Chapter 270 The Son of the Guardian!
In terms of speed, Bidiao naturally ranks first. Even with the flame chicken, it is still much faster than the fire-breathing dragon.


A familiar tweet sounded not far from Ladias, Ladias was taken aback, looked back, and saw that Bi Diao was coming quickly, and suddenly showed surprise.However, because of this daze, he was hit by a colored light.After an explosion, Ladias screamed in pain and fell down.Fortunately, Ladias quickly stabilized his figure, adjusted his figure before falling to the ground, and flew up again after a sharp turn.


Bi Diao screamed angrily, his huge wings shook vigorously, and the flames at the tail were suddenly blown by the strong wind.Bi Diao Fang Buddha turned into a red sharp arrow, and rushed towards Miss Goth who was attacking Ladias on the ground arrogantly and domineeringly.

"Are you here to help?" The boy standing next to Miss Goth snorted and directed, "Use protection!"

Miss Goth stretched out her hands, and a green shield appeared, blocking Bi Diao's violent impact.

However, while Bi Diao staggered back, the flame chicken had already jumped up, his right foot was burning with flames, and he turned his body gracefully. At the moment when Miss Goth's protection disappeared, he kicked the head with a fierce flame kick with his heel.Miss Goth was knocked to the ground on the spot, hitting the ground with her head until it cracked.Under the flame chicken's angry outburst, the flame kick showed its power vividly.

This is not considered a game, and even when Miss Goth had no reaction, Bi Diao still flicked her huge wings and sent her flying.A streak of colorful flames followed closely, and after burning Miss Goth into blackness, she fell straight to the ground.

"Brother...Miss Goth!" The young man seemed to be taken aback by the joint attack of Bi Diao and Flame Chicken, and after he yelled in a daze, his angry expression was distorted.He shouted at the strong men in black who were standing next to Ah Qing and his party: "Why are you still standing there, catch them!"

"Go, King Yanwu!"

"Cool Leopard, teach them a lesson!"

"Come out, Cold Water Ape!"



Watching the boy's bodyguards attack the two elves of Bi Diao, a strong man in black who followed Ah Qing yelled something in Ah Qing's ear.

Seeing Ah Qing nodding, the burly man in black smiled excitedly, waved his hand, said "up" and rushed over first.The young man's arrogance had already made him dissatisfied for a long time, and he was very aggrieved.It's just that Ah Qing didn't speak, and he didn't dare to move.Now that you can do it in a fair manner, it is natural to show some color to this group of arrogant local snakes.

But things went against their wishes, and just as they took out the poke balls to help in the battle, there was an extremely loud roar in the sky.An extremely powerful jet of flame shot down directly, instantly knocking out the two elves who were besieging the flame chicken and losing their fighting ability.

This is not over yet, when everyone looked up at the domineering fire-breathing dragon, accompanied by bursts of powerful roars that resounded through the sky, three figures, one gray, one red, and one purple, galloped into the arena, sweeping across like a whirlwind. The entire battlefield.When the three figures crossed the entire field, the standing elves were already three or two kittens and puppies.Under the twin flames of the flame chicken and Bi Diao, he lay down in an instant.

"Hi Doo~"




After dealing with the elves of the bodyguards, the six elves surrounded the boy in unison.The boy's bodyguard covered the boy behind him with his body covered in cold sweat. Facing a group of murderous elves, his hands trembled.Although they are strong, they definitely have no strength to compete with the elves.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, get out!" After pushing away the two bodyguards in front of him, the boy raised his hand and threw out three elf balls, "Come out, King Centipede, Dharma Baboon, and Crocodile!"

White light fell one by one, and three elves with the same expressions as teenagers appeared on the field.Before they could figure out the situation, the Dharma baboon was hugged tightly by the charging fire-breathing dragon and soared into the sky.The crooked crocodile is closer to the three elves of the giant pincer mantis. Just as the fire-breathing dragon hugs the Dharma baboon and soars into the sky, before the crooked crocodile can react, the scissor cross fist of the giant pincer mantis bites the land shark The dragon claws were shot out in one go.The gangster crocodile was knocked to the ground without even making a sound.The worst one was King Centipede, who was burnt into black charcoal by the jet flames of the Flame Chicken and Bi Diao's double swords. His huge body stood up for a while and then collapsed.Just after the two elves fell down, the fire-breathing dragon rushed to the ground like a meteor, and only heard a "boom", and the Dharma baboon lay on the cracked ground with his eyes spiraling.


Before the stunned boy came back to his senses, the Giant Pincer Mantis rushed up instantly, the huge red pincers grabbed the boy's neck, and slowly lifted him off the ground.The small eyeballs unique to the worm-type elves stared at him without turning, with a murderous expression on his face.


The boy's bodyguard was shocked and rushed up to save him, but was knocked to the ground by the scythe helmet and the biting land shark.

" can't kill me. My dad is the guardian of Hezhong. If you kill me, you will die!" The boy threatened the little elf out of fear.This is really a dumbfounding scene.

In this world, under normal circumstances, elves are absolute obedience trainers.Even knowing it was death, the elf would not frown.This is the respectability of elves, but also their loveliness.For the trainer, you can fight against the whole world!

"Stop it!" Ah Qing hurried up to stop the Giant Pincer Mantis.He knew the identity of the young man, if he was really killed by the giant pincer mantis without knowing how serious it was, then Xiao Luo would definitely have countless troubles.

It's just that Ah Qing just took a few steps when he was stopped by the flame chicken.The two-meter tall slender body was half a body taller than Ah Qing, and he called out to Ah Qing with a serious expression, as if signaling him to leave it alone.

Ah Qing was stunned for a moment. Judging from Flame Chicken's performance, he knew that this incident made Xiao Luo feel a little dissatisfied with him, which was the last result he wanted to see.


Ah Qing's bodyguard hurried up, pinching the poke ball nervously and staring at the flame chicken.They witnessed the strength of the flame chicken, and they were afraid of attacking Ah Qing against it.

Ah Qing waved his hand, signaling them not to worry, and said to the flame chicken: "You can't do this, or it will bring a lot of trouble to Xiao Luo."

"Roar~ Roar~"

The Flaming Chicken rolled his eyes, and barked twice in disdain.


Ah Qing just wanted to say more, but Bi Diao flapped his wings and fanned a gust of wind, blowing Ah Qing and his party into a panic.


Bi Diao tilted his head, his anger flared up, and he glanced sharply at Ah Qing and his party.After meeting Bi Diao's eyes, the resentment of Ah Qing and his group immediately disappeared, and they held the poke ball and carefully protected Ah Qing.

Seeing this, Bi Diao ignored them, walked towards the giant pincer mantis, and screamed.

The mantis with giant pincers nodded, loosened its pincers, and threw the boy to the ground.The young man who had regained his freedom got up from the ground in embarrassment. He didn't even care about his elf, and turned around to escape from here.

Before he could run two steps, the boy was hit by Bi Diao's wing, and his head was broken.

The young man didn't care about these, fear spread, the young man trembled all over, and got up again without looking back.

Another wing slapped, and the boy fell to the ground again, his face covered in blood.

" can't do dad is a guardian, you can't treat me like this, my dad won't let you" The young man became incoherent.

Just when Bi Diao slapped out another wing with resentment, a Xanadu appeared next to the boy in an instant, stretched out his hands, and a protection formed, and bounced back the wings that Bi Diao had slapped.When the elves were stunned, Xanadu pulled the boy up, and a teleportation appeared in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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