Chapter 291: Twin Dreams Strike!

The emerald green ninja immediately stared at Xiao Luo as soon as he appeared, his cold eyes made Xiao Luo feel chills all over.

"Ignorant reptile, I will tear you apart!" A strange voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Luo's mind.

call out!
The iron-masked ninja moved and rushed towards Xiao Luo at top speed!

In the arena, only the bald bird could vaguely see the Iron Ninja's movements. Seeing it attacking Xiao Luo, he swooped down in front of Xiao Luo in a panic, with its huge wings stretched out, completely blocking Xiao Luo's small body behind him.

Bi Diao was knocked into the air, and he flew upside down with Xiao Luo before rolling to the ground.


Bi Diao struggled to prop himself up, and slowly raised his wings, revealing Xiao Luo below.

At this moment, Xiao Luo's whole body was dirty, and the clothes in her hands were lost somewhere, her bare chest and back were covered with scratches, her head was scratched somewhere, and her face was bleeding all over.

"Little Luo..." The three of Dakdo ran up in alarm, and all the elves rushed over to surround them in the middle, watching the surrounding situation in horror.


Bi Diao yelled softly again, as if calling for Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo crawled up with hands and feet, his lips were black, his body trembled inexplicably, and he cursed frantically: "I don't know how to kill me, come on... come out, come kill me..."

Dakoto grabbed Xiao Luo who couldn't restrain his trembling and said loudly: "Xiao Luo, calm down!"

Although Dakdo was also scared to death, but he knew that there must be no chaos now, otherwise there would really be no chance at all.

Seeing that Xiao Luo's mood eased, Dakdo immediately asked: "Tell me quickly, what is going on..."

call out!
Before he finished speaking, Fang Tian's Terra Turtle and Bronze Mirror suffered an inexplicable attack, and they lost their fighting ability with just one blow.

"Quickly tell me, what's going on? Why did Xie Mi disappear, why did the Iron Masked Ninja suddenly appear like this..."

Xiao Luo took a long breath, shook his head slowly after stabilizing his emotions, and remained silent.

"Hehe..." Dakoto said with a miserable smile, "Okay then, just wait here to die!"

call out!
Xiao Luo's Kuailong lost the ability to fight.

call out!
The king who asked for leave fell to the ground and couldn't afford it.

call out!
Fang Tian's platform turtle fell down again.



Just as the elves in the arena were ten to seven, and the invisible threat made everyone's faces turn pale, Bi Diao suddenly raised his head and let out a shrill cry.Everyone looked up and saw a green light shining straight down.Just as Bi Diao struggled and flew up to meet the crowd and closed their eyes in despair, two white figures suddenly appeared above the crowd, and a huge purple energy shield propped up to protect everyone.

Outside the shield, the Iron Masked Ninja was thrown out by the embarrassing bullet.

Seeing Xiao Luo's miserable situation, Chaomeng was stunned and said: "I'm sorry, we are late!"

Geng Gui was a little dissatisfied and said: "If you come a little later, you can collect Xiao Luo's body."

Chaomeng explained: "There is a problem with this space, Master Arceus can't locate it directly. We were teleported to the vicinity and rushed here."

"Chaomeng? And..." Dakdo looked at Yameng with a puzzled expression.

"Yameng, a brand new life form, not many people know about it!" Chaomeng and Yameng appeared, and Xiao Luo finally stabilized his emotions.After a brief explanation, he asked Chaomeng, "Where is Arceus?"

"It's very busy!" Chaomeng responded lightly.

"Chaomeng?" Fang Tian asked in surprise, "Is it the beast from the Rockets?"

Xiao Luo nodded: "But it is following Arceus now!"

"Arzeus? Creator God Arceus?!" Jingjing opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Xiao Luo waved his hand and said, "Now is not the time to talk about these things. In short, let's settle this matter first, and I will explain everything clearly after I leave!"

Chaomeng glanced at Xiao Luo meaningfully, and then asked aloud: "What's going on, why is it so miserable this time?"

Xiao Luo simply explained: "Double origin devours!"

"Swallow?" Chaomeng's pupils shrank, and he looked at the Iron Masked Ninja with a serious expression.

Yameng was also taken aback when he heard the words, and after looking at the Iron Ninja again, he shook his head and said, "No, not as powerful as the original Kuailong!"

Xiao Luo explained: "That's because we had already broken up one before and devoured it after breaking up."

Chaomeng and Yameng looked at each other, and both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.Then, the two elves attacked the Iron Ninja from left to right.

Xiao Luo hurriedly reminded: "Be careful, it's extremely fast."

Just when Chaomeng and Yameng were hitting the Iron Ninja with the shield on, the Iron Ninja finally moved, a green light flashed, and the Iron Ninja disappeared without a trace again.

Chaomeng looked around, and could vaguely see the flying figure of the Iron Masked Ninja.

"How is it?" Chaomeng asked Yameng.

Yameng shook his head: "I can barely see it, but it is almost impossible to defeat it!"

Chaomeng slowly closed his eyes with a serious expression, and a burst of evolution light lingered, Chaomeng's body became thinner and smaller, especially the head, the back of the head stretched long, like a braid and a tail long around the body.

call out!
Chaomeng moved, and the speed was too fast to be seen, and there was a fierce collision sound in mid-air.

"That was a mega evolution just now, right?" Dakoto asked incredulously, "Can Chaomeng also mega evolve?"

"It should be possible!" Xiao Luo said vaguely.

"It's amazing!" Fang Tian exclaimed.

"Indeed!" Jingjing agreed. Although she couldn't see the traces of the two elves, she was still searching hard.

Dakdo asked Xiao Luo: "Can Chaomeng win?"

Xiao Luo shook her head: "I don't know either."

Chaomeng was knocked to the ground, smashing a huge pit.With a gloomy face, Chaomeng rushed up again...

The Iron Ninja was knocked down, and a deep hole was also smashed out.At the same time, Chaomeng rushed down with the energy shield at a high speed, hitting the iron-faced ninja.The ground set off waves, rippling in circles, sand and gravel splashing, and the air waves surging.

At this time, the wings of the Iron Ninja vibrated at a high speed, and the ear-piercing sound came out like ultrasonic waves, which made Chaomeng show a painful expression. Even Xiao Luo and others in the audience couldn't help plugging their ears, with painful expressions.

Afterwards, the iron ninja's hands glowed with green fluorescence, and they crossed and smashed Chaomeng into the air.Chaomeng, who got up again in embarrassment, had already begun to pant slightly.

"Yameng, go to Lord Arceus, I will entangle it!"

Yameng glanced at Chaomeng, then flew towards the space door, and a faint voice came: "Be careful!"

Bangira didn't stop Yameng from leaving, just like they entered.It's just that Bangila's black fluorescence and scarlet eyes caused Yameng to frown.

As soon as Yameng left, the Iron Ninja visibly panicked.Although Chaomeng is telepathic, it can also hear it.Even after devouring an Essence, it still seems to fear Arceus.

With a flash of green light, the Iron Ninja rushed towards the space door.


Bangira seemed to be able to see its action, spread his legs apart, raised his hands slightly, and made a blocking movement.

call out!
Chaomeng appeared in front of Bangira in an instant, and when he pulled his hands, a super-large pitch-black energy ball appeared, knocking the iron-faced ninja into the air in embarrassment.

Then Chaomeng turned his head and glanced at Bangira, and said lightly: "Keep it safe!"


Bangira didn't seem to appreciate it, and yelled at Chaomeng extremely dissatisfied.

Chaomeng ignored it, the figure moved, disappeared from the field of vision, and collided fiercely with the iron ninja again...

Mewtwo was shot down.

Mewtwo was shot down again.


With the passage of time, Chaomeng's physical strength has declined and the combat effectiveness is seriously insufficient. If it weren't for the iron ninja who wanted to escape, perhaps Chaomeng had already been beaten to release the mega state.The only good thing is that Mewtwo can always keep up with the speed of the Iron Ninja, and every time the Iron Ninja rushes to the space door, it stops it in time.

Time was getting tighter and tighter, and the Iron Ninja was in a hurry. After shooting down Chaomeng again, his claws glowed green and followed him up, the ground collapsed, and Chaomeng let out a miserable cry.

Afterwards, the Iron Ninja gave up Mewtwo and rushed towards Bangira at top speed.

"Bangira, stop it!" Xiao Luo shouted loudly.


Bangira roared, opened his mouth to shoot out a violent chaotic light, and shot forward.

call out!
The green light shone, and the iron ninja struck sideways, and the green insect claws knocked Bangira's bulky body upside down and flew back.

Afterwards, the iron-masked ninja plunged headlong towards the space gate.But at this moment, the space door rippled, and a majestic elf with a roulette on his waist floated in. The iron-faced ninja was caught off guard and bumped into the elf...

 It's over, let's just have two chapters a day for now, and try to three chapters a day next month.I can only say try my best, not a guarantee!

(End of this chapter)

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