Chapter 272 The Business Alliance Starts!
After Tuohui left, Adek walked up to Xiaoluo, with a rather serious expression on his face, not at all careless in the animation.

"What's going on?" Adek asked.

Xiao Luo briefly explained the cause that he heard from Xiaoliu.

"Tuohui... hey!" Adek sighed and shook his head, "It seems that after this business alliance, it is necessary to change the guard."

Little Luo looked up at Adek in surprise.Judging from Adek's tone, he seemed to be able to decide whether the guards would stay or not.It's not just something a regional champion can easily do.

"Hehe, I won't bother you anymore. I'll talk to those old guys. Let's forget it this time. The game is coming soon. The impact of changing the words is not very good." Adek said to Xiao Luo: "You are also involved in business. Right in the Elf League competition, it just so happens that you can give him a good lesson in the competition. The premise is that you have to win the championship!"

"Hmph, I can't spare him!" Xiao Luo looked angry.

"Hehe, it seems that you are very confident. But..." Adek looked at Xiao Luo meaningfully and said, "This time, a great person has also been invited. It is very difficult to win the championship." It's difficult!"

Xiao Luo froze for a moment, and asked, "Who is it?"

Adek laughed and said, "You'll know when the time comes, and it won't be interesting to talk about it. By the way, I'm looking forward to the match between the two of you." After speaking, Adek gave Geng Gui a meaningful look. .

"Okay, let's do this first. I'll go to the old guys from the Chamber of Commerce to talk about it. You should go and see your friends too!"

After Adek left, Xiao Luo turned to look at Ah Qing and asked, "Where's Xia Yi?"

Ah Qing hurriedly replied: "I sent someone to the hospital, and I will take you there right away." As he spoke, he motioned for the people around him to drive.

Seeing that Xiaolu didn't refuse, Ah Qing was secretly happy, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Xiao Luo, I have a great responsibility for this matter, I hope you don't blame me."

Xiao Luo shook her head and said, "It's not your fault."

Xiao Luo has also calmed down a little now, and naturally knows that the responsibility can't be put entirely on Ah Qing. No one can predict such a thing.

Ah Qing smiled and said, "Just don't blame me!"

After the two talked for a while with Tuohui and his son, a dignified commercial vehicle drove over slowly.

After dismissing the bodyguards in black, the car drove Xiao Luo and Ah Qing to the largest hospital in Feiyun City.After getting off the car, a big man who had been waiting at the door of the hospital hastily helped to open the door, and brought little Luo Aqing straight to Xia Yi's ward.

"Xiao Luo!" Mei said in surprise.

"Brother Xiao Luo... woo woo... Sister Xia Yi was bullied by bad guys!" Ke Er threw himself into Xiao Luo's arms, crying.

"Hey, it's okay, I've already given the scoundrel a good lesson." Xiao Luo stroked Cole's head and comforted her: "When Xia Yi gets better, I'll take you to revenge."

Mei and Cole's eyes lit up.

"Really?" Cole wiped away his tears, looking at Xiao Luo with red eyes.

"Of course, I keep my word."

Mei hummed softly, and said in a voice that only she could hear: "You still have a conscience!"

"It's just you fooling around, I don't care if I'm fine, what's the matter!" Xia Yi was sitting on the hospital bed with gauze wrapped around her head.

Xiao Luo gently pushed Cole away, walked to Xia Yi's side and said, "Are you okay!"

Xia Yi shook her head lightly: "It's okay, I feel much better now."

Seeing that the bandage was stained red with blood, Xiao Luo stroked it gently, and said in a hateful voice, "We must not let them off lightly."

Xia Yi was a little worried and said: "Don't mess around, this is Hezhong, not Kanto!"

"It doesn't matter where it is!" Xiao Luo said, "I've beaten them up just now, and the hatred is completely settled."


Xia Yi and Yai exclaimed in unison.

"Tell me quickly, what's going on, how did you beat them?" Mei said with a slightly excited look.

Seeing that Xia Yi was also very curious, Xiao Luo vividly told them what happened just now.

"So he's the son of the guardian, no wonder he's such a dandy!" Mei said with the original appearance.

Xia Yi asked: "Will this be troublesome?"

Xiao Luo smiled: "Don't worry, Adek said that after this business league competition, his title of guardian will be cancelled."

Mei said: "You are really lucky, even Mr. Adek helped you."

"Hey, this shows that I have a good character!"

Mei spit lightly: "You're really thick-skinned."

"No, brother Xiao Luo is really nice!" Cole looked at Mei with big eyes flickering, as if he was dissatisfied with her saying that Xiao Luo had a thick skin.

"What's the matter with you, little sycophant!"

"They are telling the truth!" Cole felt aggrieved.

Mei gave Cole a hard look, jumped Cole blindly, and quickly ran behind Xiao Luo, holding Xiao Luo's arms with both hands, as if she had found protection, and looked at Mei with her head poking around.Xiao Luo and Xia Yi couldn't help but smile at this.

"Xiao Luo, let's go back, I don't want to stay in the hospital!"

"This..." Xiao Luo really couldn't agree to Xia Yi's request.

Xia Yi said urgently: "If there is nothing wrong with me, just scratched my skin, the doctor said that I don't need to be hospitalized."

"Really?" Xiao Luo obviously didn't believe it.

"Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask Mei and Cole."

Xiao Luo looked at Mei and Ke Er with questioning eyes, and seeing them nodding, Xiao Luo said cheerfully: "Okay, if you don't want to be hospitalized, don't stay here, we'll go out now."


Xia Yi smiled softly, and was about to get out of bed.Xiao Luo picked up her boots, eagerly trying to help her put them on.

Two red clouds suddenly appeared on Xia Yiqiao's face: "I'll do it myself!"

"Well, I just mean it, I really can't wear it well!"

Xia Yi: "..."

Meizi couldn't see it, so she rolled her eyes at Xiao Luo and said, "How can you not be so annoying!"

"What's the matter with you?"


"Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's go!" Xia Yi stopped the two of them from arguing while putting on his boots.

After putting on their boots, the four of them walked out of the ward together.

"Xia Yi?" Ah Qing, who was guarding the door, was a little surprised to see Xia Yi: "Are you okay?"

Xia Yi smiled slightly and said, "Well, it's all right now."

"This..." Ah Qing looked at Xiao Luo suspiciously.

Xiao Luo said: "Xia Yi doesn't like this place, and the hospital is not a good place, so I won't be hospitalized."

Ah Qing smiled helplessly: "Okay, since you have all made up your mind, then I will listen to you."

Xiao Luo nodded and said: "Wait, you go back first, I will walk back slowly with them."

Ah Qing was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, and said with a smile: "That's all right, you guys go first, I'll take care of the rest. I'll wait for you at the hotel."

After saying goodbye to Ah Qing, the four of them walked out of the hospital and walked slowly in this metropolis with towering skyscrapers.A few people talked and laughed along the way, very relaxed and freehand.

After a while, several people passed by a high-end clothing store.Seeing the eye-catching gauze on Xia Yi's head, Xiao Luo stopped at the door of the specialty store.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xiao Luo stop, Xia Yi asked.

"Hmm... just wait for me here." After speaking, Xiao Luo turned and walked into the specialty store.Cole desperately wanted to follow, but Mei grabbed her and said, "What's the matter with you, little follower!"

Colton poked his finger aggrievedly.

Through the big transparent glass, Xia Yi could clearly see what Xiao Luo was talking to the beautiful shopping guide in the store.From time to time, he pointed at himself through the glass, attracting the shopping guide to look carefully...

After a while, the beautiful shopping guide took down a large pale pink felt hat from a shelf full of hats, surrounded by a circle of simple cyan lace, which was simple yet stylish.Seeing such a hat, Xia Yi's heart beat suddenly.She fell in love with the hat immediately...

After a while, Xiao Luo came out with the hat, smiled and said to Xia Yi: "The shopping guide is different, this hat suits you very well. Come on, try it on!" Then, he put the felt hat on lightly On Xia Yi's lowered head, this act of intimacy naturally inevitably made Xia Yi blush.

The felt hat just covered the gauze on Xia Yi's head, and what was only exposed could not be seen unless one looked carefully.Coupled with Xia Yi's loose long hair and the sleeveless dress she put on in the hospital, Xia Yi's elegant temperament was vividly displayed.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiao Luo praised sincerely.

"Thank you!" Xia Yixiu blushed and hummed like a mosquito.

 Moving these two days, a little busy.Moreover, the computer table in the newly rented room was not provided, and the computer could not be connected at all, so it was coded by the method.This chapter was written in a nearby Internet cafe.That's all there is to this chapter.

  What's more, the book should be on the shelves on June 6th, which is Friday this week!This is the ultimate goal of every web writer, and I will naturally not refuse it. I hope you can understand the difficulties of every web writer!I have already postponed it once, otherwise it may be released earlier, this time I cannot and will not push it any further.

  Some readers who have followed Luoyi all the way may be very clear that I am more intermittent about this book, because the attitude I held at the beginning was indeed to finish writing whether I could sign a contract or not.

  Think about it, 70 words, just when you are determined to be a forgotten existence, you suddenly receive a signing letter, what kind of mood is that?It is impossible for you to understand.

  The listing is the editor's affirmation to me, and it also saved me from wasting so many days and nights.I know this may cause dissatisfaction among many people, but I just want to say: Be considerate, it is not easy for anyone!
  It's not a bad thing to put it on the shelves. Only when there is harvest will there be motivation. Naturally, I will do my best to update and keep the quality and quantity.And writing here, it is not far from the end of the book, even if you support Luoyi to subscribe, how much can you spend? !
  Well, it's a bit long-winded, I hope you don't mind.In short, I hope you will continue to support Luoyi and "The Origin of Pets"!
(End of this chapter)

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