Chapter 276 Ah Juan!

"Come back, Super Power King!" The Super Power King lost his ability to fight, and the burly middle-aged man had no choice but to take it back, "Fork Bat, use the cross poison on the electric shock monster again, and Geng Gui use the evil wave on the flame chicken .”

The cross-word bat used the cross-poison trick again, striking down.Geng Gui put his hands together, and the chaotic lights interlaced to form a beam of light, hitting the flame chicken.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and gave an easy command: "Shock the monster, use the Lightning Palm after avoiding it, use the flame chicken, and use the jet flame!"


The electric shock monster let out a sinister laugh, moved its body, and avoided the attack of the cross poison at a speed no less than that of the forked bat.The thick arm was surrounded by lightning, and when the cross-word bat's attack failed, he quickly caught up, and the thunder palm slapped fiercely.The cross-word bat screamed and rolled back on the ground.On the other side, the jet flame of the flame also successfully resisted the attack of the evil wave, detonating it in mid-air.


At this moment, the fossil pterosaur roared, indicating that he had returned to normal.Xiao Luo Yixi immediately commanded: "Fossil pterosaur, use the destructive death light on the forked bat!"


The fossil pterosaur opened its mouth wide, and the golden light quickly condensed.Just as the forked bat struggled to fly up from the ground, a golden light hit it head-on.Under the horrified eyes of the forked bat, he knocked it down again.After a violent explosion, the forked bat was blown away by the shock wave, and when it landed, its eyes spiraled and it lost its fighting ability.It's just that the sad fossilized pterosaur froze again.


After the forked bat lost its ability to fight, the Electric Shock Warcraft smiled and stood side by side with the flame chicken naturally.


The flame chicken gave it a blank look, and cried out in dissatisfaction.The Electric Shock Monster didn't care either, with a malicious look in his clothes, he stared at Geng Gui and smiled straight at him, making Geng Gui feel uncomfortable all over while laughing.

"Flame chicken, use jet flames, shock monsters with electricity, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Crimson flames and thick yellow electric currents soared into the sky, and the target was naturally the only remaining Geng Gui.

"Geng Gui, hurry up and avoid it!" After taking back the forked bat that was incapacitated, the burly middle-aged man hurriedly gave instructions.

Geng Gui flew up and down, although he was a little embarrassed, he still avoided the attacks of two unique moves.

"Keep attacking!"

Jet flames and [-] volts shot out one after another, but although Geng Gui was embarrassed, he was always able to avoid the attack just right, I don't know if it was luck or strength.

After a long time, Xiao Luo frowned slightly, looked at the girl next to her, and found that she had also dealt with the two elves of the boy, and only the giant marsh monster was still struggling.Seemingly feeling Xiao Luo's gaze, the girl glanced at Xiao Luo, then at the three elves who were fighting, smiled, and directed to Happy Egg: "Happy Egg, Gravity Field!"

With the long cry of the happy egg, the ground emitted a gray light, and Geng Gui, who was dodging the attack, was caught off guard and fell straight to the ground.Geng Gui was shocked, he jumped a few times and found that he couldn't float.Not only Geng Gui, but the fossilized pterosaur also fell to the ground, and it fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment that could not move.

After taking a deep look at the girl, Xiao Luo immediately seized the opportunity to give instructions: "Flame Chicken Flame Kick, Electric Shock Monster, Lightning Palm!"

The speed of Geng Gui, who couldn't float, was greatly reduced. Facing the attack of the two ferocious elves, he was naturally unable to resist the attack. The flame kick and thunder palm hit together, and Geng Gui screamed in pain and was sent flying far away and fell to the ground.

"Get rid of him, spray flames, one hundred thousand volts!"

One hundred thousand volts lingered around the jet flames, forming a powerful combination skill, which hit Geng Gui directly, the flames rose, and the thunder was lingering.After Geng Gui screamed again and again, he lay limp on the ground, losing his ability to fight.

While Geng Gui lost his ability to fight, the giant marsh monster was also knocked down by the sun elf's phantom light.The two contestants were disqualified, Xiao Luo and the girl naturally confronted each other.

"Roar~" "Bao~"

The flame chicken and the electric shock monster guarded the flightless fossil pterosaurs behind them, and confronted the sun elves and the rogue pandas. The happy egg was also protected by the two elves.

"Ajuan!" The girl smiled, her voice was nice.

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, and also replied: "Xiao Luo!"

"You are very powerful, but I will not be easily defeated."

Xiao Luo smiled, but didn't speak.

"Sun Elf, use illusion! The rogue panda destroys the death light! Happy egg, use help on the rogue panda!"

Happiness Egg put his hand behind the rogue panda, and the rogue panda glowed with white fluorescence, with one mouth, the golden light frantically condensed, and then, a golden light with a strong destructive aura hit the three elves of the flame chicken with incomparable power, at the same time , the eyes of the sun elves glowed with blue fluorescence, trying to restrain the actions of the three flame chicken elves.

"Electric shock monster, protect!"


The electric monster stretched out its hands, and a huge green shield enveloped the three elves.

Chirp—boom!A burst of dazzling white light flashed, and there was a bang that shook the entire venue. Smoke and dust filled the air, and the venue faintly showed signs of cracking.

After a while, the smoke cleared, and everyone saw the three elves who were safe and sound under the protection of the electric shock monster.

"Flame chicken, use flame kick on the rogue panda, electric shock monster, use one hundred thousand volts on the sun elf!"

call out!
The flame chicken moved like flying, and rushed to the rogue panda in an instant, kicking the rogue panda violently with its flaming feet.The [-] volts that shocked the monster hit the sun elf at the same time.

"Happy egg, protect!"

The same green shield deflected the two attacks, and the flame chicken was thrown away in embarrassment.

Seeing the protection of the happy egg dissipated, Xiao Luo said again: "It's now, the fossil pterosaur, destroy the dead light!"

call out!
The fossil pterosaur opened its mouth wide, and a golden light shot out instantly, aiming directly at the happy egg!
"Happy egg, using a protection!"

Protection reappears, negating attacks that destroy the Death Ray.

The two consecutive protections made Xiao Luo frowned slightly, but he still seized the initiative and commanded: "Flame Chicken, give me another flame kick, electric shock monster, and use Thunder Light Palm on Happy Egg!"

Two figures, one red and one yellow, rushed forward at a high speed, and the Flame Chicken Flame Kick roared out, knocking the rogue panda back staggeringly.However, the lightning palm of the electric shock monster was forced back by the phantom light of the sun elf.

"Happy egg, use healing wave on the rogue panda, sun elf, use illusion on the fossil pterosaur!"

Happy Egg waved his little hand, and white light fell on the rogue panda. With the white light falling, the scars caused by the flame kick were obviously recovering.The sun elf's eyes glowed with blue fluorescence and controlled the immobile fossil pterosaur.

"Flame Chicken, Flame Kick to attack the Sun Elf. Electric Shock Monster, Lightning Palm to attack the Sun Elf."

The flames surged, the thunder flashed, and the two elves attacked the sun elf in unison.

"Rogue Panda, use Tiles to help the Sun Elf!"

The rogue panda let out a loud cry, and resumed its action. Its huge fists were grasped, and its hill-like body blocked the sun elves. It swung out at the same time, colliding with the flame kick and thunder palm.The power of the flame chicken and the electric shock monster is naturally not something it can resist.As soon as the rogue panda joined in, its huge body rose into the air and flew out backwards.Being blocked by the rogue panda, the plan of the flame chicken and the electric monster to attack the sun elves fell through.The fossilized pterosaur was slammed into the air by the illusion technique, and its huge body was in a state of embarrassment.

"Flame chicken, heaven fist, deal with happiness egg, electric shock beast, arm punch to deal with rogue panda!"

"Happy egg, use protection quickly, Sun Elf, go help the rogue panda." Ajuan became a little flustered.

Happiness Egg used a protective trick in a timely manner to resist the attack of the Flaming Chicken Shangtian Fist.On the other side, the sun elf stood in front of the rogue panda, and looked at the electric shock monster that was coming, his eyes widened and a colored light shot out.


The Electric Shock Beast gritted its teeth and rushed forward against the colorful light. Its arm punch missed the rogue panda, but knocked the sun elf to the ground.

"Flame chicken, don't stop attacking! Electric shock monsters, use [-] volts on the sun elves!"


(End of this chapter)

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