Chapter 273 Absolutely arrogant and domineering!
After the staff verified the company represented by the badge record, Xiaoluo and other trainers stood in a big circle tacitly.Feeling the gazes of those successful people, Xiao Luo felt like he was playing a monkey.He is a monkey man, and the elf is a monkey!This feeling made Xiao Luo extremely unhappy.Little Luo is not the only one who feels this way, many trainers have extremely dissatisfied expressions.This kind of competition is completely different from the elf alliance competition.It's no wonder that those who have participated in the competition are unwilling to participate again. For Xiao Luo, they don't want to come again next time.Those fat guys with big bellies are really disgusting.

"Okay, now I announce that the first match has officially started, and the promotion—"

Accompanied by the muffled sound, the place under Xiao Luo's feet shook slightly, and the ground gradually rose, and it rose to a height of more than two meters in a short while, becoming a standard performance stage.

After the stage stabilized, Tian Guang said again: "Representatives, please take out your elves and start the competition!"

"Come out, strange force!"

"Go, Elleido!"

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, come out!"


White light fell one after another, and various spirits appeared on the field one after another. Xiao Luo took a quick look and found that more than [-]% of the trainers used fighting spirits.In such a melee, the fighting elves do have an advantage.From this point, it can be seen that the trainers on the field are not simple.

If you want to see a monkey, let me show you a real monkey.

Xiao Luo smiled sinisterly, and also took out the elf ball and threw it out: "Go, hot monkey!"

White light fell, and the fiery monkey appeared on the field with scarlet eyes.Looking at the many elves in front of him, the fiery monkey was taken aback for a moment, and then excitedly wanted to rush up.

"Calm down, Hot Monkey!" Xiao Luo's eyes darkened, and he yelled out.

Hearing Xiao Luo's voice, the Fiery Monkey stopped moving immediately.Although it is bloodthirsty and aggressive, it has always obeyed Xiao Luo's words.

The other trainers on the field have also remained silent, all appearing very cautious. ,

After a while, an impatient trainer finally couldn't help it: "Since you don't want to do it first, then I will do it first, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex, Earthquake!"


The super iron tyrannosaurus punched the ground, a thick gray halo rippled on the ground, and the venue shook violently.

"Sawarang, jump up!"

"Electric shock monster, jump up!"

"...jump up!"


In an instant, most of the trainers commanded the elves to jump up to avoid them, Xiao Luo was one of them, and some trainers used protective tricks cautiously.Several other trainers used earthquakes to fight back, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Circle the bear, use the iron wall!"

"Hyperactive ape, split attack!"

"Duckbill Flame Dragon, spray flames!"


After Iron Tyrannosaurus used Earthquake, many trainers targeted it.In an instant, six or seven powerful tricks hit it.The trainer of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus changed his face dramatically. After trying his best to command, the consequences of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus losing its fighting ability still remained unchanged.

At the same time, the fiery monkey flying into the sky was also attacked by jet flames and [-] volts. Although it tried hard to avoid the flame jet attack, the [-] volts hit it perfectly and shot down the fiery monkey from midair.


After turning over and dodging the two sneak attacks that took the opportunity, the fiery monkey's scarlet eyes fixed on Zong Leiqiu not far away.The one hundred thousand volts just now was issued by it.

But before Hot Monkey could make a move, Shawarang, Poison Skull Frog and a Blizzard King Qi Qi attacked the Thunder Hill and knocked it down under the high platform.

Just when the fiery monkey was stunned, a jet of flame hit again, and the fiery monkey jumped away to avoid it.

It is now!
Seeing all kinds of elves fighting fiercely into a group, Xiao Luo finally gave a command: "Geng Gui took me to fly, Hot Monkey, kill them with one blow!"

The blue fluorescent light enveloped Xiao Luo, controlling him to fly up.


The Fiery Monkey snorted twice excitedly, its eyes shot out two frightening red lights, its right fist exerted force, a faint blue fluorescent light appeared, and the space around the fist seemed to tremble faintly.


With a long hum, the fiery monkey fell to the ground and hit the center of the field with a fist.

The specially made hard field burst instantly, and a wave of air swayed wildly, blowing the surrounding elves tottering.Even the trainers on the field were not spared, but a few clever trainers released the flying elves in time and escaped.

Seeing this scene, the rich and powerful people who watched the battle opened their mouths wide in surprise, pointed at the field and "babbled" and couldn't say a complete sentence.


Although Xiaoliu knew the power of the fiery monkey, he was still shocked.This is different from the usual venues. The size alone is nearly ten times larger than the usual venues, not to mention the special materials.It was beyond his wildest dreams that Fiery Monkey could destroy this battle field with one punch.

It was only then that Xiao Liu remembered what Xiao Luo meant when he said that the game was exciting.

This is really exciting, asshole, it's killing me.Xiaoliu pulled the collar of his shirt, strangled him, and had difficulty breathing.

"My God! How did he do it." Ah Qing looked incredible.

Perhaps there were only two people in the audience with normal expressions - Xia Yi and Ke Er.

Xia Yi had a smile on her face. Although it was a bit exaggerated, Xiao Luo's victory was within her expectation.Cole worships Xiao Luo devoutly, and everything Xiao Luo does is a matter of course in her opinion.

The field exploded, and the smoke and dust filled the air for a while before gradually dissipating.There were elves who had lost their fighting ability lying all over the field. Some trainers were inevitably injured and lay on the ruins in pain. broken.

In addition, only one Elle Duo, one Shawarang and the only flying elf Mukhawk escaped unharmed.In addition to Mu Keying being safe and sound, Elle Duo and Shawarang also had some scars on their bodies, gasped slightly, and looked at the energetic Fiery Monkey in horror.The Mukehawk was so frightened that it flew up to Lao Gao, so it probably wouldn't dare to come down even if the trainer told it to come down.


The Fiery Monkey snorted twice, jumped quickly on the ruins, and in the blink of an eye rushed to Elledo and Shavalon who were standing side by side, and threw out both fists, hitting the two elves who were unable to react in time.

call out!call out!
The two elves were repulsed by the huge force, and after flying all the way, they crashed into the spectator seats and destroyed two or three tables before falling to the ground powerlessly.

What was unexpected was that a bald fat man was taken away by Elledo and crushed under him.Naturally, the fiery monkey didn't care about these things. After finishing off the two elves, it yelled provocatively at the Muke Eagle in the air.

After circling in the sky in surprise, Mu Keying turned his head and flew directly away from the field, landed next to a young girl in the spectator stand, and cried out aggrieved.

Seeing this, the fiery monkey was furious, screaming strangely, and was about to rush up to fight the Mukehawk, but was stopped by Xiao Luo's voice.At this moment, the only elf that can stand on the field is the fiery monkey.

"Tian Guang, aren't you announcing victory yet?" After being shocked, Ah Qing yelled at the host who hadn't slowed down in surprise.

"This..." Tian Guang became a little embarrassed, he didn't dare to announce the result of the game easily under such a situation.

At this time, Yoshino stood up and said to Tian Guang: "This little brother won this game, Tian Guang, announce the result of the first game."

With Yoshino Masa's support, Tian Guang quickly came to his senses, and immediately announced after receiving Xiao Luo's information that had just been counted: "The first match is over, the winner is Xiao Luo, and Qingyuan Company has advanced to the second place." Round game!"

This result seemed to make many people dissatisfied. When Xiao Luo led the fiery monkey out of the venue, some tough men in black surrounded him.


Seeing these malicious people, the Fiery Monkey stopped in front of Xiao Luo, and waved its handcuffed fist twice. If Xiao Luo was not gently pulling it, it must have rushed up to punch these people one by one. It flew off.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Luo said calmly.

"You're too ruthless. It's okay to treat the elves like this, but you don't even let the trainers go!" A black-clothed strong man who seemed to be the leader had a gloomy expression.

"Hmph, what the competition said, there are no rules, if you are dissatisfied, go to the competition, what do you mean by looking for me?"

"That's right, I have something to talk to Yoshino Zheng, is there no one in Qingyuan Company who bullies us?" Xiao Liu led a large group of men in black to come up, pushed those people who were blocking Xiao Luo's way, and walked to Xiao Luo. Angrily asked from the side: "Which company do you belong to? Find someone who can talk to you!"

While Xiao Liu was speaking, Xiao Luo glanced at Ah Qing's position, seeing Ah Qing's serious expression and nodding lightly without hesitation, Xiao Luo felt warm in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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