Chapter 274 The sudden sense of crisis!

"Is Qingyuan Company amazing?" A young girl in a blue dress came over.When Xiao Luo looked at it, he was taken aback. It wasn't because of how beautiful the girl was, but because this girl was the one Mu Keying found after he left the field just now.

"It's you?" Xiaoliu obviously recognized the girl, and it was difficult not to recognize her, because Mu Keying was following her, but he was a little afraid of the hot monkey, so he hid his body behind the girl as much as possible.

"He was invited by your Qingyuan company, right?" The girl said angrily to Xiaoliu, "Is there no trainer in Kanto? If you dare to invite such a trainer, aren't you afraid of causing public outrage?"

"That is, if something happens to the person we hired, we will never end with you Qingyuan Company." After the girl finished speaking, a fat middle-aged man who could barely move immediately assisted.

Xiaoliu's face was livid and said: "This kind of thing happened in the previous competition, right? Why didn't you jump out at that time? Now, our Qingyuan Company only won one game, and you can't wait to make trouble. When we are weak and easy to deceive, right?"

"Hmph, you can't say that. Hasn't such a big incident happened before?" Maze walked up with a proud face, "It's not that your Qingyuan company is easy to bully, it's that your Qingyuan company didn't put us in the In your eyes!"

"It's just..."

"Absolutely can't just forget it!"

"We cannot recognize the result of this match, it must be replayed!"


The people on the field responded one after another.

"You..." Xiao Liu pointed at them, speechless in anger.

Xiao Luo patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder and stepped forward, "Then you mean that the game can't hurt the trainer?"

"It can't be too cruel!" Masawa said with a smirk, "You Qingyuan company should withdraw from the competition as soon as possible."

Xiao Luo just laughed: "Then I have to ask Mr. Yoshino Masaaki? Since you can't be too cruel, why do you say there are no rules?"

Masawa's face changed, and he became a little flustered.

"Hmph, you're making unreasonable words. I can't stand your behavior. It has nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce competition." The girl said angrily, "My younger brother participated in the competition. Now that he has an accident, can I not ask?"

Xiao Luo shrugged and said, "Since he is on the field, he is the trainer. He is your younger brother, but he is also my opponent!"


"If I were you, what I'm thinking about now is how to save people, instead of making trouble for me here!" Xiao Luo glanced at her, and at the same time whispered to herself: "Are all women so stupid?"

"What did you say, you collect it again!" Although the voice was low, the girl still heard it.

"Sister Xuan!" Just when Xiao Luo was about to retaliate, Xia Yi suddenly appeared and called out sweetly to the girl.

"Xia Yi?!"

When the girl saw Xia Yi, she was pleasantly surprised: "Why are you here? Where's your brother? Is he here?"

Xia Yi smiled and said: "No, my brother is traveling again, and I am here to accompany Xiao Luo to participate in the competition."

After a pause, Xia Yi continued: "Sister Xuan, don't blame Xiao Luo, your brother is fine, Xiao Luo won't be so cruel."

"You know him?" The girl pointed at Xiao Luo.

Xia Yi smiled sweetly and said: "Yes, my brother is also very convinced of Xiao Luo, so you have to treat him better! Otherwise..." Xia Yi blinked slyly.

The girl blushed, coughed lightly to cover up her embarrassment, and said, "Is my brother really alright?"

"It's okay, don't worry!" After Xia Yi finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Luo and said, "Right Xiao Luo?"

Xiao Luo was somewhat surprised that Xia Yi knew this girl. Seeing Xia Yi looking at him, Xiao Luo could only nod helplessly.Xia Yi, she really knows herself too well.

"Celebi!" Xiao Luo raised her head and called softly.

Crack la la...

One after another figures were wrapped in green fluorescence and flew up from the gravel, not only trainers, but also elves.Although these people and elves had some scars on their bodies, there were no major problems.


When Mukehawk saw a familiar figure, he let out a cry of surprise, and flew up with his wings.

"Ah Kuan!" The girl also exclaimed, wanting to run up to check on her younger brother's situation.It's just that the gravel was protruding, and it was difficult for her to enter in a dress: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you go up and tell the young master to bring it back!" The girl angrily spoke to the bodyguards behind her.After being scolded, the group of bodyguards immediately climbed up with hands and feet, and carried the handsome trainer down.

"Hehe, good trick, you are a well-deserved winner of this match." Seeing this situation, Yoshino, who had been frowning all this time, finally walked up with a smile on his face.

Xiao Luo curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and cursed the old fox secretly.He was forced to take no action just now, but now that the matter has been resolved, he moves quickly.

Yoshino didn't seem to care about Xiao Luo's attitude at all, and said with a smile: "You are Xiao Luo, right? I heard He Shan talk about you!"

Hearing He Shan's name, Xiao Luo suddenly became respectful: "You know Mr. He Shan all the time?"

“Old friends for decades!”

Yoshino looked at Xiao Luo for a while, nodded with satisfaction and said, "He Shan is still so good at judging people, you are very good, work hard, Qingyuan Company is very hopeful to win the final victory!"

When Xiao Liu heard the words, his face showed a look of surprise. It is worthy of scrutiny that Yoshino Masa said these words.

Hearing that he was an old friend of Mr. Kindness for decades, Xiao Luo became more respectful: "I will do my best."

Yoshino nodded, but Tian Guang said loudly behind the microphone in his hand: "Now I announce that the winner of the first round is Qingyuan Company. If you have any questions, you can come to me directly. The next round will be the second round." Go ahead, replace the alternate site!"

After finishing speaking, Yoshino encouraged Xiao Luo again, and then returned to his seat.

After the staff was busy, the broken field sank, and a brand-new field slowly rose from the ground, and the second round of competition officially began.This game was extremely fierce, and after half an hour of fighting, the wind speed dog of a yellow-haired boy won.

Then the second round, the third round.The competitions were relatively regular, although they were a bit messy, but the scene was extremely hot, which made people feel excited.Until the beginning of the fourth round, a figure caught Xiao Luo's attention.

So familiar!
With dark blue hair, a red cape-like top, and a confident smile, Xiao Luo has seen this figure before, but he can't remember it at the moment.

Until the elf appeared on the stage, Xiao Luo stood up with a "crack", it was him!
"Da... Darkley!" Xiaoliu looked at the elf standing out from the crowd on the field in surprise, "It's actually a divine beast? How is this possible!"

"This is a big trouble!" Xiao Luo frowned, a sense of crisis rose in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoliu asked a little puzzled, "Isn't it just a Darkley? I don't think it's as strong as your Geng Gui. Besides, you still have Celebi, so it's impossible to lose to him. "

Xiao Luo smiled wryly: "If only it were that simple, I think your business right will be suspended again this time."


Ah Qing was amazed, some divine beasts were still afraid of a well-known training, this was not Xiao Luo's character.

Xiao Luo said: "If he only had one Darkley, I would definitely beat him, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Liu asked anxiously.

Xiao Luo said bitterly: "But what if his elves are all divine beasts?"

"..." Xiao Liu and Ah Qing looked at Xiao Luo strangely.

Xiao Liu said: "Are you joking?"

"Do you look like me?"

Ah Qing said: "This kind of situation should not happen, how could there be so many divine beasts."

Xiao Luo smiled wryly: "The key is that I know him, his name is Dakdo, and there are two known beasts in his hand, Dakley and Latios. I don't know much about the others, and I haven't seen him use them Pass the third elf."

After a pause, Xiao Luo said again: "It is estimated that his elves are first-class beasts. This possibility is very high."

When Xiao Luo said this, Xiao Liu and Ah Qing finally believed it, their eyes widened and they gasped.It's incredible that there is such a trainer!

 Ask Dakdo for the other four elves, it is best to be first-class beasts, but not unique.The so-called uniqueness refers to the three mythical beasts of Phoenix King, Lugia First Class, and Phoenix King, not unique ones such as Celebi, Darkley, Dream God, and Latio (Asia)s!I have a rough idea in my heart, if there is no better suggestion, I can only use the elves I think.

(End of this chapter)

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