Chapter 277 Dakdo!
The flame chicken's two paws went up to the sky and punched together, and each punch was like a punch, hitting the protection of the happy egg.On the other side, after the Electric Shock Beast recovered from the damage of the phantom light, lightning flashed from its horns. Just as the [-] volts soared into the sky, the rogue panda suddenly sprang up, hitting the Electric Shock Monster mercilessly. fly.After receiving the attack, the direction of [-] volts was unstable, and it fell on the open space.

At this moment, the protection of the happy egg cracked, and the flame chicken was overjoyed, and hurriedly punched out another punch from the sky, smashing the protection.

"Rogue panda, quickly use the destructive death light to attack the flame chicken."

The rogue panda opened its mouth wide, and the dots of golden light slowly condensed.


At this time, the fossil pterosaur stretched its wings and let out an angry roar.

Xiao Luo Yixi: "Fossil pterosaur, use billions of shocks on the rogue panda."

After the Flaming Chicken smashed the protection, it knocked the happy egg into the sky with a fist.

call out!
The golden light galloped, took the flame chicken back for a distance and exploded violently.

The terrifying impact of hundreds of millions knocked the rogue panda into the air and fell outside the field.

"Damn it, Sun Elf, use fantasy light on the fossil pterosaur!"

The sun elf knocked the fossilized pterosaur to the ground with a stare.

"Hmph, Lightning Shock Beast, Lightning Palm!"

The Electric Shock Beast galloped forward, and the palm surrounded by Lei Guang hit the sun elf who had no time to dodge from bottom to top.

"One hundred thousand volts, solve it!"

"Yihe bag~"

The current surged, turning into a yellow electric dragon and swallowing the sun elf who had fallen to the ground.After the screams sounded, the sun elf completely lost the strength to stand up.

"Yi Bao Yi Bao"

Electric Shock Warcraft raised its hands excitedly, as if announcing that it was the winner of the game.

Ajuan smiled wryly, took out the elf ball and put away the three elves who had lost the ability to fight, and walked down the field silently.

"The first match is over, and the winner is the representative of Qingyuan Company—Xiao Luo! After a short rest, we will start the second match!"

After Xiao Luo put away the three elves of the Electric Shock Monster, he returned to his seat.

Xiao Liu graciously offered a glass of iced Coke, and said to Xiao Luo: "It was a wonderful fight!"

Xiao Luo pulled out the straw and took a sip into the cup. After feeling the strong stimulation, he let out a long breath and said, "That trainer named Ajuan is very strong!"

Ah Qing nodded: "Well, I can see it! But no matter what, you still won, so we are one step closer to our goal."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to take the next step?"

Ah Qing was taken aback, then smiled and said, "I believe in you!"

Cole jokingly said, "I also believe in brother Luo!"

Mei curled her lips: "What's the use of believing in him, what if that Dakoto is really all mythical beasts?"

Xiao Liu said with a smile: "That can only be considered unlucky for us, come back next year!"

Xia Yi just laughed: "No, Xiao Luo must have a way!"

"I can't help it!" Xiao Luo quickly denied.

Xia Yi smiled and looked at Xiao Luo without saying a word, that expression made Xiao Luo feel uncomfortable for a while: "You look at me like that, I can't help it! I'm hungry, go eat!"

Cole asked, "Don't you eat here?"

Mei pinched Cole's face and said, "Is that why you want to eat here?"

Ah Qing looked at his wristwatch and said, "Let's wait, the second round will start soon!"

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "Isn't the second session held in the afternoon?"

Xiao Liu rolled his eyes at Xiao Luo and said, "Didn't you just hear Tian Ye say, 'Are you going to play the second game after a short rest'? Why did you say it was afternoon?"

Xiao Luo scratched his head: "Who noticed what he said, didn't the previous two games have one game in the morning and one in the afternoon!"

Ah Qing said with a smile: "The nature of the competition is different and cannot be compared. Even if he plays the third round in the afternoon, it is very possible."

Xiao Luo nodded: "Okay, then wait a little longer, I am looking forward to the third elf of Dakdo!"

Not long after, the second game officially started under Tian Guang's announcement.Dakdo walked onto the field with three trainers of different ages.

After the game started, after one of the trainers took out the Pokemon, Darko took out two Pokeballs and threw them out. Darkley and Latios made their debut, which immediately made everyone gasp.Two divine beasts in the hands of the same trainer, this is definitely a rare event in a hundred years.

"Damn Xipi, fuck the fart, I won't fight, let's play!" Seeing the two beasts, a rather old man spoke with a strong local accent, gave up the game cursingly, and went straight from the high platform. jumped down.

After the other two trainers looked at each other, they nodded tacitly, reaching a consensus to deal with Dakdo together.

Although the two trainers worked together to deal with Dakoto, and Dakoto only used two elves, the individual strength of the divine beast was enough to make up for these gaps.The match ended quickly. Under the attack of Darkley and Latios in turn, the elves of the two were hard to resist, and they were quickly beaten to the ground one by one.Compared with Xiaoluo's difficult victory, Dakdo's easy victory is obviously much easier.

"Let's go!" At the end of the game, Xiao Luo stood up first, but the result was as he expected, but he was a bit disappointed that he didn't see the third elf of Dakdo.But in this way, Xiao Luo became more and more interested in what the other elves in Dakdo were.

After returning to the hotel and having dinner, Xiao Luo came to the Elf Center, handed the injured flame chicken to Ms. Joey for treatment, walked to the videophone, and called Dr. Oki...

The next day, Xiao Luo got up very early in the morning, woke up Xiao Liu who was still sleeping, and dragged him to the venue.From being apprehensive and even a little afraid of Dakdo at the beginning, to now impatient, this change of mood makes Xiao Luo feel a little unbelievable.

"What's wrong with you? You have to come so early!" Looking at the empty venue except for the busy waiters, Xiaoliu was very dissatisfied.

"I can't wait anymore, I really want to fight him."

After Xiao Liubai glanced at him, he had no choice but to choose a seat and sit down, ordered some breakfast casually, and ate it on his own.

Xiao Luo smiled, and ordered two according to Xiao Liu's breakfast style.

"Eat so much?" Xiao Liu was a little surprised.

"Wait, the consumption is high, eat more!"

"Are you sure you can beat him?"

Xiao Luo pondered for a while and said: "I don't know, I haven't seen his other elves, so I'm not sure at all!"

Xiao Liu sighed, "Do your best!"


After a long wait, the crowd gradually increased, and Ah Qing and Xia Yi finally arrived.When Tian Guang finally took the microphone and walked onto the high platform of the red carpet, Xiao Luo trembled slightly with excitement.

"Gentlemen, ladies, the final round of the competition is finally about to begin. Who will be the operator of the Hezhong area this year? Let us invite Xiao Luo, the representative of Qingyuan Company, and Da Keduo, the representative of Shantai Group, to enter the competition." site!"

"Xiao Luo, it's up to you!" Ah Qing patted Xiao Luo's shoulder cautiously.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I will try my best."

Xiao Luo and Dakdo walked onto the center of the field at the same time. When the field rose and stabilized, Xiao Luo said to Akdo: "Mr. Akdo, how about we have a regular game? I know this game is variable." There are many factors, but I don't want to have that kind of competition." After a pause, Xiao Luo continued: "At least I don't want to have that kind of competition with you."

Dakdo was stunned, and after a while he smiled and said, "Very well, I don't like this kind of field battle either. If it wasn't out of helplessness, I wouldn't have come to participate."

Xiao Luo also didn't want to explore the reason why Dakdo was helpless. Seeing Dakdo agree, he continued: "Six vs. six, because there is no referee, so we don't replace the elf, how about it?"

Akdo nodded: "Okay! Then my first elf is it, go, Darkrai!"

White light fell, and Darkley's cool black figure appeared on the field, staring at Xiao Luo with extremely sharp eyes.

It really is Darkrai!
Xiao Luo smiled, reached out and took out a poke ball and was about to throw it out, but at this moment, a similar figure slowly appeared opposite Darkley!
"Xiao Luo, let me come to this game!"

Xiao Luo was stunned, and after some hesitation, he put the elf ball in his hand back to its original place: "Okay, I'll leave it to you!"


Looking at the two elves on the field, even though this is a group of successful people who are flattered or humiliated, they can't help being shocked...

(End of this chapter)

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