken back.According to the situation of the flame chicken, I am afraid that he will not be able to participate in the competition without a few days of rest.

After seeing Xiao Luo's strength, the arrogance on Yoshikawa's face gradually disappeared, and he took out a poke ball again with a serious expression and threw it out: "Come out, Flying Mantis!"

The poke ball opened in mid-air, and the flying mantis slowly landed with its wings fluttering.Its scythe-like sharp eyes have been staring at Xiao Luo, while the fighting spirit is strong, there is also a faint murderous aura overflowing!
Killed a life!

Xiao Luo's expression froze, and she subconsciously placed her hand on the Poke Ball of the Giant Pincer Mantis.Just when Xiao Luo was about to take out the Pokeball of the Giant Pincer Mantis, his finger inadvertently touched a Pokeball next to it.Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, and immediately revealed a playful smile, loosened the giant pincers of the magic ball of Mantis and took out the one next to it, and after it became bigger in his hand, he threw it out forcefully: "I'll leave it to you, the sickle helmet!"

White light fell, and the sickle and helmet were raised with both knives, and they shouted loudly.


Flying Mantis stared at the sickle helmet and let out a provocative cry.

"Hi Doo~"

After feeling the aura of the Flying Mantis, the sickle helmet retracted the sickle, filled with evil spirits, and looked at the Flying Mantis, the aura of the two elves rose instantly, ready to attack at any time.

"Flying Mantis, use split attack."


The sickle shone with a shining white light, and the flying mantis flapped its wings and rushed towards the sickle helmet extremely fast.

"Sickle helmet, split attack!"

"Hi Doo~"

The body of the sickle helmet was tilted, and as soon as it rushed up, it brought a gust of wind, turning into a gray light, and roaring upwards.

Scythe to sickle, sparks shot out, the bodies of the two elves were tightly pressed together, and they began to wrestle.The sickle rubbed against each other, making a creepy sound.


Seeing the stalemate, the Flying Mantis let out an angry cry, and the other sickle also glowed white and slashed lazily.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet's eyes were sharp, and after noticing the movement of the flying mantis, it imitated it, and also slashed at the waist of the flying mantis with the same sickle.No fear, no avoidance.The same method, the same position, almost even the strength is almost the same.The two elves screamed at the same time, and were chopped off.

"Damn it, Flying Mantis, use Yan Fan!" Yoshikawa was a little annoyed when he saw that his favorite attack method couldn't get any advantage.


The Flying Mantis responded, and after flapping its wings and circling in the air, it took advantage of the momentum to charge towards the sickle helmet.

"Jet water jet!"

The water gushes out of nowhere and wraps the sickle helmet. Under the control of the sickle helmet, a powerful jet of water rises into the air and hits the flying mantis.


There was white light, water sprayed everywhere, swallows and water jets collided violently, and it rained heavily on the field.The two elves fought to a tie again, staring at each other angrily.

"It's up to you, Flying Mantis, Cross Scissors!"


The Flying Mantis shouted angrily, crossed the two sickles to form a green cross, and attacked the sickle helmet with full power.

"There are ways to deal with you, sickle helmet, rock blade!"

As soon as the sickle is raised, two cross-rotating white light bands appear around the sickle helmet, turning into sharp stones.With the scythe helmet and scythe under the scythe, the stones whizzed out with a strong sound of breaking through the air.


Being attacked by the sharp blade of the rock, the Flying Mantis screamed, but it didn't stop the trick.After forcibly enduring the huge damage from the sharp blade of the rock, he slashed fiercely on the astonished sickle helmet, knocking the sickle helmet upside down and falling to the ground.And Flying Mantis himself gasped violently.

stupid guy!

Xiao Luo gave Ji Chuan a disdainful look, and said to himself: If you don't hide, my master will let you hide.

Watching the sickle helmet get up from the ground quickly, Xiao Luo commanded again: "Scythe helmet, rock blade again!"


The sharp stones made a strong piercing sound and hit the flying mantis.

Yoshikawa gritted his teeth and commanded: "Flying Mantis, use Sword Dance!"

The Flying Mantis raises its two knives upwards and closes them together, its body spins rapidly, forming a green whirlwind.The rock blades were bounced off one by one and shot around.


After the sharp blade was struck, the sword dance was terminated, and the Flying Mantis shouted imposingly.

Seeing this result, Yoshikawa was overjoyed: "The sickle helmet is well done, let's do the sword dance again!"

He wanted to increase his attack power to the extreme, and prepared to deal with the sickle helmet with one blow.

Seeing the flying mantis launching the sword dance again, it spun extremely fast.Xiao Luo rolled his eyes, and after secretly cursing a fool, he reached out and pointed at the flying mantis that was spinning, and commanded it lightly: "The land is falling apart!"

"Hi Doo~"

The twin sickles plunged into the ground suddenly, and the huge stone was lifted up by the sickle helmet and smashed towards the flying mantis.

Seeing the huge boulders flying faster and faster, Yoshikawa opened his mouth wide in surprise, his mind was blank.

When the boulder approached, the sword dance was forcibly terminated.The face of the Flying Mantis was visibly distorted after being hit by the boulder.

The boulder fell to the ground with the flying mantis and shattered.The Flying Mantis was buried under the rubble, and the only head that was left outside had drooped powerlessly.

"The Flying Mantis loses the ability to fight, but the sickle helmet wins!"

"Damn it, I must make you look good!" Yoshikawa's face was gloomy, and he put away the flying mantis and quickly took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Teach it well, bite the land shark!"


There was a roar that shook the entire venue. The majestic body, sharp claws, fierce eyes, and ferocious face undoubtedly did not reveal that Yoshikawa was powerful when biting Lu Shark.

Bite the land shark so strongly!
Xiao Luo was finally surprised. When she saw Lie Bite Lu Shark, Xiao Luo immediately remembered her Lie Bite Lu Shark.But after some comparison, Xiao Luo smiled wryly and shook his head.

Biting land shark is the latest elf in Xiao Luo's hands. Compared with this one in Yoshikawa, its strength is obviously inferior.

Biting the land shark was rejected, and there are only those who can contend against the biting land shark here...

Xiao Luo secretly calculated in his heart: Kuailong is fine, but Kuailong is not in his hands at all now.The flame chicken can barely do it, but in order to completely suppress Yoshikawa and Chaoli King, he fought half to death.Bangira?It's not a big problem not to get sick, but the problem is that he is a serious sick child.Gyarados?Did not bring!Charizard? It's absolutely fine to hit with mega pressure, but that's obviously bullying!To deal with Yoshikawa, Xiao Luo wanted to completely destroy his self-confidence.A non-mega fire-breathing dragon can win with proper command, but it will definitely not reach the effect of the first two rounds...

After thinking about it, it seems that only the "one-hundred-year-old" top-quality exotic flower can steadily suppress the biting land shark.It's just... It still feels a bit bullying to use it.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use the dragon's claws!"

While Xiao Luo was still hesitating, Yoshikawa had already commanded Lie Bite Lu Shark to launch an attack.

The strong wind hangs, and the fierce biting land shark rushes to the front of the sickle helmet at a high speed. At the same time, its claws are wrapped by huge green energy claws, and it bows left and right at the sickle helmet. One blow is faster than one blow, and it is extremely fierce.

Sickle Helmet narrowly avoided two strikes before being hit, screaming and flying backwards, falling to the ground.


Xiao Luo hurriedly took out the elf ball: "Come back, sickle helmet!"

The red recycling light was shot out, and the sickle helmet smoothly turned into red light when the fierce biting land shark chased close to the eyes, and returned to the poke ball.

The attack that Xiao Luo forcibly identified as a sneak attack successfully angered Xiao Luo.

I can't beat you to death!

Xiao Luo didn't hesitate anymore, after swapping out a poke ball, he threw it out forcefully: "It's your turn, beat it hard!"


(End of this chapter)

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