Chapter 288 Traveling Through Time and Space!

Although the big-billed gull was injured, it was still flying very fast. Not long after, the three elves passed through Chengdu and entered the Kanto region.Soon, a tall lighthouse appeared in front of the two of them.

It really is here.

Xiao Luo frowned when he saw Zhenghui's lighthouse. There was an incredibly huge fast dragon here.If Jingjing and Fang Tian's accident has something to do with it, it will be a big trouble.

Xiao Luo patted Latios on the neck, motioning it to lean towards Latias.

Because of the wind, Xiao Luo had no choice but to shout loudly to Dakdo: "Things may be troublesome!"

Duck asked, "What's wrong?"

"There is a huge fast dragon here. If this matter has something to do with it, we can't deal with it at all!"

Dakdo asked in surprise, "How big is it?"

Xiao Luo smiled wryly: "It is estimated to be dozens of times that of a normal fast dragon!"

Duck opened his mouth wide, and after taking a few sips, he said, "No way?!"

"You will know when the time comes. In short, you should be prepared first, and don't be caught off guard when the time comes!"

Dakdo nodded blankly.

The large-billed gull directly passed the lighthouse and flew towards the center of the sea. After ten minutes of flying at extreme speed, a desolate island came into sight.


After the big-billed gull turned around and called twice, it landed slowly towards the island.Latios and Latias followed closely behind.

"Here?" Xiao Luo and Dakdo looked around, the island was deserted and there was nothing.

"Quack~" The big-billed gull flew to the edge of the island, pointed at the water and yelled twice, then folded its wings and plunged into it.


Without any hesitation, Xiao Luo jumped onto Latias' back and hugged its neck tightly.


After Lattios flew a little high, he rushed headlong into the icy sea water. Xiao Luo held his breath and closed his eyes tightly.

"This... is too messy! Let's go too, Latios!"

Latios swept past Dakoto, and Dakoto ran a few steps, riding firmly on Latios' neck.


With a clear cry from Latios, a light blue shield appeared, and Latios rushed down and submerged in the sea water.With a shield to resist the sea water, Dakdo looked relaxed and freehand.

Soon, Latios caught up with Latias and gave him a few soft calls. After Latias nodded, energy surged, and a faint blue energy shield drove away the sea water to protect him and Xiaoluo. up.

After Xiao Luo couldn't feel the sea water, Xiao Luo slowly opened her eyes.


Latias yelled at Xiao Luo in a fawning manner.

Xiao Luo reached out and touched the shield, and praised sincerely: "It's amazing!"


Just as Xiao Luo was looking at the situation in the sea curiously, two green shields appeared around Latias, they were the two Celebi.After Celebi, there are two dark shields, one is Darkley's pitch-black shield, and the other is a dark purple shield, inside the shield is actually...

Xiao Luo rubbed her eyes in disbelief, that's right, Geng Gui was actually inside that shield.

When did it learn this?Little Luo seemed surprised that Geng Gui could use the energy shield.

After going down to a certain level, a huge stone cave appeared in front of them, the large-billed gulls had already dived into the group, and Latios and Latias also followed after obtaining the consent of Dakoto and Xiao Luo.

The stone cave is slanted upwards, but fortunately the entrance of the cave is huge, and it doesn't look crowded when Latios and Latias walk side by side.

After a while, several elves broke through the water one after another, and the surroundings were dark, and Xiao Luo didn't know what was going on around him.


The large-billed gull called twice again, which was extremely loud in the darkness.

"Cresselia, use the flash!"

White light fell, and Cresselia immediately used the flash skill after appearing, releasing dazzling white light from her body, finally illuminating the cave.The cave is not big, and the strange rocks are rugged, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"Xiao Luo, look there!" Duckdo suddenly said.

Xiao Luo looked in the direction Dakdo pointed, and immediately yelled out in surprise: "The space gate!"

"Quack quack..."

The big-billed gull pointed at the space door and called out hastily.

Geng Gui translated: "It said that Jingjing and Fang Tian encountered danger only after entering here."

Xiao Luo greeted Duck and said, "Go, go and have a look!"

The two walked to the door of the space together, Xiao Luo was about to go in but was held back by Dakdo: "Think carefully, it may be dangerous inside, and it's not certain whether there is a way out on the other side."

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Luo firmly said: "You must go in and have a look. Jingjing and Fang Tian are still inside. And since the Big-billed Gull can come out, it means that there must be a two-way door inside, and nothing will happen."

Dakdo said: "That can't be so rash, first let my Celebi go in and have a look."

"That's not necessary!" Xiao Luo shook off Dakdo and walked in. Geng Gui and the other elves flew in without any hesitation.

"This guy!"

After a little hesitation, Dakdo also followed in.

Passing through the space door, one can see a strange scene. The whole space is full of trees and lush grass.Whether it is trees or grass, there are obvious traces of insects.

Not far from the space gate, there were obvious traces of a fierce battle. Around a huge deep pit, there were several elves lying in disorder.

Giant marsh monster!
Xiao Luo found Jingjing's giant marsh monster, and ran over in a panic.

Just when Xiao Luo wanted to check the situation of the giant marsh monster, he found Fang Tian and Jingjing in the middle of the deep pit.Fang Tian lay on Jingjing's body and hugged her body tightly in his arms.Both of them had scars all over their bodies, and their clothes were stained with blood.

"Jingjing, Fang Tian!" Xiao Luo exclaimed, and hurried down.

However, the two were indifferent to Xiao Luo's shout.

"Fang Tian..." Xiao Luo stretched out his hand to push Fang Tian, ​​and it was cold.

Hearing Xiao Luo's yelling, Dakdo hurriedly followed, stretched out his hand to test the tip of their noses and shook his head, "He's already dead!"

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, her hands and feet were cold, and after a long time, Xiao Luo shouted: "How is it possible, how can people in this world die so easily? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Who? Who did it?" Xiao Luo roared angrily and rushed out of the pit, "Who the hell? Come out... come out for me..."

"Xiao Luo, calm down!" Dakoto hugged the crazy Xiao Luo tightly.

"How do you tell me to calm down, they are my friends, they are my friends..." As she said that, Xiao Luo began to cry, "Woo... woo... I don't have many friends! After coming to this world, I also So few friends! Woo..."

Seeing Xiao Luo like this, Dakdo sighed helplessly and let go, Xiao Luo sat limply on the ground, watched Jingjing and Fang Tian and cried loudly: "This is impossible, why is it like this, people in this world are not won't you die?"

Dakdo sighed: "No one will die, you and I will be no exception!"

"If they also die of old age, they shouldn't die now, they shouldn't..."

Dakdo was silent, and after a long time, he said lightly: "It's not impossible to save them!"

The crying stopped instantly, and Xiao Luo stood up with a "chuckle": "How can I help?"

Dakoto pointed to the two Celebi and said, "Have you forgotten them?"

Xiao Luo's eyes lit up: "Traveling through time and space?! That's right, why didn't I think of it!"

Dakdo frowned and said, "But this is not a simple matter."

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The time of occurrence is too short, which requires too much time travel. After all, Celebi is not Dialga, and the control of time is very weak. Maybe we will time travel to several decades ago. In this way, Even if it fails completely, it is impossible for us to wait that long in that time and space. Moreover, Celebi’s crossing consumes a lot of energy, which is also an unstable factor.”

"In addition, and the most important point, if you change history without authorization, unpredictable things will happen. Such things are often terrible. If you really plan to do this, you must be mentally prepared to face everything!"

"It must be done no matter what!" Xiao Luo was extremely firm, "I don't think Celebi will object!"


Celebi nodded vigorously.

Dakdo sighed and said, "Okay then, since you've decided, then give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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