Chapter 286 The first fifty-eighth is strong!

"Father, brother!" Xia Yi cheered and ran up quickly.

"Silly girl, are you okay!" Wu Gang hugged Xia Yi lightly, stroking in pain.

Xia Yijiao smiled and said, "What can I do!"

"He said it's okay, come and have a look!" Wu Gang asked Xia Yi to push away, and brushed her hair to observe carefully.The wound is still not healed, and the scars are clearly visible.

Wu Gang snorted angrily, and said inexplicably: "It's really cheap for him!"

Xia Yi asked suspiciously, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Wu Gang shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go, go and see what trouble Xiao Luo has encountered."

Xia Yi nodded, followed closely behind Wu Gang, walked side by side with Hughes, and said with a smile on his face, "Brother, Sister Ah Xuan is here too!"

"I'm not blind, I see it." As he said that, Hughes gave Xia Yi a hard look, causing Xia Yi to smile coquettishly.

"Uncle Wu Gang!" Ah Xuan and his younger brother hurriedly greeted Wu Gang, who looked at Hughes shyly again and said, " are here too?"

Hughes smiled and nodded at her.

Wu Gang asked with a smile: "What? This time you brought your brother to participate in the competition again?"

"Well, if he insists on coming, my dad can't control it, so I'll take a look with him."

Wu Gang nodded and said with a deep smile: "Come to my house as a guest when you have time, I will ask Hughes to take you to have a good time."

Ah Xuan was overjoyed, and said anxiously: "Really!?"

"Ahem..." Ah Xuan's younger brother coughed hastily.

Ah Xuan came back to his senses, his face became more rosy, both cute and charming.

"Hehe, can I still lie to you? He won't be traveling recently, right Hughes!" Wu Gang looked at Hughes.

Hughes' scalp was numb for a while, and his handsome face showed a little embarrassment: "Yes... yes, I will be at home all the time recently!"

"Then...then..." Ah Xuan seemed to say that he would go as soon as the matter was over, but he couldn't say it because of the reservedness of a girl.

"Has Brother Hughes been at home recently?" Ah Xuan's younger brother's eyes lit up and said, "Then I will ask my sister to take me there after this is over, and I will challenge you when the time comes."

Hughes smiled and said: "You are still so belligerent, okay, welcome anytime."

Xiaoliu and Ah Qing followed closely to say hello to Wu Gang. Wu Gang took a deep look at Ah Qing and said, "You are fine, much better than Hughes."

Ah Qing naturally understood what Wu Gang meant, and said, "I hope to be as free as Hughes, but it's a pity..."

Wu Gang sighed slightly, and patted Ah Qing on the shoulder to express his comfort.Finally, Wu just asked Xiao Luo with a smile: "Are you in trouble again?"

Xiao Luo blushed slightly and said, "It's not really a trouble!"

"Then what are you talking about?"

Xiao Luo muttered softly, "At least they don't count."

Wu Gang joked: "Then why don't you solve it?"

Xiao Luo pursed her lips and said, "I don't want to trouble Xiaoliu and the others, otherwise it would have been resolved long ago!"

Wu Gang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly and said, "I really don't know how to say hello, you are always so strong, isn't the Rockets making you suffer enough!"

"The Rockets didn't let me down!"

"You, you should be more mature, not all problems can be solved with elves!"

Just as Xiao Luo wanted to refute, Mei gently tugged on his sleeve and shook his head as a signal.Xiao Luo was taken aback, lowered her head, and said softly, "Got it."

Wu Gang glanced at Mei in surprise, then turned his gaze to Yoshizawa, completely ignoring the existence of Kosaburo.

"Jize, can't you change your youthful temperament even though you are old?"

"I can't change it, and I don't want to change it." Ji Ze stood up and looked at Wu Gang, "You want to stand up for him?"

"He is my daughter's companion!" After a pause, Wu Gang continued: "My daughter cares about him very much!"

"I don't care about him, anyway Dakdo can't leave!"

"Old man, I have endured you for a long time, do you really think I am afraid of you? Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo was completely angry.

A circle of blue fluorescent light diffused, restraining all the strong men in black from the Santai Group. As Geng Gui glared, the strong man in black flew back quickly as if he had been hit hard, and knocked over several seats. He fell to the ground in embarrassment and couldn't get up again.

The blue fluorescence reappeared, and Geng Gui looked at Yoshizawa to restrain him.

The sound of the poke ball opening sounded, a white light sprinkled in front of Yoshizawa, a beard appeared in front of Yoshizawa, and a blue-green protective cover appeared to protect Yoshizawa when he stretched out his hands.


At the same time, a huge giant pincer mantis burst out suddenly, and hit Geng Gui fiercely with its giant claws glowing with white fluorescence.

Darkley rushed out instantly, knocking the Giant Pincer Mantis into the air in embarrassment.

Two middle-aged men in ninja costumes suddenly appeared in front of Yoshizawa and protected him behind him. Hu Di and Giant Pincer Mantis stood in front of them.In addition, the two still held a poke ball in their hands, watching Xiao Luo cautiously.

"Hmph, Gengar, Darkrai, solve them!"

Geng Gui and Darkley joined hands at the same time, and a pitch-black energy ball gradually formed in their hands...

"Stop!" Wu Gang shouted sharply.

At this moment, Wu Gang was extremely majestic, and because of his extremely special identity, Geng Gui and Darkley stopped after being stunned, and the energy ball slowly dissipated in their hands.

"Hmph, good, good! It seems that you are really planning to fight against our Santai Group." Ji Ze looked at Xiao Luo with a gloomy face.

"Xiao Luo..." Duck called out hesitantly, he was very moved, but he really didn't want to cause trouble for Xiao Luo.

"It's okay, don't forget, I also have a backer, if it doesn't work, I will kill them three Thais tomorrow."

"Jize, let Dakdo leave for my sake, and pretend that today's incident didn't happen, don't get burned by being obsessed!" Wu Gang also had a gloomy face.

Yoshizawa smiled sinisterly and said: "Today, no one will give face, they will never leave! Little Saburo!"

Xiao Saburo snorted coldly, and clapped his palms hard three times, and then a large group of strong men in black rushed in, holding various submachine guns in their hands, and some even carried huge cannon barrels. Several people held high-tech laser guns in their hands.The gloomy guns and cannons were all aimed at Xiao Luo and the others.

Everyone's colors changed, and the people watching the theater panicked. When they were greeted with a smile, Celebi and Latias showed their figures together, guarding Xiao Luo.Xiao Luo even put his hand on the Bead of the Origin of the Demon, and looked at Ji Ze with a gloomy expression.

"Celebi, Latias! Haha... good, good!" Ji Ze excitedly said, "Catch them, don't let them go!"

"Presumptuous!" A majestic shout resounded throughout the venue.

Afterwards, a group of people walked out from the inside led by a middle-aged man with a square face.What surprised people the most was that the champion Adek and the president of the chamber of commerce followed behind the middle-aged man with a respectful expression.

The middle-aged man walked straight, and the strong man in black who was blocking the road couldn't bear the majesty, so he couldn't help giving way
"This is the Hezhong area, not your Fengyuan area!" The middle-aged man looked directly at Yoshizawa and said angrily, "What do you mean by bringing your stuff to Hezhong?"

Ji Ze's face changed instantly. He knew the person in front of him: " come you are here!"

"Is it necessary for me to report to you?" The middle-aged man gave Ji Ze a hard look, "The person who brought you get out immediately, don't force him to make a move."

Ji Ze's face changed again and again, and finally surrendered to the man's lust, and said in a hateful voice: "Let's go!"

The man in black appeared very quickly and disappeared very quickly.Under the leadership of Yoshizawa and Kosaburo, a group of people quickly disappeared from sight.

Just as the middle-aged man appeared, Mei kept shrinking behind Xiao Luo and Dakdo, trying to hide herself.

The middle-aged man soon noticed Mei's little movements, and said angrily, "What are you hiding? Did you hide? Get out!"

Yayi trembled all over, walked out with a bitter face, then changed his face instantly, pretending to be happy and rushed up: "Dad, you are here, I miss you so much!" Then he hugged the middle-aged man .

The middle-aged man's face immediately softened, his eyes showed love, but he still looked stern, and shouted: "What do you look like, stand up!"

Yai shivered, hugged the middle-aged man's arm with an aggrieved face and said coquettishly: "Dad, you have been so fierce since you haven't seen me for so long, am I your biological daughter?"

"I also wonder if you are my biological daughter!" The middle-aged man said unhappily, "He ran away from home for more than a year without saying hello. Is there anyone like you who is a daughter?"

Mei lowered her head and muttered, "I've never seen you being a father like this!"

"What are you talking about?!" The man gave Mei a sharp look.

"I said I miss you so much, Dad, and I miss Mom too!"


(End of this chapter)

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