Chapter 285 Conflict!

At noon the next day, Xiao Luo and his party came to the venue to prepare for the final challenge.

After talking nonsense for a while, Hirono finally announced: "Now, the representative of Qingyuan Company is invited to board the venue."

Xiao Luo got up, and Shi Shiran walked onto the field. He had been waiting for a long time to fight against Tuohui, and it was time to avenge Xia Yi.

As Xiao Luo stepped onto the playing field and stood still, Hirono shouted loudly again: "Now, Mr. Tuohui, the guardian, is invited to play!"

However, after the sparse applause, Tuohui did not appear.After a long time, Hirono shouted again with some doubts: "Mr. Tuohui is invited to play!"

Still no one!

Many people began to whisper to each other, but when Hirono didn't know how to deal with it, the champion Adek suddenly appeared, walked to Hirono and whispered a few words, and took the microphone with Hiroye's surprised expression: "Haha, because Takuya Mr. Hui is not feeling well, so he cannot participate in today's competition. After discussion with the upper echelon of the chamber of commerce, it was decided that Qingyuan Company would directly win."

The scene suddenly became noisy, and some people even shouted: "Why? This is not fair, why should Qingyuan Company directly win!"

"That is, no matter how powerful the representatives of Qingyuan Company are, they will only know after they have been compared."

"It's about why Tuohui can't play? We need a reasonable explanation!"


"Everyone, don't be impatient!" Adek said after appeasing everyone: "Here, I can guarantee in the name of the champion that the representative of Qingyuan Company—Xiao Luo, is definitely stronger than Tuohui. No matter what means Tuohui uses, there is no possibility of victory. As for why Mr. Tuohui cannot appear, this is Mr. Tuohui's personal right, which is not within our management. Tuohui is only a guard, not the leader of the chamber of commerce. In addition, There is one more thing to announce to everyone. After the Chamber of Commerce Competition is over, Tuohui will no longer serve as the Guardian of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. A new Guardian is being selected, but I can guarantee on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce that it will definitely not affect the competition next year! Alright, this year's chamber of commerce league competition is over, so let's leave if you have nothing to do."

After Adek made the announcement resolutely, he was about to leave the stage. Some dissatisfied people were about to protest loudly, but Adek's sharp eyes swept over them, and those people immediately smiled embarrassingly and died down.Under the strong suppression of the champion, the big competition ended hastily like this, and Qingyuan Company suddenly obtained the management right.

This also made Ah Qing and Xiao Liu feel overwhelmed for a while.

On the contrary, Xiao Luo was extremely depressed, he didn't understand why Tuo Hui suddenly gave up the game, and he didn't even show up.But at this point in the matter, Xiao Luo had no choice but to walk off the field, and sat in his seat depressed.

"We... just won like this?" Xiao Liu still couldn't believe it.

"What else do you want?" Xiao Luo gave him an angry look.

"Hehe, it's fine if you win, and then there's nothing else to do. Xiaoliu, you can take Xiao Luo and the others back first, the rest is my business."

Xiao Liu nodded, stood up and said to Xiao Luo, "Let's go, go back first, even if you think about it, you don't want to stay here."

Xiao Luo nodded, and noticed Dakdo from afar as soon as he got up.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly and walked towards Dakdo.

"Xiao Luo..." Xiao Liu yelled hesitantly, but Xiao Luo ignored him and walked straight in front of Dakdo: "Dakdo, let's go together!"

When Xiao Luo invited Dakdo, he naturally looked at the two people who were at the same table with Dakdo.One is a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a cold expression, and the other is a bald old man in his sixties with a somewhat thin figure.

Dakdo glanced at the middle-aged man and the old man, stood up after hesitating for a while, and planned to leave with Xiao Luo.

Just as Xiao Luo was about to leave with Dakdo, several strong men in black sitting next to him stood up and stood in front of Xiao Luo.

"Dakdo, where are you going?" the middle-aged man asked with a gloomy expression.

Xiao Luo smiled and turned her head, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" The middle-aged man stood up, his tall figure looked down at Xiao Luo and said, "The person who wants to take me away still asks what I mean?"

On the other side, Ah Qing's face darkened when he saw this scene, and he said to Xiaoliu: "Go and have a look!"

Xiao Liu nodded and walked over, followed by several strong men in black.


"Your person?" Xiao Luo smiled and said, "What is your person? I don't remember that Duck said it was your person?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "We owe a three-year contract, and Dakota will serve Santai Group for three more years!"

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and looked at Dakdo, who sighed and nodded slightly.

"The contract is invalid!" Xiao Luo looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I have to take Dakdo away today!"

"It's up to you!" Following the middle-aged man's voice, the men in black took a step forward in unison, the threat was self-evident.

At this time, Xiaoliu came over, and the strong black man opened the way, forcing him to push away the man in black who was standing in front of Xiaoluo.

"Uncle Xiaosaburo, Grandpa Yoshizawa!" Xiaoliu greeted the two respectfully.

After the old man nodded slightly to Xiaoliu, he continued to close his eyes and rest, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"You came just in time!" Xiao Saburo said to Xiao Liu, "Look who you invited, who actually wanted to take Dakoto away forcibly. Could it be that your Qingyuan company has taken a fancy to Dakoto's elves and wants to Take it for yourself?"

Xiaoliu's face darkened, and the uncle stopped barking, and said, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Saburo looked directly at Xiao Liudao, "I still want to ask what you mean?"

"Hey, only your Qingyuan company can do such a blatant robbery." Zhenze led a group of people up, sarcastically speaking.

"Fatty man, what's the matter with you here?" A beautiful young girl came up with a young man, followed by a group of burly bodyguards, who gave the fat man a sideways look with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Ah Xuan?" Masawa asked in surprise, "Why do you..."

"What should I do?" Axuan said angrily to Masawa: "You are everywhere, what are you talking about, be careful that your father breaks your legs."

Hearing that Axuan mentioned her father, Masawa shrank her head and kept silent.

After subduing Maze, Axuan turned to Xiaosaburo and said, "Little Saburo, you have gone too far. Are you not afraid that Uncle Zeyuan will trouble you by slandering Qingyuan Company?"

"Ze Yuan?" Xiao Sanlang snorted, "Will he still take care of Qingyuan Company's affairs?"

Axuan smiled and said, "Do you want to try? I'll call Uncle Zeyuan right away!"

After Axuan finished speaking, the boy behind him handed over an ultra-thin notebook. Axuan took it, opened the notebook, looked at Xiaosaburo with a smile and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

Xiao Saburo frowned, snorted heavily, and stopped talking.

Axuan closed the notebook, handed it back, and said to Xiao Saburo with deep meaning: "Let Da Ke go with Xiao Luo more, don't cause trouble for yourself!"

"Dakdo can't leave!" Ji Ze, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, finally spoke, his voice was flat, but with an unquestionable majesty.

As the old man Ji Ze opened his mouth, the man in black who belonged to him immediately took out the poke ball and made it bigger in his hand.Xiaoliu's people and Ah Xuan's people also took out pokemon balls and confronted them.

Others in the field watched the development of the situation with great interest.

At this time, Ah Qing couldn't sit still anymore, and walked over with Xia Yi and the three: "Grandpa Ji Ze, Xiao Luo and Duck are just exchanging some competition experience together, what are you worried about?"

Ji Ze took a look at Ah Qing and said, "Don't be sloppy with me, I told Dakdo not to leave!"

Ah Qing said with a smile: "Grandpa Ji Ze, do you think you can stop the two of them from leaving?"

Ji Ze cast a disdainful look at Xiao Luo and Duck and said, "You can try it!"

Although he said he was trying, his tone was very firm.

Ah Qing frowned, leaned over to Ji Ze's ear and said, "Xiao Luo is not simple, you'd better not make yourself angry!"

Ji Ze snorted angrily, and said full of hostility: "We Santai are not afraid of things, Dakoto must not leave!"

Xiao Luo became angry, and said in a deep voice, "What if I insist on taking him away?"

Ji Ze smiled sadly and said, "Then I will stay with you!"

"What a big breath!"

At the entrance, a mid-air voice suddenly sounded, which made people look sideways!

 Guess who! !Wow, the pretense mode is starting...

(End of this chapter)

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