Chapter 269 Something Happened!
Accompanying Xiaoliu to stay in Leiwen City for three days, under Xiaoluo's support for these three days, Xiaoliu was extremely hospitable to Xiaoju'er.Xiao Ju'er's performance has always been mediocre, and she didn't respond to Xiao Liu's attention, but she didn't refuse either. The relationship between the two is like a pair of ordinary friends.If Xiaoliu's purpose is so clear, even the referees in the Leiwen gymnasium can see it. She seems to know Xiaoliu's identity, and she is happy to see the matter between Xiaoliu and Xiaoju'er come to fruition.It's just that Xiao Ju'er doesn't speak, and she doesn't like to talk too much.Therefore, every time she "molested" Xiaoliu became a routine for her.This made Xiao Liu excited and a little shy at the same time.

However, it is such a layer of paper relationship, but Xiao Ju'er just kept it.Xiaoju'er didn't pierce, Xiaoliu didn't dare to pierce.Although they stayed for three days, the relationship between Xiaoliu and Xiaoju'er did not improve much.

"Keep working hard!" On the way back to Sanyo City, Xiao Luo said to Xiao Liu: "Even if you are a noble young master, precocity is a matter of course, but after all, you are younger, and you should have a chance if you work hard for a few more years .”

Xiao Liu smiled wryly: "I hope!"

Xiao Luo nodded and asked, "How old is Xiao Ju'er this year?"

"Fifteen, three years older than us!"

Xiao Luo let out a long sigh and said, "It's okay for a third-year girl to hold a gold brick!"

"Go to hell!"


Back in Sanyao City, little Luoan played with Xia Yi, Ke Er and Mei Yi for a few days, and the group went to Feiyun City in a mighty way, preparing to participate in the competition.

When Xiao Luo came to Feiyun City again, he obviously felt that Feiyun City was much more lively than before.After Xiaoliu's explanation, Xiaoluo finally understood.There are more than one or two hundred business groups in all regions who can say good things.The business alliance competition is coming soon, and it is reasonable for many business groups and big families to gather in Feiyun City.

"It seems that the scale of this competition is not small, right?" Xiao Luo asked Xiao Liu with some guilt.

"Well, it's not much worse than the league competition!"

Little Luo was a little nervous and said, "Then what if we can't win the championship?"

Xiao Liu smiled slightly and said, "Why, are you scared?"

"It's quite a bit!"

Xiaoliu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's okay, at worst, I'll come back next year, anyway, I'm used to it anyway. If I try hard for another two years, if it really doesn't work, I have to give up the market in the Hezhong area."

"It's... not so good!"

"Otherwise what should I do?"

Xiao Luo asked: "Who did the He Shan old man and Wu Gang invite? Why didn't you invite them?"

Xiaoliu sighed and said, "Why didn't we invite them again, it's just that they don't want to touch this kind of competition after participating once."

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

"You'll know as soon as the game starts."

Xiao Luo was a little annoyed and said: "This game is about to start, and you still say that!"

Xiaoliu said with a slightly weird expression, "It's not to hide from you, but the rules of each game are determined randomly. The only thing I can tell you is that there are no referees and no rules in the game!"

After a pause, Xiaoliu laughed again: "Actually...if you show your shamelessness in the competition, you are very likely to win the championship."

"What's the reason for this!" Xiao Luo was bewildered.

Xiao Liu chuckled, and Shi Shiran walked away: "Think about it, Uncle Liu should know the inside story, but didn't he tell you? Perhaps, this is also a kind of training for you!"

Looking at Xiao Liu's back, Xiao Luo showed a thoughtful look.

On the second day after arriving in Feiyun City, Xiao Luo took the elves to start daily training in the training room of the hotel.The game is about to start, but Xiao Luo is still at a loss. In order to win the game, Xiao Luo must maintain a good state to deal with this mysterious competition.

The three of Xia Yi still maintained a good mentality for playing, and got up early to contribute to the development of Feiyun City.

However, not long after, Xiaoliu and Sakura, who was playing with Xia Yi and the other three, rushed into the training room.

As soon as Xiao Luo saw the cherry blossoms, Xiao Luo had a very bad premonition.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Luo asked.

Xiao Liu said with a sullen face, "Xia Yi has an accident."



"Hi Doo~"


Upon hearing that something happened to Xia Yi, Xiao Luo's elves immediately stopped training and surrounded her with a vicious expression.Xiao Luo's elves are usually prepared by Xia Yi, and Xiao Luo often changes the elves on her body.It can be said that these elves spent more time with Xia Yi than Xiao Luo.Therefore, these elves have a deep relationship with Xia Yi, the gentle "hostess".

Xiao Luo's expression also changed, and he hurriedly asked: "What's going on, what happened?"

"Let's talk while walking! My brother has already passed, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold back the situation, so you have to go."

Xiao Luo doesn't know the specific situation, and it's not easy to have a seizure.After silently putting away the elves, they followed Xiao Liu and walked out of the hotel quickly.

On the way, Sakura went to explain the matter in detail while panting.

It turned out that when they were going to visit a large clothing store, a boy fell in love with the human-speaking Miaomiao who was with Xia Yi and the others.After learning that Miaomiao had not been subdued, the young man wanted to subdue him, but Xia Yi and the others naturally would not agree.And the young man's attitude was extremely arrogant. After deciding that Miaomiao was an unowned elf, he ignored the objections of the three and directly threw out a elf ball to send Miss Goth on the stage.Seeing that a conflict was about to be triggered, Sakura bluntly said that she was here to participate in the Chamber of Commerce Alliance Competition, and wanted the other party to retreat.However, this identity did not make the other party intimidated, and directly made Miss Goth control Xia Yi and the three of them and throw them away.The accident happened like this, Xia Yi couldn't help but bumped her head on the steps in front of the building, fainted on the ground, and blood gushed out instantly...

And the playful Ladias was actually with Xia Yi. Seeing that Xia Yi was injured, he beat Miss Goth in anger.The sudden appearance of Ladias made the boy very excited, and he greedily wanted to subdue Ladias.Fortunately, after two years of growth, Ladias's strength has soared, and he barely held back Miss Goth.When Sakura sees the incident, she naturally loses her mind, and rushes back to the hotel to tell Ah Qing about it.

"Little Luo..."

Looking at Xiao Luo's gloomy face, Xiao Liu opened his mouth, and after calling his name, he couldn't say a word.

"I'm tired of living!"

Xiao Luo felt like his chest was going to explode.Xia Yi and Ke Er are both delicate daughters, how could they have ever been bullied like this.And He Shan and Wu Gang confidently handed them over to themselves.Now that such a thing happened because of her own negligence, Xiao Luo really didn't know how to face the two of them!Especially Wu Gang...

"Master must have skinned you!" Xiao Luo's face was full of anger, which was quite different from his usual foolish look.


In the sky not far away, Ladias was flying up and down, and from time to time a clean light fell down, and he was fighting fiercely.

Seeing all this, Xiao Luo asked Xiao Liu with a gloomy face, "Didn't you say that Ah Qing passed by?"

Xiao Liu said in embarrassment: "The other party should not be a simple person!"


Xiao Luo snorted dissatisfiedly, and a few elf balls flew out with a wave of his hand, and said in a cold tone: "The elves who attack Ladias will be beaten to death!"

White light fell one by one, and the flame chicken, the sickle helmet, the biting land shark, the fire-breathing dragon, the giant pincer mantis, and even the eagle appeared in it.

The few elves didn't linger, and as soon as they appeared, they rushed towards the battlefield swiftly.Bite the land shark followed closely by the sickle helmet and the giant pincer mantis, galloping like flying.The flame chicken leapt and stood on the back of the bald bird, majestic.After the bald bird gave it a blank look, it flew towards the battlefield without making a sound.Only the flame chicken dared to do this.Except for it, even the biting land shark, which was very favored by the bald bird at the beginning, did not dare to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Perhaps it was affected by Xiao Luo's emotions, or it might be because of Xia Yi, all of these elves had a fierce look on their faces, as if they were filled with uncontrollable anger.

Seeing the giant pincer mantis and the sickle helmet rushing away from the crowd blocking the way without hesitation, Xiaoliu's scalp was numb and at the same time he secretly prayed for the troublesome boy.

(End of this chapter)

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