Chapter 271 Adek!
After a while, a huge three-headed dragon flew over at high speed and stopped beside Xanadu.Sitting on the back of the three-headed dragon is a rather majestic middle-aged man with a square face.

"Yuta, what's wrong with you? What's going on?" Looking at the blood-stained boy, the middle-aged man turned pale with shock.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Yuta cried out with a "wow": "Dad... I... I almost died... It's them, it's them... Dad, don't let them go, help me avenge!"

The middle-aged man put Yuta on the back of the three-headed dragon, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay! With daddy here, daddy will help you avenge you." The middle-aged man looked gloomyly at Bi Diao and the other six elves. With a glance, he commanded the three-headed dragon to land beside Ah Qing.

"Mr. Ah Qing, I need an explanation!" The middle-aged man stared at Ah Qing with a fierce look in his eyes.In his opinion, all of this was done by Ah Qing.

"Explanation? Mr. Tuohui, are you asking me for an explanation? Have you figured out the cause and process of the matter?" Ah Qing was worrying about Xiao Luo's matter.The attitude shown by Xiao Luo's elf has already made him faintly feel that the relationship with Xiao Luo is estranged.But now, the culprit asked him to explain, so naturally he would not have a good attitude.Their family is not afraid of Tuohui's influence at all. If it gets too big, the worst thing is to give up the market in the Hezhong area.

Tuohui's face darkened: "What's your attitude, my son was beaten like this by you, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"Hmph, he deserves it, this is just the beginning. Tuohui, just wait!" Ah Qing glanced at Yuta who was behind Tuohui, with a look of disdain.

Tuohui laughed, looked at Ah Qing with a murderous intent and said, "Mr. Ah Qing, are you threatening me?"

These words happened to be heard by Xiao Luo who came riding Ladias.

"Threatening you? My master can't beat you to death!" He had already suppressed his anger along the way, and after hearing these words, Xiao Luo naturally found the victim.

"Ladias, clean and shiny!"


Ladias obeyed Xiao Luo [-] times. After hearing Xiao Luo's command, he opened his mouth and shot out a laser-like purple light, hitting Tuohui.

Xanadu reacted quickly, and immediately set up protection to protect Tuohui and Yuta.The clean luster exploded, and the shock wave made the unprotected Qing and his party extremely embarrassed.


Repeatedly ignoring, Ah Qing and his party also looked extremely unsightly.

Ah Qing's complexion changed, and he sighed helplessly: "Let's step back first, don't meddle in the affairs here for now."

The bodyguards silently protected Ah Qing from the center of the battle.

The clean luster is a signal. After receiving such an obvious signal, Bi Diao and other elves howled excitedly and rushed forward.

As soon as Bi Diao and the other elves moved, Tuohui's face changed. Only then did he realize how powerful the Bi Diao and other elves were, and he threw out four elves without any delay: "Pang Yan Monster, Repair Old Man, Mama Eel King, Commander Chopping , block them!"

White light fell one by one, and four majestic elves appeared around Tuohui, and charged towards Bi Diao and other six elves.

"who are you?"

After his six elves met Bi Diao and the other six elves, Tuo Hui looked up at Xiao Luo.The appearance of Ladias naturally surprised him a lot.

"Hmph! Geng Gui, control them! Ladias, get down!"

The blue fluorescent light appeared, restraining Takumi and Yuta in place.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Xiao Luo, who jumped off Ladias's back and rushed towards him angrily, Tuohui said bitterly, "Do you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this!"

"Who are you..."

The word "who" was heavy, because Xiao Luo was punching Tuo Hui hard in the face.

"Who!" Another kick kicked out.

"Who!" Switched legs.

"You... bastard, you dare to hit me? Who are you!" Tuo Hui said bitterly in embarrassment.

Next to him, seeing the trainer being beaten, Tuohui's elves rushed to rescue them, but Bi Diao and Flame Chicken were not vegetarians, so they held them back.

call out!
Under the wrath of the three-headed dragon, a destructive death light hit Xiao Luo.

Bi Diao came in time and stood in front of Xiao Luo. A sacred fire spewed out to detonate the destructive death light, and then flapped its wings and rushed towards the three-headed dragon.

call out!
Xanadu shot a pink energy ball!

The fire-breathing dragon sprays flames to resist.

Commander Chop and Slash rushed towards him at top speed, but was intercepted and sent flying by the giant pincer mantis, which was faster than him.


Xiao Luo ignored the violent explosion beside him, rode on Tuo Hui's body, and punched Tuo Hui's square face one after another.

Xanadu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and appeared beside Tuohui at the same time as he teleported away from the fire-breathing dragon's jet flames. Just as he was about to teleport away with Tuohui, Geng Gui appeared with a sinister smile.The illusion broke out, and Xanadu couldn't respond, so he bounced it away, and the fire-breathing dragon rushed up, hugged Xanadu and soared into the sky, and the earth throw took advantage of the situation...


Ladias called out to Xiao Luo.

"It said you called the wrong person, idiot!"

Geng Gui pointed at the trembling Yuta beside him and said, "The one over there is the real master!"

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, and her fist stopped in mid-air: "Fuck, I didn't say it earlier!"

It was only then that Xiao Luo remembered that Sakura was talking about a boy, and this old guy couldn't hook up with a boy no matter what.Xiao Luo stood up angrily and at the same time did not forget to give Tuo Hui a kick: "This guy is not a good bird either!"

"'s not me...don't hit me...don't!" Yuta, who couldn't move, was extremely frightened as he watched Xiao Luo pinching his fingers towards him.

"You said no...don't!" Xiao Luo threw a heavy uppercut, knocking Yuta down with one blow.Xiao Luo rode on Yuta's body, and punched Yuta's handsome face.After a while, the face swelled up, and the nosebleeds flowed horizontally.

I don't know how many punches he punched, until Xiao Luo got tired of punching, he kicked Yuta hard and stood up.Yuta at this moment is already exhaling more and taking in less.On the other side, the battle of Bi Diao and other elves is also coming to an end. The trainer is beaten, and the three-headed dragon and other elves are depressed. Naturally, they will not be opponents of Bi Diao and other elves.Commander Chop and Repair and the repairing old man have lost their ability to fight, and the remaining four elves will lose their ability to fight sooner or later.

Just as Xiao Luo was thinking about watching the battle, and thinking about how to deal with Tuohui and the two, something unexpected happened again.An extremely scorching jet of flames traversed the field, separating the fighting elves appropriately.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

A rough man with red hair ran over, followed by a rare Vulcan worm!
"Adek?" Looking at the middle-aged man, Xiao Luo called out tentatively.

Adek was stunned, looked at Xiao Luo, then at Yuta and his son, who were controlled by the illusion technique and looked like pigs, frowned and said: "Anyway, don't fight, the impact is too bad."

Xiao Luo was stunned, only to realize that the three circles around him were full of people, pointing and talking about him.

Xiao Luo also knew that with this champion, this battle would be impossible.The majesty of the champion is not something he can challenge now.Xiao Luo pouted helplessly, put Bi Diao and other elves away one by one, waved his hand, and signaled Geng Gui to let Yuta and his son go.

After the illusion dissipated, Tuohui rushed to Yuta's side immediately after he resumed his actions, calling out lovingly.

"If something happens to Yuta, I won't let you go!" Tuohui's eyes were red, and he pointed at Xiao Luo angrily.

Xiao Luo snorted angrily: "Hmph, I'll save face for Mr. Adek, and I won't argue with you today. Just wait, this matter is not over!"



Geng Gui glared at Tuo Hui, his telepathy erupted, and shouts suddenly sounded in everyone's minds, making people dizzy for a while.

Tuohui's face changed, and he looked at Geng Gui with deep fear.After putting away Yuta and his spirit, Takumi asked Xanadu to use teleportation to take the two of them out of here.

 defender!The Guardian is the final boss of the Business Alliance Competition!Only by winning the championship and defeating the guardians can you be qualified to do business in Hezhong!It seems that the previous explanation is very clear! !

(End of this chapter)

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