Chapter 289 Origin, origin!
Dakdo patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder, and comforted him: "We have two Celebi, so we will be much more confident."

Xiao Luo asked, "Are you going too?"

Dakdo smiled and said: "It's common for me to travel through time and space, so let's go with you. Otherwise, if something happens to you, my protective umbrella will be gone."

Xiao Luo laughed happily. With Dakoto as a powerful helper, I believe that no matter how big the problem is, it will not be too difficult.

"When did Jingjing and Fang Tian come here?" Dakdo asked the sad-faced Big-billed Gull next to him.

"Gah!" The big-billed gull raised its two feathers humanly!
"Two days!" Duck said after pondering for a while, "That means traveling to at least five days ago!"

"Five days ago?" Xiao Luo was a little puzzled.

"The location where Celebi crossed is not certain. If the distance is too far, we will have to travel a long way. After calculating the error, five days is just right!" After Dakoto explained, he said to the two Celebi Asked: "Five days ago, are you sure?"

After the two Celebi looked at each other, they nodded vigorously to Dakoto.

"Little Luo, come here and stand in a circle hand in hand, this will be more conducive to Sherabi's control of time."

Xiao Luo hurriedly ran up to hold Dakdo's hand, and when the other hand was about to hold Celebi's little hand, Geng Gui's paw suddenly stretched out.

Under Xiao Luo's puzzled gaze, Geng Gui explained: "I have to go too, otherwise the Chuangshi Boss won't let me go if something happens to you."

Darkley flew up silently and grabbed Geng Gui's paw.Its duty is the same as that of Geng Gui, it must ensure Xiao Luo's safety.

"Is it okay?" Xiao Luo looked at Dakdo.

Xiao Luo still hopes that Geng Gui and Darkley will go together. They are the strongest fighting power in Xiao Luo's hands. Facing the unknown, Xiao Luo naturally hopes that they will be by his side.

Duck nodded and said: "Yes, the elves have little influence!"

"Let's go then!"

"Celebi, are you ready?" Dakdo asked with a serious expression.


The two Celebi nodded at the same time.

"let's start!"


As the two Celebi shouted in sync, the group of people and the elves turned into streaks of light and disappeared into this space.

Just before Xiao Luo and Duck opened their eyes, a thick white light galloped towards them.

Xiao Luo and Darko were immediately frightened and foolish on the spot. Fortunately, Darkley reacted quickly and flew up, holding up the pitch-black shield to temporarily block the attack of white light.

Xiao Luo, who was relieved, immediately commanded: "Geng Gui, help!"

Dakdo quickly took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Dakley, you also go to help!"

The three elves propped up the shield at the same time, and only then did they firmly block the white light.

"Little Luo!" A pleasantly shouted voice came from behind.

Xiao Luo turned around and looked, and found that it was Jingjing and Fang Tian. Although they were a little embarrassed at the moment, they were safe and sound.

"Jingjing, Fang Tian!" Xiao Luo wept with joy, opened his arms to hug the two of them, and said incoherently, "It's great, you are still's okay, I'm here..."

"Xiao Luo, what's wrong with you?" Fang Tian asked with some doubts, "Also, why did you suddenly appear here?"

Xiao Luo let go of the two, wiped away her tears and said, "I'm so happy, hehe, I'm really so happy..."

"Why did you suddenly appear here?" Fang Tian asked again.

"This is a long story, let's talk about it when you have time!"

At this moment, Dakdo suddenly said to Xiao Luo: "Xiao Luo, there is a problem with this space!"

"What's the question... Ben Yuan!" Xiao Luo suddenly noticed the light of Yuan Yuan's bracelet, and opened his mouth in surprise, "There are still two of them!"

Little Luo didn't care about exploring space with Duck, and hurriedly looked up at the elves in the sky.

"Origin?" Dakoto was stunned, "What origin?"

"I'll explain to you when I have time!" Xiao Luo stared at the sky without blinking.After the white light dissipated, an elegant elf appeared in everyone's eyes.

"It's actually Xie Mi!" Xiao Luo's expression turned ugly.

"It's Xie Mi, and it's in the form of the sky, but... isn't this size a bit bigger!"

Dakoto had never seen an elf transformed from the original source, so it was unavoidable to be surprised to see Xie Mi, who was more than twice the normal size.

Xiao Luo ignored him, looking around, looking for another original spirit.

"Is there another one?" Xiao Luo was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he never found the other Yuanyuan.

At this time, after blocking Xie Mi's attack, Geng Gui pulled his hands together, and a pitch-black energy ball was formed instantly. Just when Geng Gui was about to shoot out, there was a flash of green light, and Geng Gui was knocked and flew far away by the embarrassment.Immediately after two bang bang bangs, the two Dakleys fell to the ground.And after this series of attacks, Xiao Luo still didn't find the shadow of the original elf.

call out!
Xie Mi shot out a thick sun flame again, covering the two Darkrai.

"Xanadu, King Hippopotamus, Electric Shock Monster use protection, Gyarados, Kuailong, Baldy Bird, attack, Bangira, guard the space door for me, don't let anything out!" Xiao Luo moved both hands, copying out all the elves The ball is thrown.

Xanadu, King Hippopotamus and Electric Shock Beast appeared in front of the two Darkleys, and the three elves worked together to set up a huge protection to resist the attack of the sun and flames.The Tyrannosaurus opened its mouth and shot out a spiral jet of water fiercely, Bi Diao even spewed out a colorful flame, while Kuailong screamed and launched a fierce dragon charge.Xiao Luo's elves all had experience fighting against the source, and they showed no mercy when they started.

Just after the fierce fight here, Bangira walked to the space door with heavy steps. Her huge body blocked the entire space door behind her. She straightened her body and roared angrily, but coughed violently after a short time , really affect its domineering.

"Dakoto, help, don't hold back, or we'll finish the game together!"

Dak mostly saw that Xiao Luo spoke cautiously, without being verbose. With a flick of his hand, five elf balls flew out. The appearance of the super cool five elves was even more shocking than Xiao Luo's elves.

The fast dragon that launched the dragon's charge was knocked away by the sudden attack.Fortunately, the water cannon of Gyarados and the sacred flame of Bi Diao staggered Xie Mi back, and rescued Xanadu and other elves.

The power of the source is too strong, and the protection trick of the three elves working together is also difficult to defend.

After attacking Xie Mi, Bi Diao noticed the movements on the battlefield, Diao's eyes turned back and forth, and his expression rarely became serious.


Bi Diao suddenly screamed, and the lightning flashed instantly, and a white light crossed the sky horizontally.

The other origin was finally brought out of its original form by Bi Diao using its characteristics!

"Iron ninja!" Seeing this original elf, Xiao Luo frowned and finally understood why he couldn't see it.

The moment the Iron Ninja appeared, Dakdo also frowned deeply, and said to Xiao Luo, "It's very troublesome!"

Xiao Luo said in a deep voice: "I have to fight even troubles, this is my duty!"


Xiao Luo shook the bracelet: "This, you forgot?"

Dakdo asked in surprise: "Have you been fighting against such elves?"

Xiao Luo shook her head: "They are not elves, and they rarely appear!"

Dakdo didn't ask any more questions, looking at the situation on the battlefield, he said: "The attack seems to have no effect, and nothing happened to Xie Mi!"

"It's effective, just hit it a few more times!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo looked at Dakdo seriously and said in a deep voice, "Dakdo, help me once!"

Duck was stunned, and then nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

Fang Tian said at this time: "Xiao Luo, and us, we can also help!"

Jingjing followed suit and said, "Don't underestimate us, anyway, we are also the champion and runner-up in the Fengyuan area!"

In fact, at this time, most of the elves of the two of them lost their ability to fight. Fang Tian had three elves left, the Bronze Bell, the Turtle, and a Muke Eagle.Jingjing only had the giant marsh monster and the duck-billed flame dragon left!And all of them were injured, and their combat effectiveness was seriously insufficient.

Xiao Luo didn't reject them because of this, but said with a chuckle: "I don't mean to underestimate you, I wish you could help. Come on, let's destroy them together!"


Fang Tian smiled excitedly, and stood side by side with Xiao Luo and Dakdo, and the three elves also joined the "army" of elves.Jingjing stood on the other side of Xiao Luo, and the duck-billed fire dragon spewed flames excitedly, howling and rushing up, even the silent giant marsh monster let out a loud roar, and rushed to the front row with hands and feet!


(End of this chapter)

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