Chapter 283 The 1th Big Secret Revealed! ([-])

"How could this happen!" Dakoto was very depressed, but this situation suddenly appeared after seeing the victory in hand.

But Xiaolu was very excited, commanding the bald bird: "Use jet flames!"

The bald bird opened its mouth and spewed out a faint blue flame, which was far more powerful than the previous red flame.

"Destruction of Death Light!"

call out!
Leave the king to shoot out a golden ray, resisting the attack of jet flames, the two intersect and explode violently in the field.

"Steel Wings!"

Crying like a vulture, its wings glowed with metallic luster, and it rushed up through the thick smoke screen.The leave king couldn't dodge in time, was hit by the steel wing head-on, and fell to the ground.

"Damn it, please leave the king, use the landslide!"


The leave king roared, put his hands into the ground, lifted a huge rock and smashed it down hard towards Bi Diao.

"Use the holy flame after avoiding it!"

The bald bird flapped its wings vigorously, and its body rose rapidly, avoiding the attack of landslides and ground cracks.A five-color flame shot down in the air, and the target was the leave king below.

"Leave the king, hurry up and escape!"

The leave king was slow. In order to avoid the attack, he used his fat body to roll on the spot, dodging the attack of the holy flame in embarrassment.

"It's now, destroy the death light!"

call out!
Another ray of golden light shot straight out, and the bald bird tried to dodge, but his wings were scratched, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Arm punch!"


The bald bird was injured, and the king who asked for leave was greatly excited, and rushed forward with a strange cry, waving his flooded arms.

"Damn it, holy flame!"


Bi Diao screamed angrily, and colorful flames spewed out quickly.

"Leave the king, come on!"


Receiving the trainer's instruction, the leave king's eyes showed fierce light and forcibly attacked against the huge damage of the sacred flame, his muscles swelled, and his arm fist swung out angrily, hitting Bi Diao's head, and there was a muffled sound that made people's teeth ache. , the bald bird was knocked to the ground from a distance, and lost the ability to fight without a hum.

After defeating the bald bird, the king half-knelt on the ground, gasping for breath.The chest was pitch black, and it was obvious that the sacred flame had seriously injured it.

Just when Xiao Luo was sad and Dakdo's brows were relaxed, a flame suddenly rose from Wang Wang's body, causing Wang Wang to cry out in pain.After the flames passed, the half-kneeling leave king finally fell to the ground, also losing his ability to fight.


Both Xiao Luo and Dakdo thought of these two words at the same time.Xiao Luo was surprised, while Dakdo frowned deeply.

"Come back, bald bird (leave king)!" The two took the elf back at the same time.

After taking back the bald bird, Xiao Luo confidently said to Duck: "It's the last game, let's decide the winner!"

Dakoto shook his head, sighed and said, "Forget it, I give up!"

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, and said with an extremely surprised expression: "What did you say?"

Dakdo smiled: "Forget it, that's it, you won this game."


Dakdo shook his head, turned around and signaled to Hirono to give up the game.

"The representative of Shantai Group gave up the competition, so this round of competition will be won by Qingyuan Company! Congratulations to Qingyuan Company for being the champion of this competition!" Shan Ye announced with high emotion.

When the playing field slowly landed, Xiao Luo still couldn't help asking Darko: "Can you tell me what your sixth elf is?"

Darko took a look at Xiao Luo and said with a smile: "If you want to know, come to the Fairy Center to find me at night!"

After the high platform stabilized, Dakto waved to Xiao Luo, and walked out of the luxurious venue alone.

Xiao Luo walked back to her seat very depressed.

"It's amazing, Xiao Luo, it's really surprising that you can actually defeat Dakoto!" Xiao Liu said excitedly.

"Thank you!"

Although Ah Qing's expression was calm, his flickering eyes still betrayed his excited heart.Qingyuan company won the championship, which means that as long as they have challenged the guardians, they will have the right to manage this year.Although the guardian is very strong, in Ah Qing's opinion, he is still far behind Dakdo.If Xiao Luo can defeat Dakdo, he can easily defeat the guardian.The management right that he has worked hard for several years is now in his pocket, so he couldn't help being excited.

Xiao Luo waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome.

Xia Yi smiled and handed over a glass of Coke: "I just ordered it for you, and the iced one is just right!"

"Thank you!"

Xiao Luo smiled softly, took two gulps of the Coke, and the cold stimulation spread from her throat to her body, which relieved Xiao Luo's depressed mood a lot.

Seeing Xiao Luo's expression, Xiao Liu chuckled and said, "The sixth elf who is entangled with Dakota?"

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him and said, "Nonsense, I don't believe you don't want to know what his sixth elf is!"

Xiao Liu shrugged and said, "I really want to know, but you don't seem to have thought of another result?"

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "What other result?"

"Perhaps... there are only five elves in Dakoto!"

Xiao Luo froze, then shook her head and said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ah Qing said at this moment: "Is it possible that his sixth elf is very ordinary? Like the initial elf."

Ah Qing's words stunned everyone present.

Xiao Liu nodded: "This is very possible!"

Xiao Luo also had to admit that this statement was indeed very possible.

"Forget it, don't guess." Xiao Luo waved his hand and said, "He asked me to go to the elf center at night, and then we will know what elf it is."

Xiao Liu asked, "Why did he ask you to go to the elf center at night?"

"do not know!"

Hearing that Dakdo asked Xiao Luo to meet at the Fairy Center, Ah Qing frowned, and said to Xiao Luo: "Let Xiao Liu bring some more people to go with you at night!"

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "What's wrong?"

A Qing explained: "Dakdo is a member of the Santai Group. I know this group. It's not clean!"

Xiao Luo naturally understands the meaning of uncleanness. Xiao Luo is a little surprised to hear this kind of news suddenly, but he disagrees with letting Xiaoliu take people to follow him: "Forget it, I'll go by myself. There are too many people. good!"

Ah Qing wanted to persuade her, but Xiao Luo stretched out her hand to stop her: "Don't worry, with Geng Gui and Celebi here, everything will be fine."

Ah Qing had no choice but to nod and said: "Then I will send someone to follow you in the dark, so that we can be notified in time if something happens."

"Well, that's it!" Xiao Luo took another sip of Coca-Cola and asked, "When will the Challenge of the Guardians start?"

Xiaoliu replied: "Tomorrow at noon!"

"Then let's go, the bald birds are seriously injured, let's go to the elf center first!"

Ah Qing nodded: "Let Xiaoliu go with you, I still have something to do here."

Ah Qing's matter is naturally commercial, and Xiao Luo doesn't care about it.He took Xia Yi, the three of them and Xiao Liu together and left the venue.

After handing over the injured elf to Miss Joy, Xiao Luo was forcibly dragged into the street by Xia Yi, and went shopping in a clothing store.Although the original intention was to help Xiao Luo buy more clothes, but after shopping around, she actually bought more clothes than Xiao Luo.

When it was dark, Xiao Luo came to the elf center and waited for Dakdo's arrival.More than half an hour later, Dakdo appeared at the door of the Elf Center, and Xiao Luo hurried up: "Are you here?"

Dakoto just smiled: "Wait a minute!"

Xiao Luo scratched her head in embarrassment: "I just arrived too!"

Dakoto didn't expose him, pointing to an empty table in the elf center and said, "Let's go over there and talk."

"it is good!"

After the two sat down, Dakdo pondered for a while and said, "Let's have an open and honest talk. I know you are very interested in me, and I am also very interested in you. Well, I will do whatever you want to know." I'll tell you, but I want you to answer a few questions for me, too."

Xiao Luo frowned slightly, but finally nodded in agreement, and said, "The first thing I want to know is what is your sixth elf?"

Dakoto smiled: "If I don't tell you, you probably won't be able to sleep for several days!"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "That's true!"

Duck shook his head, took out an elf ball and showed it to Xiao Luo: "My sixth one is also my initial elf, I hope you won't be too surprised!"

The elf ball was opened in the hand, and the gold powder was sprinkled. A elf exuding a cold aura appeared beside the two of them...

"Flash...Flash...Flash Zoroark!" Little Luo couldn't speak in surprise, and that strange purple hair made Xiao Luo so shocked that it was hard to add.

Zoroark is an elf that is even rarer than dragon elves, and the shining Zoroark is even rarer in a thousand years. This kind of elf is even rarer than divine beasts.

Dakoto quickly put away the flashing Zoroark: "This is also the reason why I gave up the game. If Zoroark appeared in that situation, I might not be able to keep it."

Xiao Luo turned pale and asked, "You mean someone will snatch it?"

Dakoto nodded: "My elf is too eye-catching, and many people have noticed me. If it weren't for the help of Santai Group, I might not have existed in this world long ago."


 Big reveal, big reveal, I will introduce the origins of Dakdo mythical beasts one by one, and start to reveal the dark side, the excitement is brewing, just click to recommend and subscribe... All kinds of requests! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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