Chapter 292 The Power of Arceus!

"The God of Creation, he is really the God of Creation!" Jingjing hugged Fang Tian's arm in both surprise and excitement.

Fang Tian said kindly, his face was slightly red, and he looked at Jingjing with an unnatural expression, probably because Jingjing had never made such an intimate gesture to him.

"It really appeared!" Seeing the mythical beast at the top of the legendary pyramid appear alive in front of him, Dakdo couldn't keep calm.

"Huh?" Chuangshi Shen cast a glance at the Iron Ninja, and just one glance made the Iron Ninja retreat quickly as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

The God of Creation floated in leisurely, followed closely by Yameng.

The God of Creation sized up the situation on the scene, and after pausing for a while on Xiao Luo and the others and Chaomeng, he looked at the Iron Ninja and said, "Have you devoured the source of the grass? It's a pity that there is no time to fully digest it, and the power is still low." Poor!"

Feeling the aura of the God of Creation, Iron Mask Ninja's face changed drastically: "How is this possible... did you become so powerful."

Chuangshi Shen was silent.

"You fused them?" Iron Ninja looked terrified.

Chuangshi Shen said lightly: "The balance of this world can no longer be controlled by you."

"You dare to do this, you will definitely suffer retribution, and you will die without a place to die." Iron Ninja's voice was sharp and harsh.Afterwards, the Iron Masked Ninja looked at Xiao Luo angrily, "It must be him, otherwise you would not be able to hunt us down. You said we are disrupting the balance. Isn't it disrupting the balance if you bring someone who does not belong to this world?"

Chuangshishen was silent for a while before saying: "It is also because of you to pursue the root cause."

Iron Ninja asked, "Will you fuse me too?"

"You can't escape!"

"Then don't run away!" Iron Masked Ninja said fiercely, "I'll kill him and see what you will do in the future!" After speaking, he immediately moved, his figure disappeared instantly, and rushed towards Xiao Luo.


The Chuangshi God shouted angrily, and the blue fluorescent light burst out, forming a light curtain that spread throughout the space.

The space was still, the Iron Ninja was restrained in mid-air, and even Xiao Luo and the others were controlled, unable to even breathe.

Chuang Shi Shen raised his head slightly, forming a dazzling golden light ball in front of his mouth, and then turned into a burst of energy gushing golden light, which knocked the Iron Masked Ninja down to the ground.

The fluorescence dissipated, and Xiao Luo and the others tilted their bodies, almost falling to the ground. Although the powerful energy was only for a moment, it made Xiao Luo and the others extremely uncomfortable.

call out!
The green fluorescence flashed again, still rushing towards Xiao Luo.

The God of Creation ran and stood in front of Xiao Luo in an instant. The golden energy shield propped up to protect Xiao Luo and others.With a bang, the iron-masked ninja hit the shield, appearing in dismay after being shot.

The God of Creation took the opportunity to roar, and the sound waves emitted, forming a terrifying transparent vortex and sweeping towards the Iron Masked Ninja.The Iron Ninja was unable to dodge, and was forced to the ground by the sound wave, enduring a terrible attack.

After the sound wave passed, the Iron Ninja fought back angrily, and a dazzling colored light roared towards the God of Creation.However, the radiant slate appeared, completely absorbing the colored light.

Chuang Shi Shen shot out a golden light again, the tyrannical force deformed the light obviously, and hit the iron ninja in a gushing manner, and there was another violent explosion sound, and the shock wave raged, destroying all the surrounding tall trees.The iron-masked ninja was thrown flying in embarrassment.

The God of Creation landed, stepped on the iron ninja, and firmly suppressed the iron ninja like a mountain.Then, a milky white energy ball exuding golden fluorescence gradually formed in front of the God of Creation's mouth, and he lowered his head and pressed it under the horrified eyes of the iron-faced ninja.


The light was dazzling, and after a loud noise, the space shattered, and the strong wind carried the broken wood, drifted into the cracks, shattered into dust and disappeared.

After the smoke dissipated, the God of Creation still stood majestically in place, while the ninja in the iron mask under his feet disappeared.The two origins flew up and down towards the space crack.

Xiao Luo was startled, and hurriedly said: "Geng Gui, help me!"

Geng Gui's eyes glowed blue, and he controlled Xiao Luo to fly up. Through the subtle induction of super powers, Xiao Luo could move without restraint.

Seeing that Yuanyuan was about to hit the crack in space, Xiao Luo also became anxious, accelerated and rushed up, and said to the God of Creation at the same time: "They want to enter the crack in space!"

Chuangshi God's eyes were fixed, and his body glowed with colored light. Three stone slabs flew out at the same time, and slowly rotated around the crack, releasing traces of colored light.After a while, the space crack disappeared, and the place calmed down immediately.

The crack disappeared, and Xiao Luo immediately felt relieved, and accelerated to rush to Yuanyuan again, grabbing them one by one in his hands.Ben Yuan is still struggling, but his strength is not very strong, Xiao Luo can barely control it.

"Dakto, lend me your clothes!"

Dakdo was stunned, and asked aloud, "Why?"

"it works!"

Dakoto frowned, although he was a little reluctant, he still took off the red cape-like clothes, and floated towards Xiao Luo under the control of Geng Gui.There is also a black short-sleeved T-shirt in Dakoto. Without the red dress as a burden, the slender and well-proportioned figure is eye-catching, and he is a handsome guy.It's just...the hair is longer.

After wrapping Yuan Yuan with clothes, Xiao Luo came to Chuang Shi Shen.Chuangshishen nodded slightly, controlled the clothes and flew towards Yameng.

It wasn't until Yameng took the clothes into his hands that Chuangshishen said, "Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Luo."

"It's just a condition, there's nothing hard to talk about." After a pause, Xiao Luo asked hesitantly, "Why is the source so strong this time?"

The God of Creation sighed slightly, and explained: "They have been absorbing the energy of the original system since they left the original space, only absorbing and not feeding back, so the longer the time is, the stronger the original power will be."

Xiao Luo frowned and said, "This won't cause any problems, right?"

"There will be fewer and fewer elves born, and there will be many innate deficiencies, and their strength will be weakened!"

"Is it really that serious?"

Chuangshi Shen nodded: "So, you have to hurry up."

"Is there no way to stop it?"

"Once the original source leaves the original space, no one can control it, and I am no exception."

Xiao Luo said bitterly: "The origin is now hiding deeper and deeper, and it is very difficult to be discovered. For example, this time, if Jingjing and Fang Tian were not my friends, I would never have found this kind of place. Open up Independent space, how could you let me find them."

Chuang Shi Shen was silent for a while and said: "You go to Dr. Sweet Roll and bring Palkiya's energy crystals with you. It can sense the existence of some small independent spaces around it."

Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Will he give it to me?"

"I'll tell him!"

Chuangshishen reminded Xiao Luo: "Don't think about using the original space to do anything. That space has been completely sealed by me. If this world is still destroyed in the end, it will be the last piece of pure land."

Xiao Luo suddenly became anxious: "Is it okay if I go in and have a look?"

Chuangshi Shen shook his head slowly.

"Okay, what about the things I asked you to collect? You should give them to me now! The source is getting stronger and stronger, and Bi Diao and the others are already a little hard to resist."

The God of Creation glanced at Chaomeng beside Yameng, and Chaomeng flew up. He did not know where to take out a dozen mega evolutionary stones, and said to Xiao Luo: "Me and Yameng have collected so many."

Xiao Luo excitedly took all the mega evolutionary stones, and asked the God of Creation casually, "This evolutionary stone is also a kind of energy, right? Could it be that you can't create it?"

Creation God said: "This is a magical product of nature. The source may understand the mystery, but I don't know much about it. Well, I'm leaving first. You also go back as soon as possible, and stay for too long in this time and space that does not belong to you. It will have a very bad effect in the long run.”

Little Luo was not at all surprised that Chuang Shi Shen could see that he had come here through time travel, and said, "Celebi's energy is exhausted, we can't go back now."

The God of Creation shook his head helplessly, and two stone slabs flew out from his back again, and sprinkled colorful brilliance over the two paralyzed Celebi.After a while, the two Celebi flew up energetically.In addition, Dakdo Sherabi's scars have also been completely repaired.

"Go back early!" After taking back the source, Chuangshishen took Chaomeng and Yameng through the space gate and left.


(End of this chapter)

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