Chapter 287 Something Happened Again!

The middle-aged man snorted and said, "I miss me so much, I don't know how to go home and have a look. If I don't come, you won't see me, right?"

"How come, I came back just to go home and visit your elder brother!" Mei said with a weird girl look.

The middle-aged man looked at her with an expression of believing that you have a ghost.

"I will teach you a good lesson later, just stay there!"

"Oh!" Mei obediently stood aside.

"Wu Gang?" The middle-aged man looked at Wu Gang and asked.

Wu Gang said in shock: "Could it be that you are..."

The middle-aged man nodded: "I know about Tuohui's matter, let's forget about it, you have taught him a lesson, don't be too heartless."

Wu Gang nodded helplessly: "I know!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and turned his gaze to Xiao Luo and Dakdo.

Mei rushed up, hugged the middle-aged man's arm and said, "Father, his name is Xiao Luo, he is my traveling partner, and he is a very powerful trainer!"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes at Mei Yi, looked at Geng Gui and the other elves, and then said to Xiao Luo and Darko: "You are very good, work hard, I am waiting for your challenge!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Mei opened his mouth wide, but Adek and those who knew the man's identity also opened their mouths wide in shock.

Xiao Luo and Duckdo looked puzzled, they didn't know the identity of the middle-aged man, and some didn't understand what he meant.But the middle-aged man didn't give them a chance to speak, and continued: "Okay, you guys hurry up and be careful, Santai Group won't let you off so easily."

Ah Qing hurriedly said to Xiao Liu next to him: "Xiao Liu, take Xiao Luo and Da Keduo away first!"

Xia Yi and Ke Er also wanted to leave, but Wu Gang suddenly said: "Xia Yi, your mother misses you, come home with me first. And Ke Er, you should go back and see your grandpa too! "

Xia Yi was taken aback, seeing his father's serious expression, he could only nod in response.Cole hugged Xia Yi's arm with an aggrieved expression, not knowing what to do.

"Father, I..." Mei also wanted to leave with Xiao Luo.

The middle-aged man almost shouted: "Isn't it enough to be wild outside for a year?"

Yai lowered his head aggrieved, and seeing Mei's expression, the middle-aged man suddenly softened his heart, and tried his best to whisper to Yai: "Stay at home with your mother for a few days, if you really can't stay here, if you want to go out, go directly Tell me, I won't object to your traveling."

Mei raised her head in surprise, hugged the middle-aged man's neck, almost hung her whole body on him, and said, "Long live Dad!"

"Come down, you don't look like a girl at all, look at Wu Gang's daughter, why don't you learn a little bit!" Although the middle-aged man was blaming, his face was full of smiles.

Mei Yi didn't care about the middle-aged man's words, and shouted to Xiao Luo's far away back: "Xiao Luo, wait for me at Uncle Liu's house, I will find you!"

Xiao Luo waved her hand without looking back.

After leaving the entrance of the venue, Xiao Luo asked Xiao Liu, "Who is Mei's father?"

Xiao Liu shrugged and said, "I really don't know such a big man!"

Xiao Luo frowned: "Looks like I'll have to ask Yai some other day!"

Xiao Liu asked: "What do you two plan to go back to the hotel first?"

Xiao Luo looked up at Duck and said, "What do you mean?"

Dakdodao is still in a daze now, he didn't expect to get out of the control of Santai Group so easily, after hearing Xiao Luo's question, he said casually: "I don't care!"

Xiao Luo pondered for a while, and said to Xiao Liu: "It's better to go back to the hotel. For the sake of unnecessary trouble, let's go directly to Kaji Town, and then go to Tianwang Mountain."

Xiao Liu seemed to have guessed Xiao Luo's thoughts, nodded calmly and said, "Then I won't see you off."

Afterwards, Xiaoliu took out a bank card and handed it to Xiaoluo, saying, "My brother asked me to give it to you. My brother is an ordinary person, so he can only thank you in this way. Otherwise, let me see and wait for you." I will thank you very much when I come out of Tianwang Mountain." Saying that, Xiaoliu put away his bank card as a gesture.

"Damn!" Xiao Luo snatched the bank card over, "How about ordinary people, I just like your brother, and you and your brother are far from each other."

Xiaoliu said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I knew you would do this!"

Xiao Luo smiled, put away the bank card and waved to Xiao Liu: "We're leaving, goodbye!"

"Xiao Luo!"


"We are friends forever!"

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "We are not friends..."

Just when Xiao Luo showed a startled expression, Xiao Luo gave him a light punch and said: "We are brothers!"

Xiao Liu smiled happily: "Well, brother, forever brother!"

"Let's go!" Xiao Luo waved away.

"Remember to come to me when you come back from Tianwang Mountain, I'll be waiting for you in Hualan City!" Xiao Liu shouted at Xiao Luo's back.


Dakdo turned his head to look at Xiao Liu who was still watching the two, smiled and said to Xiao Luo: "You have a good relationship with him!"

"Well, he is very nice, he is not as dandy as an ordinary son!"

Duck nodded: "It can be seen that the two brothers are very good."

Xiao Luo nodded, and then said: "Go back to Kaji Town to meet my master first, and then go to Tianwang Mountain together!"

"Your master?"

"Liu Bo from the Kaji gymnasium is my master!"

"The owner of the gymnasium is your master?" Dakdo was somewhat surprised.For trainers of their level, gym training is nothing.

Xiao Luo just laughed: "Don't underestimate my master, his strength is unfathomable, I guess the average champion is no match for him!"

Dakdo was stunned and asked, "Regional champion?"

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Could it be the league champion?"

Dakoto smiled sarcastically and remained silent.

After walking for a while, seeing that there were many fewer people around, Xiao Luo said: "Fly over, walking is too tiring."

Dakoto nodded, took out a poke ball and opened it in his hand: "Come out, Latios!"

White light fell, and Latios appeared in front of the two of them.Dakoto turned over and sat on it. Just when Xiao Luo wanted to climb up Latios, Latias suddenly appeared and yelled at Xiao Luo coquettishly.

Lattios looked surprised at the sudden appearance of Lattias, and called out to Lattios a few times. After a few responses, Lattios lowered his body and signaled Xiao Luo to come up.

Xiao Luo was also polite, and neatly climbed onto Latios's back.The two elves, known for their speed, charged up, flew up and down, and carried Dakoto and Xiao Luo towards the direction of Kaji Town with the interest of playing.

After a long flight, two spirits appeared over the Chengdu area.Just when the two were about to reach the sky above Kaji Town, a large-billed gull rushed forward at a high speed, with some obvious scars on its body.



The speed of both sides was extremely fast, and Lattios was young, and in a panic, he turned over to avoid the big-billed gull.But this turning over threw Xiao Luo down.Scared Xiao Luo out of his wits.Fortunately, Latios of Dakdo reacted quickly, and hurriedly swooped down to hold Xiao Luo in his arms.


Blue fluorescence appeared on the surface of Xiao Luo's body, and controlled Xiao Luo to fly up.

"what happened?"

Xiao Luo looked at the toucoped gull that had stopped in shock.


Latios yelled at Xiao Luo with a guilty expression on his face.

"It's okay, it's not your fault!" Xiao Luo comforted Latios while stroking her.


Seeing Xiao Luo, the big-billed gull actually showed a surprised expression, and called out anxiously at Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo was puzzled, a little confused.

"It's Jingjing's big-billed gull!" Geng Gui's voice was also a little surprised.

"Jingjing?" Xiao Luo exclaimed, "What happened to Jingjing?"


"Something happened to Jingjing!" Geng Gui translated with a heavy voice.

"What, what happened?" She still had a good impression of Jingjing Xiaoluo, who had a bit of a manly personality.

"What's the matter, Xiao Luo?" Duckdo asked beside him.

"This big-billed gull is my friend's elf, something must have happened to my friend!"

Dakoto frowned: "Then go and have a look, let the big-billed gull lead the way, and Latios and Ladias should be able to catch up quickly with the speed."

Xiao Luo nodded, and said to Big-billed Ou: "Where is Jingjing? Take us there!"


The big-billed gull screamed, flapped its wings and flew in the direction it came from.

"Go, Ladias!" Xiao Luo sat on Ladias again. "Follow the Big-billed Gull!"


(End of this chapter)

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