Chapter 282 Baldy Bird Changes Again!
The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the field gradually became clear, with the figures of Flame Chicken and Genesect slowly appearing.The flame chicken had already been in the mega state, and the two elves lay face to face on the ground with their eyes closed.

"It's a tie again!" Xiao Luo smiled slightly and took out the poke ball and took the flame chicken back.Although it is still a draw, Xiao Luo's confidence has gradually grown stronger.

"Come back, Genesect!" Dakoto withdrew Genesect with a heavy face.He has lost control of the game, and his belief in winning has begun to waver.

"Go, Bi Diao!" This time, Xiao Luo was the first to take out the poke ball and throw it out.White light fell, and a huge Vulture with fierce flames burning from head to tail appeared on the field, its eyes squinted, and its arrogance was fully displayed on its face, making it look full of arrogance.

This is Bi Diao? !
Dakdo was shocked again, let alone him, no one must have seen this kind of comparison.It's hard to say that the red feathers and burning flames are very different from Bi Diao, but the incomparably huge body is far beyond Bi Diao's normal size.If it is said that this is a flame bird, some people may believe it.Because the aura emitted by Bi Diao at this moment is not weaker than that of ordinary beasts.

Gathering his mind, Dakdo took out a poke ball with a serious face and threw it high: "Come out, leave the king!"


White light fell, and an overweight elf appeared on the field.The sturdy body is like a gorilla, but it has a pig nose.As soon as he appeared, he beat his chest hard and screamed with confidence.


The leave king glanced at Bi Diao, and was not frightened by Bi Diao's size. Instead, he smiled excitedly, looking eager to try.

It turned out to be the leave king!Xiao Luo was somewhat surprised, but it was obviously not too weak to be taken out after being treasured by Dakdo for so long.But so what if it is powerful, the characteristics of the king of leave are...

Thinking of the characteristics, Xiao Luo was startled, could it be...

"Bi Diao, jet flames!"

The flames roared like pillars, hitting the leave king.

"Destruction of Death Light!"


Asking for Leave Wang opened his mouth wide, a little bit of golden light condensed, and a ray of bright light shot out directly, colliding with Bi Diao's jet flames, and stalemate for a while.


Following the furious roar of the leave king, the destructive death light surged, and the golden light rushed away as soon as the jet of flames surged, hitting Bi Diao hard.There was a violent explosion, and Bi Diao screamed and fell to the ground.

"It's now, Arm Power Fist!"

The leave king's arms glowed with dazzling white light, and his fat body started to run, rushing towards Bi Diao with full deterrent force.

how can that be!

Xiao Luo was completely shocked!Not only is it immune to the side effects of destroying the dead ray, but the trait is not lazy either!

Not the leave king of lazy traits...

Xiao Luo scolded her for a while in her heart: A king who asks for leave like Nima is not enough to see even a beast.

"Baldy bird, hurry up and avoid it!" Xiao Luo hurriedly called out Bi Diao's nickname.

The leave king has already jumped high, his arms and fists are ready to go, and he hits the bald bird fiercely.

In an emergency, the bald bird slapped its wings on the ground vigorously, and its body flew back obliquely.Leaving King's arm punch hit the ground, causing the ground to collapse, with large spider web-like cracks appearing.


The leave king didn't seem to care, and looked at the flame chicken with a smirk, waiting for Dakdo's command.


Bi Diao Diao's eyes were burning with infinite anger, and he stared fiercely at the leave king.

"Please leave the king, the mountains will fall apart!"

Asking for Leave Wang plunged his hands into the ground, raised a huge stone on the ground, and threw it hard at Bi Diao.

"Steel Wings!"

The bald bird's wings had a metallic luster, and it faced the impact of the huge stone with a resolute expression.

call out!
The steel wings are like knives, splitting the stone in two, and rushing towards the leave king with undiminished power.The leave king couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the steel wing and staggered back.

"It's now, bald bird, use the holy flame!"


The long and pointed eagle's mouth opened, and after a little power accumulation, a colorful flame spewed out from the mouth, the heat wave was billowing, and the space where it passed was beating faintly.

"Wang Po, who asked for leave, is about to die!"

call out!
A more powerful destructive death light came out from the mouth of the leave king, and it resisted the sacred flame of the bald bird.The two tricks exploded, the air wave billowed, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

"It's not over yet, bald bird, use the divine bird!"


The bald bird made a long cry and stretched its wings vigorously, and a mist of light rose from its body.

Utilize features?

Dakdo frowned slightly, intending to attack at the time when the divine bird was recharging, but the smoke and dust hadn't cleared, and the leave king couldn't capture Bi Diao's position at all.But Bi Diao's sharp eyes can see some of the actions of the leave king.

After a little contemplation, Dakdo made a decision: "Please leave the king, and use a rock to seal yourself."


The leave king roared angrily, huge boulders appeared in mid-air and fell heavily, sealing the leave king tightly.


The bald bird let out a long cry, and the divine bird launched, and the blazing white magic trick of the divine bird rushed down like a white meteor.

The rock shattered in an instant, and the bald bird hit the leave king hard.


The leave king screamed in pain and was pushed back by Bi Diao, in a panic.

"Leave the king, hold on!" Dakoto encouraged loudly.


The leave king's expression became resolute, he stood with his feet spread apart, and leaned forward, desperately resisting the impact of the divine bird.

After a while, until the edge of the field, the divine bird dissipated, and the bald bird showed its figure.

"It's now, grab it!" Dakoto commanded sharply.


Super King's strong hands hugged Bi Diao's sharp claws.Bi Diao panicked, his wings vibrated again and again and he wanted to take off, but the leave king was as stable as Mount Tai, no matter how hard the bald bird struggled, he couldn't break free from the shackles of the leave king.

"Fine, just throw it out like this."


Asking for Leave Wang's muscles bulged, and he swung Bi Diao, who was almost twice as tall as him, and flew away after spinning twice.

"It's right now, the landslides and the fissures!"

Before the bald bird landed, the leave king raised a huge boulder and threw it hard at Bi Diao.

A scream came from the mouth of the bald bird, and the bald bird was knocked to the ground by the boulder.

"Fix it, use the destroying death light!"

The king of leave opened his mouth wide, and a little golden light condensed, and a thick golden light flew out, roaring towards the bald bird.

"Baldy bird, use the holy flame!"

The bald bird struggled, opened its mouth and spewed out five-color flames, blocking the destructive death light in front of it in time.

The trick exploded, the shock wave raged, and the bald bird was overturned to the ground again.

"It's really tenacious, please leave the king, the rock is closed!"

The leave king raised his head and roared, huge boulders appeared above the bald bird and fell heavily.

"Baldy bird, hurry up and avoid it!" Xiao Luo shouted anxiously.

However, the bald bird lacks physical strength, and has not been able to avoid the attack of the rock seal.The boulders pinched the bald bird in a small space, causing the bald bird to cry out in pain again.

"Fix it, arm fist!"

The leave king's arms glowed with dazzling white light, and his fat body swayed and rushed up quickly.

"Baldy bird..." Xiao Luo roared unwillingly.

Bald Bird's half-closed eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Compared to... the carving—the carving—"

From low and intermittent to high and powerful.With Bi Diao's long cry, the flames above his head spun, which seemed to be an introduction.As the flames swirled, a large number of flames rose around the bald bird.The sudden situation and the scorching breath made the king who asked for leave couldn't help but stop and be careful.

The flames circled, forming a huge hemisphere to envelop the bald bird.


The light radiated, and the flames spread out and gathered towards the top of Bi Diao's head.The flame swayed, and the flame on top of Bi Diao's head slowly changed color, from the original red to a strange blue.The sealed boulder shattered, revealing the same blue flame at the tail.At the same time, the flames swam over Bi Diao's body, burning the feathers under the wings clean, and a thin layer of flames attached, burning low.

This series of changes shocked everyone, even Xiao Luo was no exception.

"This...what the hell is going on!" Xiao Luo murmured.

"It should be the energy contained in Phoenix King's blood essence!" After a while, Geng Gui's voice rang in Xiao Luo's mind.

"How is this possible, hasn't it changed once?"

Geng Gui chuckled and said, "You think too highly of the bald bird, how can Feng Wang's blood essence be so easily digested. This should be only a part of it, and it should appear again in the future."

"This is too scary!"

Geng Gui sighed: "The energy of that existence is terrifying, it is far from being as simple as what you see on the surface!"


Bi Diao let out a long cry, raised his wings to look around, and nodded in satisfaction.At this moment, Bi Diao is more and more similar to the flame bird.

Bi Diao glanced at the leave king, with an angry expression on his face, his huge wings stretched out, and the blue flames blazed up, setting it off with great deterrence.

(End of this chapter)

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